Scrophulariaceae Juss.
Eremophila resiliens Buirchell & A.P.Br. , legitimate, scientific
Buirchell, B.J. & Brown, A.P. (13 December 2016), New species of Eremophila (Scrophulariaceae): thirteen geographically restricted species from Western Australia. Nuytsia 27: 275-277, Figs 4 (map), 13 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "[west of Carnegie] Western Australia [precise locality withheld for conservation reasons], 12 July 2010, R.J. Dadd 27 (holo: PERTH 08527628; iso: CANB, MEL)."
taxonomic synonym: Eremophila sp. Nooloo breakaway (R.J.Dadd 27) WA Herbarium [n/a]
  • Etymology: "From the Latin resiliens (springing back), in reference to this species’ ability to recover from drought. When first discovered, plants were in poor condition with few leaves at the ends of branches but, following rain, fully recovered, producing a dense covering of leaves."
Parker, C.M. & Percy-Bower, J.M. (22 March 2018), Updates to Western Australia’s vascular plant census for 2017. Nuytsia 29: 7 [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Eremophila sp. Nooloo breakaway (R.J.Dadd 27) WA Herbarium [n/a]
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (31 July 2018), Australian Plant Census: - APC [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Eremophila sp. Nooloo Breakaway [n/a] taxonomic synonym: Eremophila sp. Nooloo breakaway (R.J.Dadd 27) WA Herbarium [n/a]
  • APC Dist.: WA