Cunoniaceae R.Br.
Spiraeopsis Miq. , legitimate, scientific
Miquel, F.A.W. (1856), Flora van Nederlandsch Indie 1-1(5): 719 [primary reference]
Hoogland, R.D. (1979), Studies in the Cunoniaceae II. The genera Caldcluvia, Pullea, Acsmithia, and Spiraeanthemum. Blumea 25(2): 481 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Caldcluvia D.Don legitimate
Hopkins, H.C.F. & Hoogland, R.D. (2002), Cunoniaceae. Flora Malesiana Series I 16: 129 [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Betchea Schltr. legitimate misapplication: Caldcluvia D.Don legitimate by Hoogland, R.D. (1979), Studies in the Cunoniaceae II. The genera Caldcluvia, Pullea, Acsmithia, and Spiraeanthemum. Blumea 25(2): 481-490