Myrtaceae Juss.
Eucalyptus ceratocorys (Blakely) L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill , legitimate, scientific
Chippendale, G.M. in George, A.S. (ed.) (27 June 1988), Eucalyptus. Flora of Australia 19: 305, 508, Fig. 87, Map 364 [comb. et stat. nov.]
basionym: Eucalyptus angulosa var. ceratocorys Blakely legitimate
Nicolle, D. (1997), Eucalypts of South Australia: 82-83 [secondary reference]
common name: Horn-capped Mallee [n/a]
Brooker, M.I.H. (28 February 2000), A new classification of the genus Eucalyptus L'Her. (Myrtaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 13(1): 110 [secondary reference]
Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research (2006), EUCLID Edn. 3: - [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Eucalyptus angulosa var. ceratocorys Blakely legitimate taxonomic synonym: Eucalyptus capitanea L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill legitimate common name: Horn-capped mallee [n/a]
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census: - [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Eucalyptus angulosa var. ceratocorys Blakely legitimate taxonomic synonym: Eucalyptus capitanea L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill legitimate
  • APC Dist.: WA, SA
Nicolle, D. (2013), Native eucalypts of South Australia: 108 [misapplied]
misapplied to: Eucalyptus capitanea L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill legitimate by Nicolle, D. (1997), Eucalypts of South Australia: 82-83
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2016), Australian Plant Census: - APC [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Eucalyptus angulosa var. ceratocorys Blakely legitimate
  • APC Dist.: WA
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2016), Australian Plant Census: - [misapplied]
misapplied to: Eucalyptus capitanea L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill legitimate by Nicolle, D. (2013), Native eucalypts of South Australia: 108