Unidentified species recorded from eastern Queensland, south-eastern Australia, including Murray-Darling Region, and Tasmania; size not recorded.
New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria
Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Gawler (GAW), Kanmantoo (KAN), NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP) ; NSW, Qld, SA, Tas, Vic: Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Gawler (GAW), Kanmantoo (KAN), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ) ; NSW, SA, Vic: NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP) ; Qld, SA, Tas: Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Wet Tropics (WT)
General References
Anderson, M.J. 1995. Variations in biofilm colonizing artificial substrates: seasonal effects and effects of grazers. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 75: 705-714
Anderson I.G. 1990. Diseases in Australian invertebrate aquaculture. pp. 38-48 in [Anon]. Fifth International Colloquium on Invertebrate Pathology and Microbial Control. Adelaide : Society for Invertebrate Pathology. (ecology)
Colledge, W.R. 1909. Lecture on Brisbane pond life. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 22: 35
Gillies, C.D. 1915. A list of the recorded freshwater protozoa of Queensland, with a number of new records. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 27: 100-102
Kobayashi, T., Shiel, R.J., Gibbs, P. & Dixon, P.I. 1998. Freshwater zooplankton in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River. Hydrobiologia 377: 133-145
Kobayashi, T. & Kotlash, A. 1994. Interactions between vorticellids (Protozoa: Peritrichida) and planktonic algae in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River, New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 114: 61-68
Laybourn-Parry, J., Boyall, J. & Rogers, P. 1999. The role of flagellated and ciliated protozoa in lagoon and grass filter sewage treatment systems. Water Research 33: 2971-2977
Maplestone, C.M. 1879. Infusoria in Australia. Quarterly Journal of the Microscopical Society of Victoria 1: 15-18
Nanney, D.L. & McCoy, J.W. 1976. Characterization of the species of the Tetrahymena pyriformis complex. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 95: 664-682
Owens, L. & Hall-Mendelin, S. 1990. Diseases relevant to penaeid mariculture in tropical Austraia. pp. 421-432 in Perkins, F.O. & Cheng, T.C. (eds). Pathology in Marine Science. San Diego : Acadameic Press. (ecology)
Powling, I.J. 1980. Limnological features of some Victorian reservoirs. pp. 332-342 in Williams, W.D. (ed). An Ecological Basis for Water Resource Management. Canberra : Australian National University Press.
Searle, J. 1918. Excursion to Heidelberg. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 34: 132-133
Sorokin, Y.I. & Sorokin, P.Y. 2009. Analysis of plankton in the southern Great Barrier Reef: abundance and roles in throphodynamics. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 89: 235-241
Stickland, J. 1923. The aquatic protozoa of the Melbourne district. Part I. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 40: 65-74
Stickland, J., Wilcox, J. & Daley, C. 1919. Excursion to Richmond Quarries. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 36: 4
Stickland, W. 1898. Excursion to Maribyrnong. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 15: 47
Wasteneys, H. 1905. Description of a typical Queensland Lagoon (The Enoggera Reservoir, near Brisbane). Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 19: 105-132
Whitelegge, T. 1889. List of the Marine and Freshwater Invertebrate Fauna of Port Jackson and the Neighbourhood. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 23: 163-323
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 02-Jul-2014 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 26-Jul-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
22-Aug-2011 | 22-Aug-2011 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 10-Feb-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
09-Sep-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Vorticella aquadulcis Stokes, A. C. 1887. Notices on new fresh-water infusoria. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society xxiv: 244–255.
Size: 15-55 x 10-35 µm; region: not recorded
Ecological Descriptors
General References
Foissner, W., Berger, H. & Schaumburg, J. 1999. Identification and Ecology of Limnetic Plankton Ciliates. Informationsberichte des Bayerisches Landesamtes für Wasserwirtschaft, München 3/99: 793 pp.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 02-Jul-2014 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 26-Jul-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
22-Aug-2011 | 22-Aug-2011 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 10-Feb-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
09-Sep-2010 | MODIFIED |
Size: not recorded
Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania
Qld, SA, Tas: Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Gawler (GAW), Kanmantoo (KAN), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Wet Tropics (WT)
Ecological Descriptors
Moss, soil dweller.
General References
Blatterer, H. & Foissner, W. 1988. Beitrag zur terricolen Ciliatenfauna (Protozoa, Ciliophora) Australiens. Stapfia 17: 1-84
Foissner, W. 1998. An updated compilation of world soil ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora), with ecological notes, new records, and descriptions of new species. European Journal of Protistology 34: 195-235
Foissner, W., Agatha, S. & Berger, H. 2002. Soil ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from Namibia (Southwest Africa), with emphasis on two contrasting environments, the Etosha Region and the Namib Desert. Denisia 5: 1-1459
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 02-Jul-2014 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 26-Jul-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
22-Aug-2011 | 22-Aug-2011 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 10-Feb-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
09-Sep-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Vorticella calciformis Kahl 1933. Ciliata libera et ectocommensalia. Tierwelt der Nord- und Ostsee. Leipzig 23: 29-146.
Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Gawler (GAW), Kanmantoo (KAN)
Ecological Descriptors
Symbiotic (host(s): Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills, pleopods); Cherax tenuimanus (Smith, 1912) [PARASTACIDAE] Marron (gills, pleopods)).
Associated Fauna References
O'Donoghue, P.J., Beveridge, I. & Phillips, P.H. 1990. Parasites and ectocommensals of yabbies and marron in South Australia. Adelaide : S.A. Department of Fisheries. (Cherax destructor; Cherax tenuimanus)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 03-Jul-2024 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 03-Jul-2024 | MODIFIED | ||
24-Aug-2011 | ADDED |
- Vorticella campanula Ehrenberg, G.C. 1831. Symbolae physicae. Berolini.
Size: not recorded
New South Wales, Victoria
NSW, Vic: NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Ecological Descriptors
General References
Shephard, J., Searle, J. & Stickland, J. 1918. One year's collecting micro-fauna, Botanic Gardens Lake, Melbourne. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 35: 79-84
Whitelegge, T. 1889. List of the Marine and Freshwater Invertebrate Fauna of Port Jackson and the Neighbourhood. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 23: 163-323
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 02-Jul-2014 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 26-Jul-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
22-Aug-2011 | 22-Aug-2011 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 10-Feb-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
09-Sep-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Vorticella chlorostigma Ehrenberg, G.C. 1831. Symbolae physicae. Berolini.
Size: not recorded
NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Ecological Descriptors
General References
Whitelegge, T. 1889. List of the Marine and Freshwater Invertebrate Fauna of Port Jackson and the Neighbourhood. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 23: 163-323
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 02-Jul-2014 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 26-Jul-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
22-Aug-2011 | 22-Aug-2011 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 10-Feb-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
09-Sep-2010 | MODIFIED |
Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Gawler (GAW), Kanmantoo (KAN)
Ecological Descriptors
Symbiotic (host(s): Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills, pleopods); Cherax tenuimanus (Smith, 1912) [PARASTACIDAE] Marron (gills, pleopods)).
Associated Fauna References
O'Donoghue, P.J., Beveridge, I. & Phillips, P.H. 1990. Parasites and ectocommensals of yabbies and marron in South Australia. Adelaide : S.A. Department of Fisheries. (Cherax destructor; Cherax tenuimanus)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 03-Jul-2024 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 03-Jul-2024 | MODIFIED | ||
24-Aug-2011 | ADDED |
Size: not recorded
New South Wales, Victoria
NSW, Vic: NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Ecological Descriptors
General References
Whitelegge, T. 1889. List of the Marine and Freshwater Invertebrate Fauna of Port Jackson and the Neighbourhood. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 23: 163-323
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 02-Jul-2014 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 26-Jul-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
22-Aug-2011 | 22-Aug-2011 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 10-Feb-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
09-Sep-2010 | MODIFIED |
Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Gawler (GAW), Kanmantoo (KAN)
Ecological Descriptors
Symbiotic (host(s): Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills, pleopods); Cherax tenuimanus (Smith, 1912) [PARASTACIDAE] Marron (gills, pleopods)).
Associated Fauna References
O'Donoghue, P.J., Beveridge, I. & Phillips, P.H. 1990. Parasites and ectocommensals of yabbies and marron in South Australia. Adelaide : S.A. Department of Fisheries. (Cherax destructor; Cherax tenuimanus)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 03-Jul-2024 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 03-Jul-2024 | MODIFIED | ||
24-Aug-2011 | ADDED |
Size: not recorded
South Australia, Tasmania
SA, Tas: Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Gawler (GAW), Kanmantoo (KAN)
Ecological Descriptors
Soil dweller.
General References
Blatterer, H. & Foissner, W. 1988. Beitrag zur terricolen Ciliatenfauna (Protozoa, Ciliophora) Australiens. Stapfia 17: 1-84
Foissner, W. 1998. An updated compilation of world soil ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora), with ecological notes, new records, and descriptions of new species. European Journal of Protistology 34: 195-235
Foissner, W., Agatha, S. & Berger, H. 2002. Soil ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from Namibia (Southwest Africa), with emphasis on two contrasting environments, the Etosha Region and the Namib Desert. Denisia 5: 1-1459
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 02-Jul-2014 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 26-Jul-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
22-Aug-2011 | 22-Aug-2011 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 10-Feb-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
09-Sep-2010 | MODIFIED |
Species Vorticella jaerae Precht, 1935
- Vorticella jaerae Precht, H. 1935. Die Struktur des Stieles bei den Sessilia. Archiv für Protistenkunde 85: 234-250.
Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Gawler (GAW), Kanmantoo (KAN)
Ecological Descriptors
Symbiotic (host(s): Cherax destructor (Clark, 1936) [PARASTACIDAE] Inland Yabbie (gills, pleopods); Cherax tenuimanus (Smith, 1912) [PARASTACIDAE] Marron (gills, pleopods)).
Associated Fauna References
O'Donoghue, P.J., Beveridge, I. & Phillips, P.H. 1990. Parasites and ectocommensals of yabbies and marron in South Australia. Adelaide : S.A. Department of Fisheries. (Cherax destructor; Cherax tenuimanus)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 03-Jul-2024 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 03-Jul-2024 | MODIFIED | ||
24-Aug-2011 | ADDED |
- Vorticella microstoma Ehrenberg, C.G. 1830. Organisation, Systematik und geographisches Verhältnis der Infusionsthierchen. Zwei Vorträge in der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin gehalten in den Jahren 1828 und 1839. Abhandlungen der Königlich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin 1830: 1-108 8 pls.
Size: 36-67 x 18-30 µm
New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria
NSW, SA, Vic: Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Gawler (GAW), Kanmantoo (KAN), NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Ecological Descriptors
Freshwater, soil dweller.
General References
Esteban, G.F., Finlay, B.J., Olmo, J.L. & Tyler, P.A. 2000. Ciliated protozoa from a volcanic crater-lake in Victoria, Australia. Journal of Natural History 34: 159-189
Fielder, W. 1893. Excursion to Heidelberg. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 9: 135-136
Finlay, B.J., Esteban, G.F., Olmo, J.L. & Tyler, P.A. 1999. Global distribution of free-living microbial species. Ecography 22: 138-144
Gibbons, S. 1874. Air and water poisoning in Melbourne. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 10: 180-202
Maplestone, C.M. 1879. Infusoria in Australia. Quarterly Journal of the Microscopical Society of Victoria 1: 15-18
Pomp, R. & Wilbert, N. 1988. Taxonomic and ecological studies of ciliates from Australian saline soils. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 39: 479-495
Schewiakoff, W. 1893. Uber die geographische Verbreitung der Susswasser-Protozoen. Memoires de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg 7 41: 1-201 + 5 pls
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 02-Jul-2014 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 26-Jul-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
22-Aug-2011 | 22-Aug-2011 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 10-Feb-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
09-Sep-2010 | MODIFIED |
Species Vorticella monilata Tatem, 1869
- Vorticella monilata Tatem, J. G. 1869. On a new ciliated Infusorium. Monthly Microscopical Journal 117–118.
Size: not recorded
New South Wales, Victoria
NSW, Vic: NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Ecological Descriptors
General References
Whitelegge, T. 1889. List of the Marine and Freshwater Invertebrate Fauna of Port Jackson and the Neighbourhood. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 23: 163-323
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 02-Jul-2014 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 26-Jul-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
22-Aug-2011 | 22-Aug-2011 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 10-Feb-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
09-Sep-2010 | MODIFIED |
Species Vorticella nana Kahl, 1932
Size: not recorded
New South Wales, Victoria
NSW, Vic: NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Ecological Descriptors
General References
Esteban, G.F., Finlay, B.J., Olmo, J.L. & Tyler, P.A. 2000. Ciliated protozoa from a volcanic crater-lake in Victoria, Australia. Journal of Natural History 34: 159-189
Finlay, B.J., Esteban, G.F., Olmo, J.L. & Tyler, P.A. 1999. Global distribution of free-living microbial species. Ecography 22: 138-144
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 02-Jul-2014 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 26-Jul-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
22-Aug-2011 | 22-Aug-2011 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 10-Feb-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
09-Sep-2010 | MODIFIED |
Size: not recorded
New South Wales, Victoria
NSW, Vic: NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Ecological Descriptors
General References
Fielder, W. 1893. Excursion to Heidelberg. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 9: 135-136
Whitelegge, T. 1889. List of the Marine and Freshwater Invertebrate Fauna of Port Jackson and the Neighbourhood. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 23: 163-323
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 02-Jul-2014 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 26-Jul-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
22-Aug-2011 | 22-Aug-2011 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 10-Feb-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
09-Sep-2010 | MODIFIED |
Species Vorticella similis Stokes, 1887
- Vorticella similis Stokes, A.C. 1887. Notices of New Fresh-water Infusoria, vi. American Monthly Microscopical Journal 141-147.
Size: not recorded
South Australia
SA: Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Gawler (GAW), Kanmantoo (KAN)
Ecological Descriptors
Soil dweller.
General References
Blatterer, H. & Foissner, W. 1988. Beitrag zur terricolen Ciliatenfauna (Protozoa, Ciliophora) Australiens. Stapfia 17: 1-84
Foissner, W. 1998. An updated compilation of world soil ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora), with ecological notes, new records, and descriptions of new species. European Journal of Protistology 34: 195-235
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 02-Jul-2014 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 26-Jul-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
22-Aug-2011 | 22-Aug-2011 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 10-Feb-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
09-Sep-2010 | MODIFIED |
Size: not recorded
Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Gawler (GAW), Kanmantoo (KAN)
Ecological Descriptors
Soil dweller.
General References
Pomp, R. & Wilbert, N. 1988. Taxonomic and ecological studies of ciliates from Australian saline soils. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 39: 479-495
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
02-Jul-2014 | INTRAMACRONUCLEATA Lynn, 1996 | 02-Jul-2014 | MODIFIED | |
18-Mar-2014 | 18-Mar-2014 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 26-Jul-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
22-Aug-2011 | 22-Aug-2011 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2012 | 10-Feb-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
09-Sep-2010 | MODIFIED |