Caryophyllaceae Juss.
Stellaria papillata C.H.Mill. & J.G.West
, legitimate, scientific
[Miller, C.H. & West, J.G. (10 July 2012), A revision of the genus Stellaria (Caryophyllaceae) in Australia. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 25]:
51, Figs 1J, 5H-O, 6M
[tax. nov.]
Holotypus: Zara Wanganella via Hay [New South Wales], Oct. 1917, E. Officer s.n. (NSW 153113).
taxonomic synonym:
Stellaria sp. B
taxonomic synonym:
Stellaria sp. 2
taxonomic synonym:
Stellaria sp. Papillata (E.Officer s.n. Oct. 1917) C.H.Mill.
"This species has been named from the Latin papillatus, papillate, reflecting the angular papillae on the capsule valves."