Rubiaceae Juss.
Galium migrans Ehrend. & McGill. subsp. migrans
, legitimate, autonym
[Thompson, I.R. (5 January 2009), A revision of Asperula and Galium (Rubiaceae: Rubiaceae) in Australia. Muelleria 27(1)]:
93, Figs 4c, 4g-i, 11
[Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2011), Australian Plant Census]:
[secondary reference]
pro parte misapplication:
Galium binifolium N.A.Wakef.
by [Toelken, H.R. in Jessop, J.P. & Toelken, H.R. (ed.) (1986), Rubiaceae. Flora of South Australia Edn. 4, 2]: 1068-1069
APC Comment:
Hybrids between Galium migrans subsp. migrans and Galium compactum Ehrend. & McGill., hybrids between G. migrans subsp. migrans and G. gaudichaudii DC. subsp. gaudichaudii, and hybrids between G. migrans subsp. migrans and G. leptogonium I.Thomps. are recorded by I.R.Thompson, Muelleria 27(1): 93 (2009).
APC Dist.: