Poaceae Barnhart
Briza media L. , legitimate, scientific
Linnaeus, C. (1 May 1753), Species Plantarum 1: 70 [primary reference]
  • Type: "Habitat in Europae partis siciccoribus."
Hooker, J.D. (29 December 1859), Introductory Essay. The botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M. Discovery ships Erebus and Terror. III. Flora Tasmaniae 2(11): cix. [secondary reference]
Gardner, C.A. (1952), Gramineae. Flora of Western Australia 1(1): 130 [secondary reference]
Meikle, R.D. (1985), Flora of Cyprus 2: 1720 [secondary reference]
  • Lectotype: "'In Europae partis siccioribus' Linn!."
Henwood, M.J. & Weiller, C.M. in Wilson, A.J.G. (ed.) (2009), Briza. Flora of Australia 44A: 342 [secondary reference]
  • Comment: "This species was listed by J.D.Hooker in Fl. Tasman 2: cix (1859) as naturalised in Vic, and Tas., however no specimens have been seen and it has not been reported by subsequent authors."
Essi, L., Longhi-Wagner, H.M. & Souza-Chies, T.T. (2017), A Synopsis of Briza, Brizochloa, and Chascolytrum (Poaceae, Pooideae, Poeae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 102(3): 470-472, Fig. 2 [secondary reference]
  • Lectotype: "LINN-88.5!"