Poaceae Barnhart
Tragus racemosus (L.) All. , legitimate, scientific
Allioni, C. (1785), Flora Pedemontana 2: 241 [comb. nov.]
basionym: Cenchrus racemosus L. legitimate
  • Comment: Combination indicated, but not validly made by A. von Haller, Hist. Stirp. Helv. 2: 203 (1768) and J.A.Scopoli, Introd. Hist. Nat. 73 (1777).
Bentham, G. (March 1878), Flora Australiensis 7: 507 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Lappago racemosa (L.) Honck. legitimate
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1882), Systematic Census of Australian Plants: 131, 143 [secondary reference]
Bailey, F.M. (1883), A Synopsis of the Queensland Flora: 635 [secondary reference]
  • Comment: Cited as Tragus racemosus Desf.
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1883), The plants indigenous around Sharks Bay and its vicinity. Western Australia - Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council: 23 [secondary reference]
Bailey, F.M. (1888), A few Queensland grasses: 29 [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Lappago racemosa (L.) Honck. legitimate common name: Small Burr Grass [n/a]
Moore, C. (1893), Handbook of the Flora of New South Wales: 475 [secondary reference]
Maiden, J.H. (1898), A manual of the grasses of New South Wales: 64 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Lappago racemosa (L.) Honck. legitimate
Bailey, F.M. (1902), The Queensland Flora 6: 1846 [secondary reference]
Domin, K. (1915), Beitrage zur Flora und Pflanzengeographie Australiens. Bibliotheca Botanica 20(85): 283 [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Cenchrus racemosus L. legitimate nomenclatural synonym: Lappago racemosa (L.) Honck. legitimate
  • Comment: as Tragus racemosus Desf.
Maiden, J.H. & Betche, E. (1916), A Census of New South Wales Plants: 15 [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Lappago racemosa (L.) Honck. legitimate
Black, J.M. (1922), Cyatheaceae - Orchidaceae. Flora of South Australia 1: 56 [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Lappago racemosa (L.) Honck. legitimate common name: Small Bur Grass [n/a]
Gardner, C.A. (1930), Part I. Pteridophyta-Proteaceae. Enumeratio Plantarum Australiae Occidentalis: 6 [secondary reference]
Morris, P.F. in Ewart, A.J. (1931), Gramineae. Flora of Victoria: 118, Fig. 36 [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Cenchrus racemosus L. legitimate nomenclatural synonym: Lappago racemosa (L.) Honck. legitimate
Black, J.M. (1943), Flora of South Australia Edn. 2, 1: 65 [secondary reference]
Gardner, C.A. (1952), Gramineae. Flora of Western Australia 1(1): 185 [misapplied]
misapplied to: Tragus australianus S.T.Blake legitimate by Allioni, C. (1785), Flora Pedemontana 2: 241
Vickery, J.W. (1975), Gramineae. Flora of New South Wales, National Herbarium of New South Wales 19(2): 306 [misapplied]
misapplied to: Tragus australianus S.T.Blake legitimate by Bailey, F.M. (1883), A Synopsis of the Queensland Flora: 635
misapplied to: Tragus australianus S.T.Blake legitimate by Moore, C. (1893), Handbook of the Flora of New South Wales: 475
misapplied to: Tragus australianus S.T.Blake legitimate by Bailey, F.M. (1902), The Queensland Flora 6: 1846
misapplied to: Tragus australianus S.T.Blake legitimate by Domin, K. (1915), Beitrage zur Flora und Pflanzengeographie Australiens. Bibliotheca Botanica 20(85): 283
misapplied to: Tragus australianus S.T.Blake legitimate by Maiden, J.H. & Betche, E. (1916), A Census of New South Wales Plants: 15
misapplied to: Tragus australianus S.T.Blake legitimate by Black, J.M. (1922), Cyatheaceae - Orchidaceae. Flora of South Australia 1: 56
misapplied to: Tragus australianus S.T.Blake legitimate by Morris, P.F. in Ewart, A.J. (1931), Gramineae. Flora of Victoria: 118, Fig. 36
Green, J.W. (1985), Census of the Vascular Plants of Western Australia Edn. 2: 38 [secondary reference]
  • Comment: Appears in square brackets and italics as an "erroneous record".
Walsh, N.G. in Walsh, N.G. & Entwisle, T.J. (ed.) (1994), Poaceae. Flora of Victoria Edn. 1, 2: 580-581, Fig. 117a-b [secondary reference]
Nightingale, M.E. & Weiller, C.M. in Mallett, K. (ed.) (2005), Tragus. Flora of Australia 44B: 268 [misapplied]
misapplied to: Tragus australianus S.T.Blake legitimate by Mueller, F.J.H. von (1883), The plants indigenous around Sharks Bay and its vicinity. Western Australia - Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Council: 23
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2008), Australian Plant Census: - [secondary reference]
orthographic variant: Tragus racemosa Maiden orth. var.