Loganiaceae R.Br. ex Mart.
Orianthera C.S.P.Foster & B.J.Conn , legitimate, scientific
Foster, C.S.P., Conn, B.J., Henwood, M.J. & Ho, S.Y.W. (20 October 2014), Molecular data support Orianthera: a new genus of Australian Loganiaceae. Telopea 16: 152 APC [nom. et stat. nov.]
  • Type: Orianthera campanulata (R.Br.) C.S.P.Foster & B.J.Conn
replaced synonym: Logania sect. Stomandra (R.Br.) DC. legitimate
  • APC Dist.: WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW, Vic
  • Etymology: "Orianthera is a conjugation of the Latin os (mouth) and anthera (anthers), and refers to the characteristic insertion of the anthers in the sinus between the corolla lobes of all species of this genus, and morphologically distinguishes it from Logania s. str. This generic name also preserves the meaning of the sectional name Stomandra."