Polygala bifoliata R.A.Kerrigan legitimate | sensu Kerrigan, R.A. (30 April 2012), A treatment for Polygala of northern Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 25(2)
Polygala sp. Bifoliata (N.B.Nyrnes 2091) [n/a]
Polygala arvensis Willd. auct. non Willd.: Bentham, G. (30 May 1863), Flora Australiensis 1: 140-141, p.p. Polygala arvensis Willd. auct. non Willd.: Ewart, A.J. & Davies, O.B. (1917), The Flora of the Northern Territory: 160 Polygala arvensis Willd. auct. non Willd.: Northern Territory Herbarium (2004), Checklist of Northern Territory Vascular Plant Species: - Polygala pycnophylla Domin auct. non Domin: Northern Territory Herbarium (2004), Checklist of Northern Territory Vascular Plant Species: -
  • WA, NT