Asteraceae Bercht. & J.Presl
Coronidium cymosum Paul G.Wilson , legitimate, scientific
Wilson, Paul G. (21 August 2008), Coronidium, a new Australian genus in the Gnaphalieae (Asteraceae). Nuytsia 18: 306, Fig. 3 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: Blackdown Tableland, c. 35 km SE of Blackwater, Queensland, 3 September 1971, R.J. Henderson, L. Durrington & P. Sharpe 948 (holo: BRI [AQ 00014196]; iso: CANB 303554, MEL 2111963).
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2011), Australian Plant Census: - APC [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Genus (Aq247974) sp. (Blackdown Tableland R.J.Henderson + H948) [n/a]
  • APC Dist.: Qld