Fabaceae Lindl.
Indigofera centralis Peter G.Wilson & Rowe
, legitimate, scientific
[Wilson, Peter G. & Rowe, R. (9 July 2020), A new species of Indigofera (Fabaceae: Faboideae) from Central Australia. Telopea 23]:
113-114, Fig. 1
[tax. nov.]
"Northern Territory: Central South: James Range, 13 km S of Areyonga, P.K. Latz 11592, 21 Sep 1989 (holo DNA, barcode A0086347). Isotypes: BRI, MEL 0279395A, n.v."
taxonomic synonym:
Indigofera A83977 Areyonga
taxonomic synonym:
Indigofera sp. Areyonga (D.J.Parsons 30) NT Herbarium