Blechnaceae Newman
Blechnum cartilagineum var. normale Domin
, legitimate, scientific
[Domin, K. (October 1914), Beitrage zur Flora und Pflanzengeographie Australiens. Bibliotheca Botanica 20(85)]:
[tax. nov.]
"Queensl.: Harveys und Babinda Creek, DOMIN 1910; Port Denison und Daintree River, FITZALAN; Seaview Range und die übrigen Gebirgszüge bei Cardwell, BAILEY; Rockingham Bay, DALLACHY; Rockhampton, O'SHANESY; Mount Perry, JAMES KEYS; Brisbane Ribver, AMAL. DIETRICH; auf Tambourine und Beech Mountains verbreitet, DOMIN 1910; Bulwer, Moreton Island, J. WEDD and C. WHITE IX. 1908; Stradbroke Island, selten, DOMIN 1910. N.S. Wales: in den Blue Mountains verbreitet (DOMIN 1910)."
[Chambers, T.C. & Farrant, P.A. in McCarthy, P.M. (ed.) (1998), Appendix. Blechnaceae. Flora of Australia 48]:
[secondary reference]
"Harveys and Babinda Creek, Qld, 1910, K.Domin: lecto (here chosen): PR 227/523473; isolecto PR 228/523478, 229/523479."
[Chambers, T.C. & Farrant, P.A. in McCarthy, P.M. (ed.) (1998), Blechnaceae. Flora of Australia 48]:
[taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of:
Blechnum cartilagineum Sw.
[Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census]:
[taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of:
Blechnum cartilagineum Sw.
[Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (31 July 2018), Australian Plant Census]:
[taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of:
Blechnum cartilagineum Sw.