Myrtaceae Juss.
Eucalyptus yarriambiack Rule , legitimate, scientific
Rule, K. (9 July 2012), Five new endemic eucalypts for Victoria. Muelleria 30(2): 97-100, Fig. 5 BHL APC [tax. nov.]
  • Type: Victoria: Henty Highway, 1.6 km N of Brim, 36 03'41'S., 142 25'13"E., K. Rule 2605, 18.iii.2005. HOLO: MEL.
  • APC Dist.: Vic
  • Etymology: "The epithet, which is Aboriginal in origin, is used as a noun in apposition and refers to the Yarriambiack Creek close to where the new species occurs."
Rule, K. (21 April 2015), Correction to the type citations of some Eucalyptus from Victoria in Rule (2012), Muelleria 30, pp. 83-105. Muelleria 33: 111 BHL [secondary reference]
  • Type: "Correct citation ... 36 03'45"S ... Holo: MEL 2369263. Iso: AD, CANB, NSW."
Rule, K. (2 October 2018), Eucalyptus wimmerensis revisited and notes on the morphologies and taxonomies of five Victorian mallee-boxes. Muelleria 37: 60-61 BHL [secondary reference]