Lamiaceae Martinov
Prostanthera florifera B.J.Conn
, legitimate, scientific
[Conn, B.J. (19 June 1984), A taxonomic revision of Prostanthera Labill. Section Klanderia (F.v.Muell.) Benth. (Labiatae). Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 6(3)]:
310, Figs 64, 65
[tax. nov.]
"Conn 675, 18.ix.1979, Miccollo Hill, Gawler Ranges (Western Pastoral), northern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia (AD; iso in BRI, CANB, K, MEL, NSW, PERTH)."
[Cunningham, D.D. in Jessop, J.P. (ed.) (September 1993), Labiatae. A list of the vascular plants of South Australia Edn. 4]:
[secondary reference]
[State Herbarium of South Australia (2008), Fact sheets. The Electronic Flora of South Australia]:
[secondary reference]