Araliaceae Juss.
Cussonia spicata Thunb. , legitimate, scientific
Thunberg, C.P. (1780), Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis ser. 2, 3: 212, t. 13 [tax. nov.]
Taplin, R.L. & Symon, D.E. (29 September 2008), Remnant horticultural plants at the site of the former Newman's Nursery, 1854-1932. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 22: 84 [secondary reference]
common name: Cabbage-tree [n/a]
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2011), Australian Plant Census: - APC [secondary reference]
  • APC Comment: An African taxon, recorded as persisting from cultivation by R.L.Taplin & D.E.Symon, J. Adel. Bot. Gard. 22: 84 (2008), but not known to be established in Australia.