Asparagaceae Juss.
Lomandra briggsiana R.L.Barrett & T.C.Wilson , legitimate, scientific
Barrett, R.L. & Wilson, T.C. (9 August 2023), Bush Blitz collections and iNaturalist observations assist the recognition of a new species from New South Wales, Lomandra briggsiana (Asparagaceae). Telopea 26: 135, 140-141, Figs 1-4, 5 (map) [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "New South Wales: Hunt's property, 'Kilmarnoc', between Attunga and Halls Creek, 11 Sept. 1996, J.R. Hosking 1289 (holo: NSW 597650 (♀); iso: CANB 533038.1, CANB 533038.2, MEL 0285175, NE 66058, NSW 597651)."
taxonomic synonym: Lomandra sp. Oxley Wild Rivers (T.M.Collins 924) [n/a]
  • Etymology: "The epithet honours the work of Barbara Gillian Briggs AM, for a lifetime’s work on the Australian flora and for inspiring multiple generations of botanists. This is one of many novel species she collected during a long career of quiet yet globally significant achievements."