Vascular Plants

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Western Australian Herbarium (2012), FloraBase: the Western Australian Flora Version 2.7 : null - null (Database Record) Western Australian Herbarium Unknown
Names in this reference:
  1. Abutilon dioicum R.M.Barker
  2. Abutilon pritzelianum R.M.Barker
  3. Abutilon trudgenii R.M.Barker
  4. Abutilon uncinatum R.M.Barker
  5. Acacia sp. Lake Johnson (N.Gibson & M.Lyons 1959) WA Herbarium
  6. Acacia sp. Lawley River (R.L.Barrett & M.D.Barrett RLB 6800)
  7. Acacia sp. Pitta Creek (M.D.Barrett 1840)
  8. Acacia sp. Prince Regent River (R.L. & M.D.Barrett 3939)
  9. Acacia sp. Trent River (K.F.Kenneally 11701)
  10. Acrotriche sp. Israelite Bay (M.Hislop & F.Hort MH2630) WA Herbarium
  11. Actinotus sp. Walpole (J.R.Wheeler 3786)
  12. Arthropodium sp. Goldfields (H.Pringle 2188) WA Herbarium
  13. Austrostipa mundula subsp. Torndirrup (C.A.Hortin 1068)
  14. Austrostipa sp. Katanning (U.Bell 586)
  15. Brunoniella acaulis (R.Br.) Bremek. var. acaulis
  16. Caladenia sp. Scott River (G.Brockman 830)
  17. Calandrinia sp. Mt Clere (R.J.Dadd 5)
  18. Calocephalus sp. Pilbara-Desert (M.E.Trudgen 11454) WA Herbarium
  19. Calytrix sp. Jackson Range (G.Cockerton et al. LCH 13786) WA Herbarium
  20. Calytrix sp. Sandstone (D.J.Edinger 5498) WA Herbarium
  21. Cochlospermum sp. Pilbara (D.Brassington, E.Ager & J.Macknay LCH 31756)
  22. Corchorus sp. Fitzroy Crossing (A.J.Ewart s.n. PERTH 01526790) WA Herbarium
  23. Corchorus sp. Hedland
  24. Diuris sp. Eneabba (A.H.Burbidge 3941)
  25. Eryngium pinnatifidum subsp. palustre Keighery
  26. Gahnia sp. Headland (G.J.Keighery 8501) WA Herbarium
  27. Isachne minitula WA Herbarium
  28. Lepidosperma sp. A2 Inland Flat (G.J.Keighery 7000) WA Herbarium
  29. Lepidosperma sp. Archer Drive (S.Kern & R.Jasper LCH 18300) WA Herbarium
  30. Lepidosperma sp. Bandalup Scabrid (N.Evelegh 10798) WA Herbarium
  31. Lepidosperma sp. Billyacatting (S.D.Hopper 8630) WA Herbarium
  32. Lepidosperma sp. Blackwood (R.Davis 7696) WA Herbarium
  33. Lepidosperma sp. Blue Hills (A.Markey & S.Dillon 3468) WA Herbarium
  34. Lepidosperma sp. Bluff Knoll robust (G.J.Keighery 12595) WA Herbarium
  35. Lepidosperma sp. Bluff Knoll scabrid (K.H.Rechinger 60431) WA Herbarium
  36. Lepidosperma sp. Carracarrup Creek (S.Kern, R.Jasper, D.Brassington LCH 16738) WA Herbarium
  37. Lepidosperma sp. Coastal Dunes (R.J.Cranfield 9963) WA Herbarium
  38. Lepidosperma sp. Elverdton (R.Jasper et al. LCH 16844) WA Herbarium
  39. Lepidosperma sp. Giant Terete Culms (S.D.Hopper 8631) WA Herbarium
  40. Lepidosperma sp. Gingin (M.A.Langley & P.M.Smith MAL 2193) WA Herbarium
  41. Lepidosperma sp. Gosnells (A.Markey 1145) WA Herbarium
  42. Lepidosperma sp. Hopetoun Road (S.Kern et al. LCH 16552) WA Herbarium
  43. Lepidosperma sp. Koolanooka (K.R.Newbey 9336) WA Herbarium
  44. Lepidosperma sp. Manypeaks large (R.L.Barrett RLB 2476) WA Herbarium
  45. Lepidosperma sp. Margaret River (B.J.Lepschi 1841) WA Herbarium
  46. Lepidosperma sp. Maydon (S.Kern, R.Jasper, H.Hughes LCH 17844) WA Herbarium
  47. Lepidosperma sp. Moresby Range (R.J.Cranfield 2751) WA Herbarium
  48. Lepidosperma sp. Mt Burdett (M.A.Burgman & C.Layman MAB 3287) WA Herbarium
  49. Lepidosperma sp. Mt Caudan (N.Gibson & M.Lyons 2081) WA Herbarium
  50. Lepidosperma sp. Mt Chester (S.Kern et al. LCH 16596) WA Herbarium
  51. Lepidosperma sp. Mt Groper (K.Newbey 11808) WA Herbarium
  52. Lepidosperma sp. Mt Ragged (K.Newbey 7858) WA Herbarium
  53. Lepidosperma sp. Mt Short (S.Kern et al. LCH 17510) WA Herbarium
  54. Lepidosperma sp. P1 small head (M.D.Tindale 166A) WA Herbarium
  55. Lepidosperma sp. Parker Range (N.Gibson & M.Lyons 2094) WA Herbarium
  56. Lepidosperma sp. Peak Charles fine (K.Newbey 5411) WA Herbarium
  57. Lepidosperma sp. Pigeon Rocks (H.Pringle 30237) WA Herbarium
  58. Lepidosperma sp. Ravensthorpe (G.F.Craig 5188) WA Herbarium
  59. Lepidosperma sp. Saltbush Hill (K.R.Newbey 4118) WA Herbarium
  60. Lepidosperma sp. Shoemaker Levy (L.Ang & O.Davies 10815) WA Herbarium
  61. Lepidosperma sp. Steere River (S.Kern, R.Jasper, H.Hughes LCH 17764) WA Herbarium
  62. Lepidosperma sp. U1 big heads (A.S.George 11294) WA Herbarium
  63. Lepidosperma sp. Wolga Rock (S.D.Hopper 6513) WA Herbarium
  64. Lepidosperma sp. Z dark sheath (P.G.Wilson 10177) WA Herbarium
  65. Lepidosperma sp. Zuytdorp (G.J.Keighery & N.Gibson 1710) WA Herbarium
  66. Leucopogon aff. allittii (M.A.Burgman 1126)
  67. Leucopogon compressicarpus E.A.Br.
  68. Leucopogon inflexifolius E.A.Br.
  69. Leucopogon sp. (M.A.Burgman 1476)
  70. Leucopogon sp. 14 (Kau Rock; M.A.Burgman 1126)
  71. Leucopogon sp. 9 (Bonnie Hill; K.R.Newbey 9831)
  72. Leucopogon sp. A Perth Flora
  73. Leucopogon sp. Arrino (M.Hislop 2675) WA Herbarium
  74. Leucopogon sp. Arrowsmith (M.Hislop 2509) WA Herbarium
  75. Leucopogon sp. Avon (J.Buegge D34) WA Herbarium
  76. Leucopogon sp. B
  77. Leucopogon sp. B Perth Flora (R.D.Royce 4360)
  78. Leucopogon sp. Badgingarra (R.Davis 421) WA Herbarium
  79. Leucopogon sp. Barren Range (A.S.George 10092) WA Herbarium
  80. Leucopogon sp. Bifid Eneabba (M.Hislop 1927) WA Herbarium
  81. Leucopogon sp. Bindoon (F.Hort 2766) WA Herbarium
  82. Leucopogon sp. Boddington (D.Halford 80746) WA Herbarium
  83. Leucopogon sp. Bolgart (M.Hislop & F.Hort MH 2486) WA Herbarium
  84. Leucopogon sp. Bonnie Hill (K.R.Newbey 9831)
  85. Leucopogon sp. Boyagin (M.Hislop 2825) WA Herbarium
  86. Leucopogon sp. Boyup Brook (A.Webb BNC1025) WA Herbarium
  87. Leucopogon sp. Bremer Bay (K.R.Newbey 4667) WA Herbarium
  88. Leucopogon sp. Brookton (K.Kershaw & L.Kerrigan KK2192) WA Herbarium
  89. Leucopogon sp. Bungulla (R.D.Royce 3435)
  90. Leucopogon sp. Burma Road (M.Hislop 2032) WA Herbarium
  91. Leucopogon sp. Busselton (D.Cooper 243) WA Herbarium
  92. Leucopogon sp. Cape Arid (M.Paxman 50) WA Herbarium
  93. Leucopogon sp. Carnamah (M.Hislop 2898) WA Herbarium
  94. Leucopogon sp. Cataby (F.Hort 1638) WA Herbarium
  95. Leucopogon sp. Clyde Hill (M.A.Burgman 1207) WA Herbarium
  96. Leucopogon sp. Coolgardie (M.Hislop & F.Hort MH3197) WA Herbarium
  97. Leucopogon sp. Coomallo (R.J.Cranfield 1457) WA Herbarium
  98. Leucopogon sp. Corrigin (K.Kershaw KK 2091) WA Herbarium
  99. Leucopogon sp. Darkan (R.S.Smith BNC1047) WA Herbarium
  100. Leucopogon sp. Darling Range (F. & J.Hort 1804) WA Herbarium
  101. Leucopogon sp. Dongolocking (K.Kershaw KK2333) WA Herbarium
  102. Leucopogon sp. Dragon Rocks (A.M.Coates 2609) WA Herbarium
  103. Leucopogon sp. Dumbleyung (M.Hislop & F.Hort MH3239) WA Herbarium
  104. Leucopogon sp. Fitzgerald peaks (F.Obbens 19/97) WA Herbarium
  105. Leucopogon sp. Flynn (F.Hort, J.Hort & A.Lowrie 859) WA Herbarium
  106. Leucopogon sp. Forrestania (G.F.Craig 2386) WA Herbarium
  107. Leucopogon sp. Gingilup (N.Gibson & M.Lyons 590) WA Herbarium
  108. Leucopogon sp. Great Southern (R.S.Cowan A-586) WA Herbarium
  109. Leucopogon sp. Gunapin (F.Hort 808) WA Herbarium
  110. Leucopogon sp. Howatharra (D. & N.McFarland 1046) WA Herbarium
  111. Leucopogon sp. Ironcaps (N.Gibson & K.Brown 3070) WA Herbarium
  112. Leucopogon sp. Israelite Bay (G.F.Craig 2558) WA Herbarium
  113. Leucopogon sp. Kalbarri (J.M.Powell 1695) WA Herbarium
  114. Leucopogon sp. Kambalda (J.Williams s.n. PERTH 07305028) WA Herbarium
  115. Leucopogon sp. Kau Rock (M.A.Burgman 1126)
  116. Leucopogon sp. Kau Rock (M.A.Burgman 1126) WA Herbarium
  117. Leucopogon sp. Lake King (A.J.G.Wilson 65) WA Herbarium
  118. Leucopogon sp. Lesueur (B.Evans 530)
  119. Leucopogon sp. Lesueur (B.Evans 530) WA Herbarium
  120. Leucopogon sp. Lort River (M.Golding 3) WA Herbarium
  121. Leucopogon sp. Manypeaks (A.S.George 6488) WA Herbarium
  122. Leucopogon sp. Margaret River (J.Scott 207) WA Herbarium
  123. Leucopogon sp. Mid West (J.S.Beard 7388) WA Herbarium
  124. Leucopogon sp. Moore River (M.Hislop 1695) WA Herbarium
  125. Leucopogon sp. Moresby Range (S.Patrick 2614) WA Herbarium
  126. Leucopogon sp. Mount Heywood (M.A.Burgman 1211) WA Herbarium
  127. Leucopogon sp. Murchison (R.J.Cranfield 9224) WA Herbarium
  128. Leucopogon sp. Murdoch (M.Hislop 1037) WA Herbarium
  129. Leucopogon sp. Nabawa (M.Hislop 2765) WA Herbarium
  130. Leucopogon sp. Newdegate (M.Hislop 3585) WA Herbarium
  131. Leucopogon sp. Northern Scarp (M.Hislop 2233) WA Herbarium
  132. Leucopogon sp. Northern ciliate (R.Davis 3393) WA Herbarium
  133. Leucopogon sp. Ongerup (A.S.George 16682) WA Herbarium
  134. Leucopogon sp. Parkerville (A.Meebold 11654) WA Herbarium
  135. Leucopogon sp. Pingrup (W.E.Blackall 3010) WA Herbarium
  136. Leucopogon sp. Port Gregory (C.Page 33) WA Herbarium
  137. Leucopogon sp. Salt Lake (G.F.Craig 3069) WA Herbarium
  138. Leucopogon sp. South Eneabba (E.A.Griffin 8027) WA Herbarium
  139. Leucopogon sp. Southern Forests (B.G.Hammersley 1000) WA Herbarium
  140. Leucopogon sp. Southern Granite (E.D.Middleton EDM 266) WA Herbarium
  141. Leucopogon sp. Tathra (M.Hislop 2900) WA Herbarium
  142. Leucopogon sp. Three Springs (M.Hislop 2504) WA Herbarium
  143. Leucopogon sp. Tutanning (K.Kershaw 2132) WA Herbarium
  144. Leucopogon sp. Twertup (K.R.Newbey 10859) WA Herbarium
  145. Leucopogon sp. Walpole (R.J.Cranfield 10940) WA Herbarium
  146. Leucopogon sp. Wandering (F.Hort 419) WA Herbarium
  147. Leucopogon sp. Warradarge (M.Hislop 1908) WA Herbarium
  148. Leucopogon sp. Watheroo (R.D.Royce 9616) WA Herbarium
  149. Leucopogon sp. Wheatbelt (S.Murray 257) WA Herbarium
  150. Leucopogon sp. Whicher Range (G.J.Keighery 11763) WA Herbarium
  151. Leucopogon sp. Yanchep (M.Hislop 1986) WA Herbarium
  152. Leucopogon sp. Yandanooka (M.Hislop 2507) WA Herbarium
  153. Leucopogon sp. Yanneymooning (F.Mollemans 3797) WA Herbarium
  154. Leucopogon sp. Yellowdine (M.Hislop & F.Hort MH3194) WA Herbarium
  155. Leucopogon sp. ciliate Eneabba (F.Obbens & C.Godden s.n. 3/7/2003) WA Herbarium
  156. Leucopogon sp. outer wheatbelt (M.Hislop 30) WA Herbarium
  157. Leucopogon sp. short style (S.Barrett 1578) WA Herbarium
  158. Leucopogon sulcatus E.A.Br.
  159. Lomandra sp. Lochada (T.D.Macfarlane 4833) WA Herbarium
  160. Monotoca aristata A.R.Chapm.
  161. Pelargonium australe subsp. drummondii (Turcz.) Hellbr.
  162. Pseudactinia sp. Bruce Rock (J.Buegge D36) WA Herbarium
  163. Pseudactinia sp. Bungalbin Hill (F.H. & M.P.Mollemans 3069) WA Herbarium
  164. Pseudactinia sp. Coolgardie (K.R.Newbey 8698) WA Herbarium
  165. Ptilotus sp. Kennedy Range (A.P.Brown 4276) WA Herbarium
  166. Scaevola sp. Beaufort (G.J.Keighery 6291B) WA Herbarium
  167. Schoenus sp. Bullsbrook (J.J.Alford 915) Rye
  168. Schoenus sp. Jindong (R.D.Royce 2485) Rye
  169. Schoenus sp. Kalbarri (K.R.Newbey 9352) Rye
  170. Schoenus sp. Mt Barker (G.J.Keighery 9679) WA Herbarium
  171. Schoenus sp. Murchison (K.L.Wilson 2647) WA Herbarium
  172. Schoenus sp. Waroona (G.J.Keighery 12235) Rye
  173. Schoenus subflavus subsp. hispid culms (K.R.Newbey 8278) WA Herbarium
  174. Schoenus subflavus subsp. long leaves (K.L.Wilson 2865) WA Herbarium
  175. Scleria sp. B Kimberley Flora (C.R.Dunlop 5409) WA Herbarium
  176. Scleria sp. C Kimberley Flora (K.F.Kenneally 4873) WA Herbarium
  177. Styphelia sp. Bullfinch (M.Hislop 3574) WA Herbarium
  178. Styphelia sp. Great Victoria Desert (N.Murdoch 44) WA Herbarium
  179. Tephrosia sp. sparse pinnae (C.R.Michell 2202)
  180. Tetraria sp. Blackwood River (A.R.Annels 3043) WA Herbarium
  181. Tetraria sp. Chandala (G.J.Keighery 17055) WA Herbarium
  182. Tetraria sp. Jarrah Forest (R.Davis 7391) WA Herbarium
  183. Tetraria sp. Mt Madden (C.D.Turley 40 BP/897) WA Herbarium
  184. Tetraria sp. Nannup (P.A.Jurjevich 1133) WA Herbarium
  185. Tetraria sp. Warren (M.McCallum Webster 23/2/1979) WA Herbarium
  186. Thysanotus sp. Lochada (T.D.Macfarlane 4860) WA Herbarium
  187. Thysanotus sp. Unicup (U.M.Sirisena & T.D.Macfarlane US 13) WA Herbarium
  188. Tribulus terrestris f. long style (D.E.Symon 10352)
  189. Tricostularia sp. south coast (R.T.Wills 1423) WA Herbarium
  190. Triodia sp. Karijini (S.van Leeuwen 4111) WA Herbarium
  191. Westringia sp. Fitzgerald (D.Rathbone DAR 621) WA Herbarium
  192. Westringia sp. Maya (R.Davis & P.Jobson RD 12235) WA Herbarium

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