Cymodoceaceae Vines
Pectinella antarctica (Labill.) J.M.Black , legitimate, scientific
Black, J.M. (1913), The flowering and fruiting of Pectinella antarctica (Cymodocea antartica). Transactions and proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia 37: 1, t. I. [comb. nov.]
basionym: Ruppia antarctica Labill. legitimate
Black, J.M. (1922), Cyatheaceae - Orchidaceae. Flora of South Australia 1: 46 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Cymodocea antarctica (Labill.) Endl. ex Kunth legitimate
Ducker, S.C., Foord, N.J. & Knox, R.B. (1977), Biology of Australian Seagrasses: the Genus Amphibolis C. Agardh (Cymodoceaceae). Australian Journal of Botany 25(1): 70 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Amphibolis antarctica (Labill.) Sond. & Asch. legitimate
Robertson, E.L. in Womersley, H.B S. (1984), Seagrasses. The marine benthic flora of southern Australia 1: 102 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Amphibolis antarctica (Labill.) Sond. & Asch. legitimate
Morris, D.I. in Curtis, W.M. & Morris, D.I. (1994), Cymodoceaceae. The Student's Flora of Tasmania 4B: 27 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Amphibolis antarctica (Labill.) Sond. & Asch. legitimate
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census: - [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Amphibolis antarctica (Labill.) Sond. & Asch. legitimate
Kuo, J. in Wilson, A.J.G. (ed.) (2011), Cymodoceaceae. Flora of Australia 39: 131 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Amphibolis antarctica (Labill.) Sond. & Asch. legitimate