Fabaceae Lindl.
Pultenaea furcata M.A.M.Renner & R.L.Barrett , legitimate, scientific
Renner, M.A.M. Barrett, R.L., Clarke, S., Clugston, J.A.R., Wilson, T.C. & Weston, P.H. (14 July 2022), Morphological and molecular evidence refute a broad circumscription for Pultenaea glabra (Fabaceae: Mirbelieae), with implications for taxonomy, biogeography, and conservation. Australian Systematic Botany 35(3): 245-247, Figs 13, 14 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "New South Wales, Central Tablelands, Newnes State Forest, track to Dingo Creek south of Deep Pass Trail, 27 Sep. 2019, M.A.M. Renner 9181 & J. Cohen (holo: NSW 1058825; iso: CANB, MEL)."
taxonomic synonym: Pultenaea sp. Dingo Creek (M.A.M.Renner 9176 & J.M.Cohen) [n/a]
  • Etymology: "From the Latin furcata, forked, in reference to the bifurcating to whorled branching architecture, which is a function of the terminal determinate inflorescence, and is a distinctive feature shared with only P. glabra within the complex."