Splachnaceae Grev. & Arn.
Tayloria callophylla (Müll.Hal.) Mitt. , legitimate, scientific
Mitten, W. (1882), Australian mosses. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 19: 65 [comb. nov.]
nomenclatural synonym: Dissodon callophyllus Müll.Hal. legitimate
Goffinet, B. in McCarthy, P.M. (ed.) (2006), Splachnaceae. Flora of Australia 51: 174, 410, fig. 17A-D, Map 73 [secondary reference]
  • Lectotype: NY; isolecto: BM, JE, para: S. Mossman 824 (BM, E?, NY)
nomenclatural synonym: Dissodon callophyllus Müll.Hal. legitimate nomenclatural synonym: Splachnum callophyllum (Müll.Hal.) Wilson legitimate