Myrtaceae Juss.
Leptospermum buxifolium H.L.Wendl.
, legitimate, scientific
[Wendland, H.L. in Otto, C.F. & Dietrich, A.G. (ed.) (1833), Allgemeine Gartenzeitung 1]:
[tax. nov.]
"Die Blüthezeit, Juni. ... Das Baterland Neuholland. ... Im Jahre 1828 hahe ich ben Samen ohne Namen durch die Güte des Herrn Aiton zu Kew in England eri halten, mit der Weifung, dass selbiger aus Neuholland sei"
[Otto, C.F. & Dietrich, A.G. in Otto, C.F. & Dietrich, A.G. (ed.) (1841), Allgemeine Gartenzeitung 9]:
[secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym:
Leptospermum obovatum Sweet
taxonomic synonym:
Leptospermum roseum Otto & A.Dietr.
nom. inval., pro syn.
taxonomic synonym:
Leptospermum retusum Otto & A.Dietr.
nom. inval., pro syn.
taxonomic synonym:
Leptospermum aquaticum Otto & A.Dietr.
nom. inval., pro syn.
[Thompson, J. (8 December 1989), A revision of the genus Leptospermum (Myrtaceae). Telopea 3(3)]:
[secondary reference]
"There are probably no extant specimens of species described in this series of papers. They were based on living material and any specimens would have been in B."
[Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census]:
[taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of:
Leptospermum polygalifolium Salisb.