Stylidiaceae R.Br.
Stylidium mitrasacmoides Carlquist , nom. illeg., scientific
Carlquist, S. (1979), Stylidium in Arnhem Land: new species, modes of speciation on the sandstone plateau, and comments on floral mimicry. Aliso 9: 419, Figs 11-16, 85 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "About one-half km northeast of Camp 1 [12°59′S., 133°9′E.], Arnhem Land, Northern Territory. ... June 4, 1978. Carlquist 15409 (RSA). Isotypes, – DNA, K, PERTH, US, and others."
  • Comment: nom. illeg., non F.Muell. (1859).
Carlquist, S. (1981), Studies in Stylidiaceae: monocotyly in the family; nomenclatural change. Aliso 10: 38 [replaced synonym]
replaced synonym of: Stylidium nominatum Carlquist legitimate
Bean, A.R. (15 December 2000), A revision of the Stylidium subg. Andersonia (R.Br. ex G.Don) Mildbr. (Stylidiaceae). Austrobaileya 5(4): 619 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Stylidium nominatum Carlquist legitimate