Fabaceae Lindl.
Sesbania aculeata Poir. , nom. illeg., nom. superfl., scientific
Poiret, J.L.M. in Lamarck, J.-B.P.A. de M. de & Poiret, J.L.M. (1806), Encyclopédie Méthodique, Botanique 7: 128-129 BHL [tax. nov.]
nomenclatural synonym: Coronilla aculeata Willd. nom. illeg., nom. superfl. taxonomic synonym: Aeschynomene bispinosa Jacq. legitimate misapplication: Aeschynomene sesban L. legitimate by Jacquin, N.J. von (1789), Collectanea 2: 283
  • Comment: nom. illeg., nom. superfl., as the epithet bispinosa was available in Sesbania in 1806 and thus ought to have been adopted by Poiret.
Hooker, J.D. (29 December 1859), Introductory Essay. The botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M. Discovery ships Erebus and Terror. III. Flora Tasmaniae 2(11): xliii [secondary reference]
Bentham, G. (5 October 1864), Flora Australiensis 2: 213 BHL [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Sesbania australis F.Muell. legitimate
Tate, R. (1880), A Census of the Indigenous Flowering Plants and Ferns of Extra-Tropical South Australia. Transactions, proceedings and report, Royal Society of South Australia 3: 61 [secondary reference]
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1881), A catalogue of plants collected during Mr. Alexander Forrest's geographical exploration of North-west Australia in 1879. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 14: 87 [secondary reference]
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1882), Systematic Census of Australian Plants: 39, 142 [secondary reference]
Bailey, F.M. (1883), A Synopsis of the Queensland Flora: 105 [secondary reference]
Maiden, J.H. (1889), Useful Native Plants of Australia: 42, 57, 632 [secondary reference]
Mueller, F.J.H. von (December 1889), Second Systematic Census of Australian Plants: 68 [secondary reference]
Bailey, F.M. (1890), Catalogue of the Indigenous and Naturalised Plants of Queensland: 12 [secondary reference]
Moore, C. (1893), Handbook of the Flora of New South Wales: 149 [secondary reference]
Bailey, F.M. (1900), The Queensland Flora 2: 398-399 [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Sesbania australis F.Muell. legitimate
Diels, F.L.E. & Pritzel, E.G. (6 December 1904), Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae occidentalis. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Pflanzen Westaustraliens, ihrer Verbreitung und ihrer Lebensverhaltnisse. Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 35(2-3): 269 BHL [secondary reference]
Dixon, W.A. (1906), The Plants of New South Wales: 119 [secondary reference]
Bailey, F.M. (1913), Comprehensive Catalogue of Queensland Plants: 138 [secondary reference]
common name: Pea-bush [n/a]
Sulman, F. (1913), A Popular Guide to the Wild Flowers of New South Wales 1: 123 [secondary reference]
Black, J.M. (1924), Casuarinaceae - Euphorbiaceae. Flora of South Australia 2: 316 [secondary reference]
Domin, K. (1926), Beitrage zur Flora und Pflanzengeographie Australiens. Bibliotheca Botanica 22(89): 759 [pro parte misapplied]
pro parte misapplied to: Sesbania sericea var. glabra Domin nom. illeg. by Mueller, F.J.H. von (1882), Systematic Census of Australian Plants: 39, 142
[pro parte misapplied]
pro parte misapplied to: Sesbania sericea var. glabra Domin nom. illeg. by Maiden, J.H. (1889), Useful Native Plants of Australia: 42, 57, 632
[pro parte misapplied]
pro parte misapplied to: Sesbania sericea var. glabra Domin nom. illeg. by Mueller, F.J.H. von (December 1889), Second Systematic Census of Australian Plants: 68
misapplied to: Sesbania sericea var. glabra Domin nom. illeg. by Bentham, G. (5 October 1864), Flora Australiensis 2: 213
misapplied to: Sesbania sericea var. glabra Domin nom. illeg. by Bailey, F.M. (1883), A Synopsis of the Queensland Flora: 105
misapplied to: Sesbania sericea var. glabra Domin nom. illeg. by Moore, C. (1893), Handbook of the Flora of New South Wales: 149
Black, J.M. (January 1948), Casuarinaceae-Euphorbiaceae. Flora of South Australia Edn. 2, 2: 466 [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Aeschynomene aculeata Schreb. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Aeschynomene bispinosa Jacq. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) Steud. ex Fawc. & Rendle isonym
Specht, R.L. in Specht, R.L. & Mountford, C.P. (ed.) (August 1958), The Gymnospermae and Angiospermae collected on the Arnhem Land Expedition. Records of the American-Australian Scientific Expedition to Arnhem Land No. 3 Botany and Plant Ecology: 241 [secondary reference]
Burbidge, N.T. (1965), The Australian species of Sesbania Scopoli (Leguminosae). Australian Journal of Botany 13(1): 118 [pro parte misapplied]
pro parte misapplied to: Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Poir. legitimate by Bentham, G. (5 October 1864), Flora Australiensis 2: 213
Eichler, Hj. (1965), Supplement to J.M.Black's Flora of South Australia (Second Edition, 1943-1957): 191 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Poir. legitimate
Crisp, M.D. in Jessop, J.P. (ed.) (1981), Papilionaceae (Fabaceae) - most genera. Flora of Central Australia: 159 [doubtful pro parte misapplied]
doubtful pro parte misapplied to: Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Poir. legitimate by Bentham, G. (5 October 1864), Flora Australiensis 2: 213
Stanley, T.D. in Stanley, T.D. & Ross, E.M. (1984), Fabaceae. Flora of South-eastern Queensland 1: 297 [pro parte misapplied]
pro parte misapplied to: Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Poir. legitimate by Bailey, F.M. (1900), The Queensland Flora 2: 398-399
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2011), Australian Plant Census: - [secondary reference]
orthographic variant: Sesban aculeatus Poir. orth. var.
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2011), Australian Plant Census: - [misapplied]
misapplied to: Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Poir. var. cannabina legitimate by Black, J.M. (1924), Casuarinaceae - Euphorbiaceae. Flora of South Australia 2: 316
misapplied to: Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Poir. var. cannabina legitimate by Black, J.M. (January 1948), Casuarinaceae-Euphorbiaceae. Flora of South Australia Edn. 2, 2: 466
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (31 July 2018), Australian Plant Census: - [misapplied]
misapplied to: Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Poir. var. cannabina legitimate by Black, J.M. (1924), Casuarinaceae - Euphorbiaceae. Flora of South Australia 2: 316
misapplied to: Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Poir. var. cannabina legitimate by Black, J.M. (January 1948), Casuarinaceae-Euphorbiaceae. Flora of South Australia Edn. 2, 2: 466