Stylidiaceae R.Br.
Stylidium rotundifolium R.Br. , legitimate, scientific
Brown, R. (27 March 1810), Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae et insulae Van-Diemen, exhibens characteres plantarum quas annis 1802-1805: 571 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "(T.) v.v."
Bentham, G. (16 December 1868), Flora Australiensis 4: 25 BHL [secondary reference]
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1882), Systematic Census of Australian Plants: 86 [basionym]
basionym of: Candollea rotundifolia (R.Br.) F.Muell. legitimate
Bailey, F.M. (1913), Comprehensive Catalogue of Queensland Plants: 282 [secondary reference]
Green, J.W. (1985), Census of the Vascular Plants of Western Australia Edn. 2: 162 [secondary reference]
Dunlop, C.R. (1987), Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Northern Territory. Technical Report: Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory 26: 77 [secondary reference]
Wheeler, J.R. in Wheeler, J.R. (ed.) (1992), Stylidiaceae. Flora of the Kimberley Region: 883 [secondary reference]
Bean, A.R. (15 December 2000), A revision of the Stylidium subg. Andersonia (R.Br. ex G.Don) Mildbr. (Stylidiaceae). Austrobaileya 5(4): 631-633, Map 18 APC [secondary reference]
  • Lectotype: East Coast, Port 1 [Queensland. Port Curtis District: Curtis Isalnd or Facing Island, 23 4-'S 151 1-"E], 5-9 August 1802, R.Brown (Bennett No. 2600) (lecto: BM).
nomenclatural synonym: Candollea rotundifolia (R.Br.) F.Muell. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Stylidium irriguum W.Fitzg. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Stylidium reductum Carlquist legitimate
  • APC Dist.: WA, NT, Qld
Western Australian Herbarium (2011), FloraBase: the Western Australian Flora Version 2.6: - [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Stylidium irriguum W.Fitzg. legitimate
Wege, J.A. (8 June 2017), Stylidium miscellany 3: a synopsis of Robert Brown’s Stylidiaceae types and occasional notes on associated names. Nuytsia 28: 243 [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Candollea rotundifolia (R.Br.) F.Muell. legitimate