Ericaceae Juss.
Styphelia bracteolosa Hislop
, legitimate, scientific
[Hislop, M. & Nguyen, H.K. (2 December 2022), A taxonomic review of the Styphelia tamminensis subgroup (Ericaceae: Epacridoideae: Styphelieae). Nuytsia 33]:
285-288, Fig. 2A
[tax. nov.]
"Flynn State Forest, York, Western Australia [precise locality withheld for conservation reasons], 20 November 1999, F. Hort, J. Hort & M. Hislop 808 (holo: PERTH 05442672; iso: CANB, CNS, K, MEL, NSW 506418)."
taxonomic synonym:
Leucopogon sp. Gunapin (F.Hort 808) WA Herbarium
"From the Latin bracteola (bracteole) and -osus (abounding in), a reference to the particularly large bracteoles, which are usually longer than the sepals."
[Percy-Bower, J.M. & Parker, C.M. (21 March 2023), Updates to Western Australia’s vascular plant census for 2022. Nuytsia 34]:
[secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym:
Leucopogon sp. Gunapin (F.Hort 808) WA Herbarium