Asteraceae Bercht. & J.Presl
Senecio brachyglossus F.Muell. ex Benth. , nom. illeg., scientific
Bentham, G. (5 January 1867), Orders XLVIII. Myrtaceae- LXII. Compositae. Flora Australiensis 3: 669-670 BHL [tax. nov.]
taxonomic synonym: Erechtites glossanthus Sond. legitimate
  • Comment: nom. illeg., non Turcz. (1851).
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1882), Systematic Census of Australian Plants: 84 [secondary reference]
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1885), Systematic Census of Australian Plants Suppl. 2: 4 [secondary reference]
Dixon, W.A. (1906), The Plants of New South Wales: 198 [secondary reference]
Bailey, F.M. (1913), Comprehensive Catalogue of Queensland Plants: 275 [secondary reference]
Black, J.M. (1929), Bignoniaceae - Compositae. Flora of South Australia 4: 611-612, Fig. 269 [secondary reference]
Belcher, R.O. (1956), A Revision of the Genus Erechtites (Compositae) with Inquiries into Senecio and Arrhenechthites. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 43: 1-85 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Senecio glomeratus Desf. ex Poir. legitimate
Black, J.M. & Robertson, E.L. (1957), Flora of South Australia Edn. 2, 4: 884, Fig. 1185 [secondary reference]
Eichler, Hj. (1965), Supplement to J.M.Black's Flora of South Australia (Second Edition, 1943-1957): 307 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Senecio glossanthus (Sond.) Belcher legitimate
Lawrence, M.E. in Jessop, J.P. (ed.) (1981), Senecio. Flora of Central Australia: 384 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Senecio glossanthus (Sond.) Belcher legitimate
Stanley, T.D. in Stanley, T.D. & Ross, E.M. (1986), Asteraceae. Flora of South-eastern Queensland 2: 576 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Senecio glossanthus (Sond.) Belcher legitimate
Walsh, N.G. in Walsh, N.G. & Entwisle, T.J. (ed.) (1999), Senecio. Flora of Victoria 4: 953 [misapplied]
misapplied to: Senecio glossanthus (Sond.) Belcher legitimate by Bentham, G. (5 January 1867), Orders XLVIII. Myrtaceae- LXII. Compositae. Flora Australiensis 3: 669-670
Thompson, I.R. (24 June 2005), Taxonomic studies of Australian Senecio (Asteraceae) 4. A revision of Senecio glossanthus and recognition of an allied species with long ligules. Muelleria 21: 6 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Senecio glossanthus (Sond.) Belcher legitimate
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2011), Australian Plant Census: - [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Senecio glossanthus (Sond.) Belcher legitimate