Cyperaceae Juss.
Kyllinga cylindrica Nees
, legitimate, scientific
[Nees von Esenbeck, C.G.D. in Wight, R. (December 1834), Cyperaceae Indicae, praecipue juxta herbaria Wightii, Wallichii, Roylei et Lindleyi. Contributions to the Botany of India]:
[tax. nov.]
"N. ab E. in herb. Royle. n. 39. – β, monostachya.– Kyllingia. Wall. cat. n. 3442. – Nepal."
[Hooker, J.D. (29 December 1859), Introductory Essay. The botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M. Discovery ships Erebus and Terror. III. Flora Tasmaniae 2(11)]:
[secondary reference]
[Bentham, G. (March 1878), Flora Australiensis 7]:
[secondary reference]
[Mueller, F.J.H. von (1882), Systematic Census of Australian Plants]:
[secondary reference]
[Bailey, F.M. (1913), Comprehensive Catalogue of Queensland Plants]:
591, Fig. 573
[secondary reference]
[Domin, K. (1915), Beitrage zur Flora und Pflanzengeographie Australiens. Bibliotheca Botanica 20(85)]:
[secondary reference]
[Kükenthal, G. in Engler, H.G.A. (1936), Cyperaceae-Scirpoideae-Cypereae. Das Pflanzenreich 101]:
[taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of:
Cyperus sesquiflorus (Torr.) Mattf. & Kük.
[Koyama, T. (1977), The Cyperaceae Tribe Cypereae of Ceylon. The Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore 30]:
basionym of:
Kyllinga odorata subsp. cylindrica (Nees) T.Koyama
[Jacobs, S.W.L. & Pickard, J. (1981), Plants of New South Wales]:
[taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of:
Cyperus sesquiflorus (Torr.) Mattf. & Kük.
[Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2012), Australian Plant Census]:
[secondary reference]
orthographic variant:
Kyllingia cylindrica Nees
orth. var.
APC Comment:
A widespread taxon, now referred to Kyllinga odorata subsp. cylindrica (Nees) T.Koyama. Listed by J.D.Hooker in the introductory essay to Fl. Tasman. 2(II): xlvii (1859) and recorded by G.Bentham, Fl. Austral. 7: 252 (1787) and K.Domin, Biblioth. Bot., 85(20): 414 (1915), but not known to occur in Australia.
[Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (7 July 2021), Australian Plant Census]:
[secondary reference]
orthographic variant:
Kyllingia cylindrica Nees
orth. var.
nomenclatural synonym:
Kyllingia odorata subsp. cylindrica (Nees) T.Koyama
nomenclatural synonym:
Kyllinga odorata subsp. cylindrica (Nees) T.Koyama
taxonomic synonym:
Kyllingia pumila Michx.
orth. var.
taxonomic synonym:
Kyllinga pumila Michx.
APC Comment:
A widespread taxon, now referred to Kyllinga odorata subsp. cylindrica (Nees) T.Koyama. Listed by J.D.Hooker in the introductory essay to Fl. Tasman. 2(II): xlvii (1859) and recorded by G.Bentham, Fl. Austral. 7: 252 (1787) and K.Domin, Biblioth. Bot., 85(20): 414 (1915), but not known to occur in Australia.