Amaranthaceae Juss.
Ptilotus spicatus var. longiceps Benl , legitimate, scientific
Benl, G. (15 October 1967), Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung Munchen 6: 495 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Beswick Station (ca. 4 miles East of homestead), N.T., "infrequent on grassed basaltic soil". D.J. NELSON no. 257, 11.IV.1962; in M. Isotypus: Idem, in NT (8879)."
Chippendale, G.M. (17 April 1972), Check List of Northern Territory Plants. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 96(4): 233 BHL [secondary reference]
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census: - [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Ptilotus spicatus F.Muell. ex Benth. legitimate
Bean, A.R. (11 November 2008), A synopsis of Ptilotus (Amaranthaceae) in eastern Australia. Telopea 12(2): 249 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Ptilotus spicatus F.Muell. ex Benth. legitimate
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2009), Australian Plant Census: - [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Ptilotus spicatus F.Muell. ex Benth. legitimate