Scrophulariaceae Juss.
Eremophila fraseri subsp. parva Chinnock , legitimate, scientific
Chinnock, R.J. (2007), Eremophila and allied genera: 627-628, Fig. 314, Map 320 APC [tax. nov.]
  • Type: 11.3 km N of Yabaroo Bore on Moogooree road, Western Australia, 24.viii.1977, R.J.Chinnock 3804 (holotype: AD; isotypes: BRI, CANB, K, MEL, NT, P, PERTH, US).
nomenclatural synonym: Eremophila fraseri subsp. parva Paczk. & A.R.Chapm. nom. inval.
  • APC Dist.: WA
  • Etymology: "Latin parva, small; alluding to the smaller vegetative parts which characterise this subspecies."
Brown, A. & Buirchell, B. (2011), A field guide to the eremophilas of Western Australia: 110 [secondary reference]
  • Etymology: "parva (small), refers to the small leaves which are usually shorter than the flower."