Proteaceae Juss.
Grevillea jephcottii J.H.Willis
, legitimate, scientific
[Willis, J.H. (15 July 1967), Systematic notes on the indigenous Australian flora. Muelleria 1(3)]:
[tax. nov.]
"S.W. slopes of Pine Mountain (± 7 miles S.E. of Walwa), Upper Murray region, Victoria, among granite rocks in dryish eucalypt forest at ± 620 m. (2,000 feet) alt. – J.H.Willis, 17 Nov. 1964 (MEL). ISOTYPES at MEL, NSW, BRI, AD, CANB, K."
[Wrigley, J.W. & Fagg, M. (1989), Banksias, Waratahs & Grevilleas and all other plants in the Australian Proteaceae family]:
267 (map)
[secondary reference]
common name:
green grevillea
"Jim Willis states that the species name 'was chosen as a mark of respect to the Jephcott family of Ournie on the Upper Murray river above Jingellic, NSW, especially to Sydney Wheeler Jephcott who discovered the plant when only fourteen (in 1878) and who died at the age of 86 on 3 July 1951'."
[Makinson, R.O. in Harden, G.J. (ed.) (1991), Grevillea. Flora of New South Wales 2]:
[secondary reference]
[McGillivray, D.J & Makinson, R.O. (1993), Grevillea, Proteaceae: a taxonomic revision]:
[secondary reference]
[Olde, P.M. & Marriott, N.R. (1995), The Grevillea Book 2]:
216-217 (Plate 180, fig., map)
[secondary reference]
common name:
Pine Mountain Grevillea
common name:
Green Grevillea
[Makinson, R.O. in Walsh, N.G. & Entwisle, T.J. (ed.) (1996), Grevillea. Flora of Victoria 3]:
857, Fig. 174b
[secondary reference]
common name:
Pine Mountain Grevillea
[Makinson, R.O. in Wilson, A.J.G. (ed.) (2000), Grevillea. Flora of Australia 17A]:
303, Map 279
[secondary reference]
common name:
Pine Mountain Grevillea
[Ross, J.H. & Walsh, N.G. (June 2003), A Census of the Vascular Plants of Victoria Edn. 7]:
[secondary reference]
Phebalium sp. aff. diosmeum
by [Willis, J.H. (1973), A Handbook to Plants in Victoria Edn. 2, 2]: 334
[Christenhusz, M.J.M., Fay, M.F. & Byng, J.W. (9 February 2018), GLOVAP Nomenclature Part 1. The Global Flora: a practical flora to vascular plant species of the world 4]:
basionym of:
Hakea jephcottii (J.H.Willis) Christenh. & Byng