- Thyroscyphus Allman, G.J. 1877. Report on the Hydroida collected during the exploration of the Gulf Stream by L.F. De Pourtalès, assistant United States Coast Survey. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College 5: 1-66 pls I-34.
Type species:
Thyroschyphus ramosus Allman, 1877 by original designation.
New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia
Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Southeast Shelf Transition (37)
Other Regions
Torres Strait Islands terrestrial, marine & freshwater
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
05-Aug-2022 | 16-Apr-2012 | MOVED | ||
05-Aug-2022 | 16-Apr-2012 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2011 | (import) |
- Thyroscyphus vitiensis Marktanner-Turneretscher, G. 1890. Die Hydroiden des K.K. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. Annalen des Kaiserlich-Königlichen Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 5: 195-286, pls 3-7 [210].
Generic Combinations
- Thyroscyphus fructiosus (Esper, 1793).
Northern Territory, Western Australia
Distribution References
- Watson, J.E. 1996. Distribution and biogeographic relationships of the hydroid fauna of the Australian west coast: A preliminary account. Scientia Marina 60(1): 75-83
- Watson, J.E. 2000. Hydroids (Hydrozoa: Leptothecata) from the Beagle Gulf and Darwin Harbour, Northern Australia. The Beagle, Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory 16: 1-82
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
05-Aug-2022 | MEDUSOZOA Petersen, 1979 | 19-Nov-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Lisa Gershwin |
04-May-2012 | ADDED |
- Campanularia marginata Bale, W.M. 1884. Catalogue of the Australian Hydroid Zoophytes. Sydney : Australian Museum 198 pp., pls 1-19. [54].
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Watson, J.E. 2005. Hydroids of the Archipelago of the Recherche and Esperance, Western Australia: Annotated list, redescription of species and description of new species. pp. 495-612 in Wells, F.E., Walker, D.I. & Kendrick, G.A. (eds). Proceedings of the Twelfth International Marine Biological Workshop: The Marine Flora and Fauna of Esperance, Western Australia. Perth : Western Australian Museum. [534]
Generic Combinations
- Thyroscyphus balei (Calder, 1983).
- Thyroscyphus macrocytharus (Lamouroux, 1824).
Appears in WoRMS as Thyroscyphus macrocyttarus at 31 July 2018.
New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia
Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Southeast Shelf Transition (37)
Distribution References
- Watson, J.E. 1973. Hydroids. Pearson Island Expedition, 1969-9. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 97: 153-200 [169] (as Thyroscyphus marginatus)
- Watson, J.E. 1994. Shallow water hydroids from eastern Bass Strait. Victorian Naturalist 111: 65-69 (as Thyroscyphus balei (Calder, 1983))
- Watson, J.E. 1996. Distribution and biogeographic relationships of the hydroid fauna of the Australian west coast: A preliminary account. Scientia Marina 60(1): 75-83
- Watson, J.E. 2000. Hydroids (Hydrozoa: Leptothecata) from the Beagle Gulf and Darwin Harbour, Northern Australia. The Beagle, Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory 16: 1-82 [37]
- Watson, J.E. 2005. Hydroids of the Archipelago of the Recherche and Esperance, Western Australia: Annotated list, redescription of species and description of new species. pp. 495-612 in Wells, F.E., Walker, D.I. & Kendrick, G.A. (eds). Proceedings of the Twelfth International Marine Biological Workshop: The Marine Flora and Fauna of Esperance, Western Australia. Perth : Western Australian Museum.
General References
Watson, J.E. 1992. The hydroid community of Amphibolis seagrasses in south-eastern and south-western Australia. pp. 217–227 in Bouillon, J., Boero, F., Cicogna, F., Gili, J.M. & Hughes, R.G. (eds). Aspects of hydrozoan biology. Scientia Marina 56(2-3) [220] (as Thyroscyphus balei)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
05-Aug-2022 | 16-Apr-2012 | MOVED | ||
05-Aug-2022 | 16-Apr-2012 | MOVED | ||
26-Jul-2011 | (import) |
Generic Combinations
- Thyroscyphus marginatus (Allman, 1877).
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
05-Aug-2022 | MEDUSOZOA Petersen, 1979 | 17-Mar-2015 | MODIFIED | Dr Lisa Gershwin |
25-May-2012 | ADDED |
- Laomedea torresii Busk, G. 1852. An account of the Polyzoa and Sertularian Zoophytes, collected in the voyage of the "Rattlesnake" on the coast of Australia and the Louisade Archipelago, etc. Appendix no. IV. pp. 343-402 in MacGillivray, J. (ed.). Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake. London : T. & W. Boone Vol. 1. [402].
- Thyroscyphus simplex Allman, G.J. 1888. Report on the Hydroida dredged by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76. Part II: The Tubularinae, Corymorphinae, Campanularinae, Sertularinae and Thalamophora. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger 1873–1876, Zoology 23: ilxix, 1-90, pls 1-39 [25].
- Thyroscyphus regularis Jäderholm, E. 1896. Ueber aussereuropäische Hydroiden des zoologischen Museums der Universität Upsala. Bihang till Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 4(6): 1-20, pls 1-2 [9].
Generic Combinations
- Thyroscyphus torresi (Busk, 1852).
Northern Territory, Queensland, Western Australia
Other Regions
Torres Strait Islands terrestrial, marine & freshwater
Distribution References
- Watson, J.E. 1996. Distribution and biogeographic relationships of the hydroid fauna of the Australian west coast: A preliminary account. Scientia Marina 60(1): 75-83
- Watson, J.E. 2000. Hydroids (Hydrozoa: Leptothecata) from the Beagle Gulf and Darwin Harbour, Northern Australia. The Beagle, Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory 16: 1-82 [37-38]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
04-May-2012 | ADDED |