Apocynaceae Juss.
Tylophora floribunda Benth. , nom. illeg., scientific
Bentham, G. (16 December 1868), Flora Australiensis 4: 335 BHL [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "N.S. Wales. Mount Warning, Tweed river, C. Moore (Herb. F. Mueller, a single specimen)"
  • Comment: nom. illeg., non Miq. (1865).
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1882), Systematic Census of Australian Plants: 94 [secondary reference]
Kuntze, C.E.O. (5 November 1891), Revisio Generum Plantarum 2: 424 BHL [replaced synonym]
replaced synonym of: Vincetoxicum polyanthum Kuntze legitimate
Dixon, W.A. (1906), The Plants of New South Wales: 217 [secondary reference]
Bailey, F.M. (1913), Comprehensive Catalogue of Queensland Plants: 326 [secondary reference]
Tsiang, Y. (May 1936), Notes on the Asiatic Apocynales III. Sunyatsenia 3(2-3): 231, adnot. [replaced synonym]
replaced synonym of: Tylophora benthamii Tsiang legitimate
Blake, S.T. (1948), Studies in Australian Apocynaceae and Asclepiadaceae, I. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 59(8): 168 [replaced synonym]
replaced synonym of: Tylophora crebriflora S.T.Blake nom. illeg., nom. superfl.
Ross, E.M. in Stanley, T.D. & Ross, E.M. (1986), Asclepiadaceae. Flora of South-eastern Queensland 2: 313 [misapplied]
misapplied to: Tylophora crebriflora S.T.Blake nom. illeg., nom. superfl. by Bentham, G. (16 December 1868), Flora Australiensis 4: 335
Forster, P.I. in Orchard, A.E. (ed.) (1996), Asclepiadaceae. Flora of Australia 28: 271 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Tylophora benthamii Tsiang legitimate
Liede-Schumann, S. & Meve, U. (2018), Vincetoxicum (Apocynaceae—Asclepiadoideae) expanded to include Tylophora and allies. Phytotaxa 369(3): 159 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Vincetoxicum polyanthum Kuntze legitimate