Scrophulariaceae Juss.
Eremophila pentaptera J.M.Black
, legitimate, scientific
[Black, J.M. (1922), Additions to the Flora of South Australia. No. 20. Transactions and proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia 46]:
570, t. XXXVII.
[tax. nov.]
"This lowly Eremophila was discovered by Professor F. Wood Jones in September, 1922, on flats near Miller Creek, about 60 miles (100 km.) north-east of Kingoonya Railway Station."
[Black, J.M. (1929), Bignoniaceae - Compositae. Flora of South Australia 4]:
527, Pl. 40
[secondary reference]
[Black, J.M. & Robertson, E.L. (1957), Flora of South Australia Edn. 2, 4]:
788, Fig. 1118
[secondary reference]
[Jessop, J.P. (19 December 1977), Endangered species in the South Australian native vascular flora. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 1(2)]:
[secondary reference]
[Chinnock, R.J. in Jessop, J.P. (ed.) (1981), Myoporaceae. Flora of Central Australia]:
[secondary reference]
[Chinnock, R.J. & Dashorst, G.R.M. (13 March 1987), Plant Portrait 22. Eremophila pentaptera J.Black (Myoporaceae). Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 10 (1)]:
[secondary reference]
[Chinnock, R.J. (2007), Eremophila and allied genera]:
404-405, Fig. 205, Map 193
[secondary reference]
Miller's Creek, ca 60 miles (96 km) NE of Lingoonya, ix.1922, F. Wood-Jones s.n. (AD 97611454), lectotype here designated; isolectotypes: AD 97611455, K, MEL 77705, NSW 141923).
"Latin penta-, 5; ptera, winged; referring to the sepals."