Subspecies Tachyglossus aculeatus setosus (Geoffroy, 1803)

CAVS: 1665





Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.


Tas: Ben Lomond (BEL), Flinders (FLI), King (KIN), Tasmanian Central Highlands (TCH), Tasmanian Northern Midlands (TNM), Tasmanian Northern Slopes (TNS), Tasmanian South East (TSE), Tasmanian Southern Ranges (TSR), Tasmanian West (TWE)

Ecological Descriptors

Alpine, cave dweller, closed forest, crepuscular, hummock grassland, insectivorous, low open shrubland, low open woodland, low shrubland, low woodland, noctidiurnal, open forest, open heath, open scrub, predator, subtropical, tall open forest, tall open shrubland, tall shrubland, temperate, terrestrial, tropical, tussock grassland, woodland.

Extra Ecological Information

Seasonal breeder, oviparous.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
15-Oct-2010 15-Oct-2010 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)