Myrtaceae Juss.
Melaleuca exuvia Craven & Lepschi , legitimate, scientific
Craven, L.A., Lepschi, B.J., Broadhurst, L. & Byrne, M. (29 June 2004), Taxonomic revision of the broombush complex in Western Australia (Myrtaceae, Melaleuca uncinata s.l.). Australian Systematic Botany 17(3): 262-263, Fig. 4 (map) APC [tax. nov.]
  • Type: Western Australia: Keys Rocks, 21.4 km SW of Norseman Post Office, Lat. 32 19'36" S, Long. 121 40'49" E, 26 November 2000, Archer 1777 (CANB, holo; A, AD, G, L, MEL, NSW, PERTH RSA, W, iso).
  • APC Dist.: WA