Pennantiaceae J.Agardh
Pennantia cunninghamii Miers , legitimate, scientific
Miers, J. (1852), The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 2 9: 491 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "New South Wales, County of Camden. – (v.s. in herb. Hook. – flor. Illawarra, McArthur-sp. in fruct. Five Islands district, A. Cunningham.)"
Miers, J. (1862), Contributions to Botany, iconographic and descriptive 1: 80, t. 12 [secondary reference]
Bentham, G. (30 May 1863), Flora Australiensis 1: 395 [secondary reference]
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1882), Systematic Census of Australian Plants: 64 [secondary reference]
Dixon, W.A. (1906), The Plants of New South Wales: 156 [secondary reference]
Bailey, F.M. (1913), Comprehensive Catalogue of Queensland Plants: 93 [secondary reference]
Beadle, N.C.W., Evans, O.D. & Carolin, R.C. (1962), Handbook of the Vascular Plants of the Sydney District and Blue Mountains: 303-304 [secondary reference]
common name: Brown Beech [n/a]
Hyland, B.P.M. (1971), A key to the common rainforest trees between Townsville and Cooktown, based on leaf and bark features: 32, Code 160 [secondary reference]
common name: Brown Beech [n/a]
Jacobs, S.W.L. & Pickard, J. (1981), Plants of New South Wales: 136 [secondary reference]
Hyland, B.P.M. (1982), A revised card key to rainforest trees of North Queensland: 34, 118, 144, Code 160 [secondary reference]
common name: Brown Beech [n/a]
Guymer, G.P. in George, A.S. (ed.) (1984), Icacinaceae. Flora of Australia 22: 206, Fig. 54A, Map 245 [secondary reference]
  • APC Dist.: Qld, NSW
Ross, E.M. in Stanley, T.D. & Ross, E.M. (1986), Icacinaceae. Flora of South-eastern Queensland 2: 39, Fig. 5A [secondary reference]
common name: Brown Beech [n/a]
Williams, K.A.W. (1987), Native Plants of Queensland 3: 242 [secondary reference]
common name: Brown Beech [n/a]
Floyd, A.G. (1989), Rainforest Trees of Mainland South-eastern Australia: 166 (fig.) -167 [secondary reference]
common name: Brown Beech [n/a]
Harden, G.J. in Harden, G.J. (ed.) (1992), Icacinaceae. Flora of New South Wales 3: 438 [secondary reference]
common name: Brown Beech [n/a]
Christophel, D.C. & Hyland, B.P.M. in Hyland, B.P.M. & Whiffin, T.P. (1993), Leaf Atlas of Australian Tropical Rain Forest Trees. Australian tropical rain forest trees: an interactive identification system: 8, 36, 119, pl. 57(d), Code 439 [secondary reference]
Hyland, B.P.M. & Whiffin, T.P. (1993), Australian tropical rain forest trees: an interactive identification system 1: 96, 120, 177, Code 160 [secondary reference]
common name: Brown Beech [n/a]
Hyland, B.P.M. & Whiffin, T.P. (1993), Australian tropical rain forest trees: an interactive identification system 2: 177, Code 160 [secondary reference]
Hyland, B.P.M., Gray, B. & Elick, R.W. in Cooper, W.E. & Cooper, W.T. (1994), Appendix I: Provisional Species List. Fruits of the Rainforest: 305 [secondary reference]
Hyland, B.P.M., Whiffin, T.P., Christophel, D.C., Gray, B., Elick, R.W. & Ford, A.J. (1999), Australian tropical rain forest trees and shrubs. Australian tropical rain forest trees and shrubs: 68 [secondary reference]
Kodela, P.G. (13 November 2006), Pollen morphology of some rainforest taxa occurring in the Illawarra region of New South Wales, Australia. Telopea 11(3): 362, 383, Fig. 9d [secondary reference]
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2016), Australian Plant Census: - APC [secondary reference]
orthographic variant: Pennantia cunninghami Miers orth. var.
  • APC Dist.: Qld, NSW