Dilleniaceae Salisb.
Hibbertia arguta Toelken , legitimate, scientific
Toelken, H.R. (19 February 2024), Notes on Hibbertia subgen. Hemistemma (Dilleniaceae) – 13. The eastern Australian H. acicularis and H. perhamata groups. Swainsona 38: 91 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Holotypus: Queensland (Bn), State Forest 132, c. 6 km ESE Brovinia, S Mundubbera, 9 Nov. 1997, A.R. Bean 12567 (BRI AQ659598, n.v.). Isotypi: AD99933221, MEL287078."
  • Etymology: "The epithet arguta, Latin for “sharptoothed”, refers to the unusually pointed hair tubercles on the compressed flanks on the revolute margins of the leaves."