Vascular Plants

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Mueller, F.J.H. von (1855), Definitions of rare or hitherto undescribed Australian plants : null - null (Book) Mueller, F.J.H. von Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Acacia tenuifolia F.Muell.
  2. Acacia wilhelmiana F.Muell.
  3. Ammannia australasica F.Muell.
  4. Angianthus brachypappus F.Muell.
  5. Anisacantha bicuspis F.Muell.
  6. Anisacantha kentropsidea F.Muell.
  7. Anisacantha quinquecuspis F.Muell.
  8. Anisacantha tricuspis F.Muell.
  9. Antennaria nubigena F.Muell.
  10. Antennaria uniceps F.Muell.
  11. Astelia psychrocharis F.Muell.
  12. Asterolasia chorilaenoides F.Muell.
  13. Bauera sessiliflora F.Muell.
  14. Blennodia alpestris F.Muell.
  15. Blitum atriplicinum F.Muell.
  16. Boronia algida F.Muell.
  17. Bossiaea distichoclada F.Muell.
  18. Brachycome chrysoglossa F.Muell.
  19. Brachycome nivalis F.Muell.
  20. Brachyscome chrysoglossa F.Muell.
  21. Brachyscome leptocarpa F.Muell.
  22. Brachyscome multicaulis F.Muell.
  23. Brachyscome nivalis F.Muell.
  24. Brachyscome ptychocarpa F.Muell.
  25. Burtonia subalpina F.Muell.
  26. Calotis anthemoides F.Muell.
  27. Calotis glandulosa F.Muell.
  28. Caltha introloba F.Muell.
  29. Camphoromyrtus crenulata F.Muell.
  30. Camphoromyrtus pluriflora F.Muell.
  31. Capsella antipoda F.Muell.
  32. Cardamine eustylis F.Muell.
  33. Cardamine laciniata F.Muell.
  34. Carex cephalotes F.Muell.
  35. Carex cephatotes F.Muell.
  36. Carex polyantha F.Muell.
  37. Carpha nivicola F.Muell.
  38. Cassia revoluta F.Muell.
  39. Celastrus australis Harv. & F.Muell.
  40. Chrysocoryne tenella F.Muell.
  41. Coleostylis sonderi F.Muell.
  42. Colobanthus pulvinatus F.Muell.
  43. Corethrostylis schulzenii F.Muell.
  44. Daviesia egena F.Muell.
  45. Decaspora clarkei F.Muell.
  46. Dichopetalum F.Muell.
  47. Dichopetalum ranunculaceum F.Muell.
  48. Dimetopia eriocarpa F.Muell.
  49. Diodia reptans F.Muell.
  50. Dodonaea hexandra F.Muell.
  51. Ehrharta uniglumis F.Muell.
  52. Eriostemon microphyllus F.Muell.
  53. Eriostemon trachyphyllus F.Muell.
  54. Erysimum trisectum F.Muell.
  55. Euphrasia alsa F.Muell.
  56. Eutaxia sparsifolia F.Muell.
  57. Galium geminifolium F.Muell.
  58. Gingidium glaciale F.Muell.
  59. Gingidium simplicifolium F.Muell.
  60. Greevesia F.Muell.
  61. Greevesia cleisocalyx F.Muell.
  62. Grevillea miqueliana F.Muell.
  63. Grevillea victoriae F.Muell.
  64. Haeckeria ozothamnoides F.Muell.
  65. Haloragis acutangula F.Muell.
  66. Howittia F.Muell.
  67. Howittia trilocularis F.Muell.
  68. Hydrocotyle geranifolia F.Muell.
  69. Hydrocotyle geraniifolia F.Muell.
  70. Hydrocotyle pterocarpa F.Muell.
  71. Kochia oppositifolia F.Muell.
  72. Kochia sedifolia F.Muell.
  73. Kunzea peduncularis F.Muell.
  74. Kunzea pomifera F.Muell.
  75. Lasiopetalum behrii F.Muell.
  76. Lepidium ambiguum F.Muell.
  77. Lepidium monoplocoides F.Muell.
  78. Leptocyamus sericeus F.Muell.
  79. Leptospermum brevipes F.Muell.
  80. Leucopogon maccraei F.Muell.
  81. Loranthus canus F.Muell.
  82. Monoploca leptopetala F.Muell.
  83. Notelaea venosa F.Muell.
  84. Oreobolus distichus F.Muell.
  85. Orites lancifolia F.Muell.
  86. Orites lancifolius F.Muell.
  87. Oxylobium alpestre F.Muell.
  88. Oxylobium procumbens F.Muell.
  89. Paederota densifolia F.Muell.
  90. Panax angustifolius F.Muell.
  91. Panax dendroides F.Muell.
  92. Pelonastes tillaeacea F.Muell.
  93. Phebalium ovatifolium F.Muell.
  94. Pholidia divaricata F.Muell.
  95. Pholidia polyclada F.Muell.
  96. Phyllota pleurandroides F.Muell.
  97. Polygala L.
  98. Polygala veronicea F.Muell.
  99. Polypompholyx exigua F.Muell.
  100. Pozoa cuneifolia F.Muell.
  101. Pozoa fragosea F.Muell.
  102. Pozoa sect. Sphagnosciadium F.Muell.
  103. Prostanthera coccinea F.Muell.
  104. Prostanthera eurybioides F.Muell.
  105. Prostanthera spinosa F.Muell.
  106. Psoralea adscendens F.Muell.
  107. Psoralea parva F.Muell.
  108. Pultenaea benthamii F.Muell.
  109. Pultenaea canaliculata F.Muell.
  110. Pultenaea densifolia F.Muell.
  111. Pultenaea fuscata F.Muell.
  112. Ranunculus anemoneus F.Muell.
  113. Ranunculus millani F.Muell.
  114. Ranunculus millanii F.Muell.
  115. Rutidosis leiolepis F.Muell.
  116. Sambucus xanthocarpa F.Muell.
  117. Scirpus leptocarpus F.Muell.
  118. Scirpus polystachyus F.Muell.
  119. Sebaea albidiflora F.Muell.
  120. Senecio vagus F.Muell.
  121. Seseli algens F.Muell.
  122. Seseli harveyanum F.Muell.
  123. Sisymbrium cardaminoides F.Muell.
  124. Sisymbrium sect. Arabidopsis F.Muell.
  125. Sisymbrium trisectum (F.Muell.) F.Muell.
  126. Solanum vescum F.Muell.
  127. Stackhousia pulvinaris F.Muell.
  128. Stenopetalum sphaerocarpum F.Muell.
  129. Stylidium soboliferum F.Muell.
  130. Thomasia petalocalyx F.Muell.
  131. Triglochin nana F.Muell.
  132. Trineuron nivigenum F.Muell.
  133. Tripterococcus spathulatus F.Muell.
  134. Trymalium bifidum F.Muell.
  135. Trymalium bilobatum F.Muell.
  136. Trymalium halmaturinum F.Muell.
  137. Trymalium phlebophyllum F.Muell.
  138. Trymalium spathulatum F.Muell.
  139. Trymalium subochreatum F.Muell.
  140. Veronica hillebrandii F.Muell.
  141. Verticordia wilhelmii F.Muell.
  142. Westringia grevillina F.Muell.
  143. Westringia senifolia F.Muell.
  144. Westringia violacea F.Muell.
  145. Xerotes juncea F.Muell.

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