Rutaceae Juss.
Cyanothamnus quadrangulus Duretto & Heslewood , legitimate, scientific
Duretto, M.F., Heslewood, M.M. & Bayly, M.J. (June 2020), Boronia (Rutaceae) is polyphyletic: Reinstating Cyanothamnus and the problems associated with inappropriately defined outgroups. Taxon 69(3): 493 [nom. nov.]
replaced synonym: Boronia anethifolia A.Cunn. ex Endl. legitimate
  • Etymology: "The specific epithet chosen is derived from the Latin quadri- (four) and angulus (angle) and refers to the distinctly four-sided stems of this species."
  • Text: "The transfer of B. anethifolia A.Cunn. ex Endl. to Cyanothamnus would result in a later homonym due to the existence of C. anethifolius Bartl. (see C. ramosus subsp. anethifolius)."
Brown, G.K. (December 2021), Appendix A: New names and name and status changes 2020 to 2021. Introduction to the Census of the Queensland Flora 2021: 12 [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Boronia anethifolia A.Cunn. ex Endl. legitimate