Species Tonna tankervillii (Hanley, 1860)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


Generic Combinations




New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria


Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38), Central Eastern Shelf Transition (39), Northeast Shelf Province (40)

Ecological Descriptors

Continental shelf, marine, sand flats, subtidal.

Extra Ecological Information

To 50 m


General References

Beechey, D. 2000. Tonna cerevisina Hedley, 1919. The seashells of New South Wales website. http://seashellsofnsw.org.au/Tonnidae/Pages/tonna_cerevisina.htm (as Tonna cerevisina date accessed 19/7/2012)

Hedley, C. 1919. A review of the Australian Tun Shells. Records of the Australian Museum 12(11): 329-336, pls 39-44 [330-331] (as Tonna cerevisina)

Hinton, A.G. 1978. Guide to Australian Shells. Port Moresby : Robert Brown & Associates 82 pp. [26, fig. 1] (as Tonna cerevisina)

Jansen, P. 1995. Seashells of Central New South Wales. Townsville pp. 1-129. [48, fig. 171] (as Tonna variegata)

Jansen, P. 2000. Seashells of South-East Australia. Lindfield : Capricornica Publications 117 pp. [38, fig. 146] (as Tonna variegata)

Vos, C. & Terryn, Y. in Poppe, G.T. & Groh, K. (eds) 2007. A Conchological Iconography. The family Tonnidae. Hackenheim, Germany : ConchBooks pp. 1-121, 63 pls. [102-103, pls 50-52]

Wilson, B. 1993. Australian Marine Shells. Prosobranch Gastropods. Kallaroo, Western Australia : Odyssey Publishing Vol. 1 408 pp. [253] (as Tonna variegata in part)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
TONNOIDEA 19-Jul-2012 ADDED Mr Des Beechey (AM) Ms Anouk Mututantri (AM)