Fabaceae Lindl.
Indigofera deserticola Peter G.Wilson & Rowe , legitimate, scientific
Wilson, Peter G. (28 July 2021), Progress towards resolution of the Indigofera monophylla complex (Fabaceae: Faboideae). Telopea 24: 314-315 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Holotype: Western Australia: Dampier: Great Northern Highway, 49 km S of Thangoo turn-off, Peter G. Wilson 883 & R. Rowe, 3 Sep 1991 (NSW, barcode NSW245871). Isotypes: PERTH 2116855, B, L, MO."
  • Etymology: "From the Latin (plural) deserta, deserted places/deserts, and the suffix -cola, an inhabitant, a reference to the Great Sandy Desert where this species occurs."
Parker, C.M. & Percy-Bower, J.M. (8 March 2022), Updates to Western Australia’s vascular plant census for 2021. Nuytsia 33: 3 [secondary reference]