Family SPONGIIDAE Gray, 1867
Compiler and date details
2010 - John N.A. Hooper, Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; Felix Wiedenmayer (1994), Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Basel, Switzerland; updated by John N.A. Hooper (1999)
The six genera of the Spongiidae present a wide variety of forms, from low and encrusting to upright and massive. They all have a well-developed skeleton of primary and secondary fibres, and in a group of species from Australasia, distinct fine secondary or pseudo-tertiary fibres. Some species of Hyattella and Spongia may also have a superficial fibre net supporting the pinacoderm. All fibres are unpithed and are homogeneous, i.e., they show little or no sign of disjunct concentric laminations within the fibres, unlike members of the Thorectidae, Irciniidae and Dysideidae. However, it is possible to mistake stress marks within fibres, particularly at fibre intersections or corners, for laminations or lines of disjunction. Primary fibres may be sparse and are rare in one genus. Most characteristic of spongiids is the dense, secondary-fibre reticulum that dominates the skeleton. The surface may be heavily armoured with an organised dermal crust of sand, foreign spicules and detritus. Unarmoured genera usually have a conulose surface. The texture of the interior is rough to the touch, reflecting the density of spongin skeleton in relation to that of soft tissue. The whole body is compressible and resilient except where the surface is heavily sand-encrusted. Choanocyte chambers of spongiids are diplodal, and spherical to oval in shape. In some species, the mesohyl and ectosome are supported by heavy deposits of collagen, though this can vary, even between species within the same genus.
ID Keys
(1)Surface armoured ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
Surface unarmoured ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
(2)Dense secondary skeleton of thick, branching secondary fibres -------------------------------------------- Leiosella
Dense secondary skeleton of very fine, intertwined secondary fibres ---------------------------------- Coscinoderma
(3)Sponge body or ectoderm lacunose ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
Sponge not lacunose -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
(4)Primary fibres common ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hyattella
Primary fibres uncommon to rare --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hippospongia
(5)Primary fibres form long, simple fascicles -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rhopaloeides
Primary fibres are simple, not forming fascicles ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Spongia
Diagnosis References
Cook, S.D.C. & Bergquist, P.R. 2002. Family Spongiidae Gray, 1867. pp. 1051-1060 in Hooper, J.N.A. & van Soest, R.W.M. (eds). Systema Porifera: A guide to the classification of sponges. New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Vol. 1. [1051]
General References
Bergquist, P.R. 1980. A revision of the supraspecific classification of the orders Dictyoceratida, Dendroceratida and Verongida (Class Demospongiae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 7: 443-503 figs 1-25 pls
Bergquist, P.R. 1995. Dictyoceratida, Dendroceratida and Verongida from the New Caledonia Lagoon (Porifera: Demospongiae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 38(1): 1-51
Boury-Esnault, N., de Vos, L., Donadey, C. & Vacelet, J. 1990. Ultrastructure of choanosome and sponge classification. pp. 237-244 in Rützler, K. (ed.). New Perspectives in Sponge Biology. Washington : Smithsonian Institution Press.
Cook, S.D.C. & Bergquist, P.R. 2002. Family Spongiidae Gray, 1867. pp. 1051-1060 in Hooper, J.N.A. & van Soest, R.W.M. (eds). Systema Porifera: A guide to the classification of sponges. New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Vol. 1.
Hartman, W.D. 1982. Porifera. pp. 640-666 in Parker, S.P. (ed.). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. New York : McGraw-Hill Vol. 1.
Vacelet, J. 1959. Répartition générale des Eponges et systématique des Eponges cornées de la région de Marseille et de quelques stations méditerranéennes. Recueil des Travaux de la Station Marine d'Endoume. Marseille 26: 39-101 pls 1-3
van Soest, R.W.M. 1978. Marine sponges from Curaçao and other Caribbean localities. Part. I. Keratosa. Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands 56(179): 1-94 30 figs 15 pls
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
Genus Coscinoderma Carter, 1883
Compiler and date details
February 2012 - John N.A. Hooper, Queensland Museum
2005 - Updated by John N.A. Hooper
30 December 2002 - John N.A. Hooper, Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
1994 - Felix Wiedenmayer, Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Basel, Switzerland
- Coscinoderma Carter, H.J. 1883. Contributions to our knowledge of the Spongida. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5 12: 308-329 pls 11-14 [309].
Type species:
Coscinoderma lanuginosum Carter, 1883 by monotypy.
Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
West Indian region.
Northeast Transition (19), Northwest Shelf Province (27), Central Western Shelf Transition (28), Central Western Shelf Province (29), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Transition (39), Northwest Province (4), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41), Central Western Transition (5)
Other Regions
Coral Sea Islands Territory
Distribution References
- Bergquist, P.R. 1980. A revision of the supraspecific classification of the orders Dictyoceratida, Dendroceratida and Verongida (Class Demospongiae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 7: 443-503 figs 1-25 pls [458] (re Coscinoderma lanuga de Laubenfels, 1936)
Flabellate, pyriform, massive, or pedunculate sponges, with apical or marginal oscules. The surface armour is thin, very fine and even, so that these sponges remain soft, elastic and compressible. The fibre skeleton comprises simple, cored primary fibres, and a dense secondary reticulum, comprising very fine, intertwined secondary fibres (Fig. 1K).
ID Keys
See Family Spongiidae Diagnosis
Diagnosis References
Cook, S.D.C. & Bergquist, P.R. 2002. Family Spongiidae Gray, 1867. pp. 1051-1060 in Hooper, J.N.A. & van Soest, R.W.M. (eds). Systema Porifera: A guide to the classification of sponges. New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Vol. 1. [1056]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
28-Jun-2018 | Coscinoderma Carter, 1883 | 12-Jun-2018 | MODIFIED | |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Coscinoderma denticulatum Poléjaeff, N. 1884. Report on the Keratosa collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger 1873–1876, Zoology 11: 1-88 pls 1-10 [51] [current status uncertain; identification of Australian record(s) in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. doubtful (no published specimens found in AM, BMNH, ZMB)].
Type data:
Holotype BMNH 1885.8.8.20 (egaz), 76 m, Honolulu, Hawaii [21°19'44"N 157°51'43"W].Secondary source:
Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. [277, pl. 22 fig. 15].
Extra Distribution Information
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
General References
Hooper, J.N.A. in Hooper, J.N.A. & Wiedenmayer, F. 1994. Porifera. pp. 1-620 in Wells, A. (ed.). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia Vol. 12 xiii 624 pp. [Date published 21/Nov/1994] (generic placement uncertain)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Euspongia mathewsi Lendenfeld, R. von 1885. A monograph of the Australian sponges. Part 6. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 10: 481-553 pls 36-38 [520-523 pl. 36, fig. 6].
Type data:
Holotype BMNH 1886.8.27.301 dry, Ponape, Caroline Islands.
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Bergquist, P.R. 1995. Dictyoceratida, Dendroceratida and Verongida from the New Caledonia Lagoon (Porifera: Demospongiae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 38(1): 1-51 [5]
Generic Combinations
- Coscinoderma mathewsi (Lendenfeld, 1885). —
Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. [334]
Queensland, Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Tropical and subtropical Indo-west Pacific, Caroline Islands, Ponape, Kuop, Truk, Palau, Fiji, New Caledonia; Queensland coastal, Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea, Western Australia, Dampier Archipelago; also reported from South Africa (dubious).
Northeast Transition (19), Northwest Shelf Province (27), Central Eastern Shelf Transition (39), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41)
Other Regions
Coral Sea Islands Territory
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
commercial bath sponge of significant commercial potential for aquaculture
(no title)
Also referred to Leiosella by Laubenfels (1948) [61]. Not conspecific with Coscinoderma lanuginosum Carter, 1883 from southern Australia, contrary to Lendenfeld's (1885) remarks, and original description probably an amalgam of several species.
Bergquist, P.R. 1995. Dictyoceratida, Dendroceratida and Verongida from the New Caledonia Lagoon (Porifera: Demospongiae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 38(1): 1–51 [5-6] description encompasses the modern concept of this species.
General References
Abdul Wahabm N.A., de Nys, R. & Whalan, S. 2012. Closing the lifecycle for the sustainable aquaculture of the bath sponge Coscinoderma matthewsi. Aquaculture 324–325: 281–289 [281]
Bergquist, P.R. 1995. Dictyoceratida, Dendroceratida and Verongida from the New Caledonia Lagoon (Porifera: Demospongiae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 38(1): 1-51 [5-6]
Fromont, J. 2003. Porifera (Sponges) in the Dampier Archipelago: Taxonomic affinities and biogeography. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Marine Biological Workshop. The Marine Flora and Fauna of Dampier, Western Australia. 405-417 pp. [408] (listed in this article)
Laubenfels, M.W. de 1948. The order Keratosa of the phylum Porifera. A monographic study. Occasional Papers of the Allan Hancock Foundation 3: 1-217 31 figs 30 pls
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
28-Jun-2018 | Coscinoderma Carter, 1883 | 12-Jun-2018 | MODIFIED | |
29-Mar-2018 | DEMOSPONGIAE Sollas, 1885 | 17-Sep-2014 | MODIFIED | ABRS |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Aphrodite nardorus Lendenfeld, R. von 1885. A monograph of the Australian sponges. Part 5. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 10: 282-325 pls 26-35 [306].
Type data:
Holotype BMNH 1886.8.27.105 wet (=AM G3398 slide, figured in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. [pl. 12 fig. 13] - egaz), Torres Strait, Palm Is., QLD [10°25'S 142°10'E].
Paratype(s) BMNH 1930.8.13.181 dry. - Hippospongia aphroditella Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [36] [in key, see also Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (312, pl. 11 figs 11–14, pl. 12 fig. 13); unjustified replacement name for
Aphrodite nardorus Lendenfeld, 1885]. - Ceratodendron haeckeli Marshall, W. 1892. Spongiologische Beiträge. Festschrift zur 70. Wiederkehr des Geburtstages von Rudolf Leuckart. Leipzig : C.F. Winter 36 pp. 8 pls. [5].
Type data:
Syntype(s) ZMB 4505 4 slides (forma rigida), Bass Strait; ZMB 4506 slides (forma mollis), Bass Strait [39°20'S 145°30'E].
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Burton, M. 1934. Sponges. Scientific Reports of the Great Barrier Reef Expedition 1928-1929 4: 513-621 pls 1-2 [577]
Generic Combinations
- Coscinoderma nardorus (Lendenfeld, 1885). —
Sutcliffe, P.R., Hooper, J.N.A. & Pitcher, C.R. 2010. The most common sponges on the Great Barrer Reef seabed, Australia, include species new to science (Phylum Porifera). Zootaxa 2616: 1-30 [12] - Hippospongia nardorus (Lendenfeld, 1885). —
Hooper, J.N.A. & Wiedenmayer, F. 1994. Porifera. pp. 1–620 in Wells, A. (ed.). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia Vol. 12 xiii 624 pp. [Date published 21/Nov/1994] [384]
Queensland, Tasmania
Extra Distribution Information
Common throughout the Great Barrier Reef, in reef areas and sandy bottoms, attached to rubble in soft sediment by a holdfast. Distributed from Torres Strait and throughout the entire length of the Great Barrier Reef seabed at depths between 12 and 85 m, predominantly in benthic substrates dominated by sand and calcium carbonate material. Also allegedly recorded from South Africa but this record has not been substantiated.
Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
Potential commercial quality bath sponge
Extra Ecological Information
Depth subtidal–85 m.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Jan-2012 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Spongia pesleonis Lamarck, J.B.P.A. de Monet 1814. Sur les polypiers empâtés. Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris 20: 294-312, 370-386, 432-458 [379].
Type data:
Holotype MNHN Paris LBIM DT540, southern seas (as Mers Australes), Péron and Lesueur Collection, hence Australia.Secondary source:
Topsent, E. 1930. Eponges de Lamarck conservées au Muséum de Paris. Archives du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 6 5: 1-56 4 figs pls 1-4 [33]. - Spongelia incerta Hyatt, A. 1877. A revision of the North American Poriferae, with remarks upon foreign species. Part 2. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History 2: 481-554 pls 15-17 [533].
Type data:
Status unknown, MCZ (egaz), Phillip Is., VIC [38°29'S 145°14'E]; MCZ (egaz), Phillip Is., VIC [38°29'S 145°14'E].Secondary source:
Topsent, E. 1930. Eponges de Lamarck conservées au Muséum de Paris. Archives du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 6 5: 1-56 4 figs pls 1-4 [34]; Bergquist, P.R. 1980. A revision of the supraspecific classification of the orders Dictyoceratida, Dendroceratida and Verongida (Class Demospongiae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 7: 443-503 figs 1-25 pls [456]. - Coscinoderma lanuginosum Carter, H.J. 1883. Contributions to our knowledge of the Spongida. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5 12: 308-329 pls 11-14 [309].
Type data:
Lectotype BMNH unregistered dry Bowerbank Collection No. 710, Fremantle, WA [32°03'S 115°46'E].
Paralectotype(s) BMNH unregistered dry Bowerbank Collection; 2 specimens, 1 decorticated (Bowerbank Collection, ex Clifton). - Coscinoderma pyriformis Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [38] [in key; unjustified replacement name for
Spongelia incerta Hyatt, 1877, see Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (334)].Type data:
Holotype ZMB 1190 (egaz), Port Phillip Bay, VIC [38°07'S 144°48'E].
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Bergquist, P.R. 1980. A revision of the supraspecific classification of the orders Dictyoceratida, Dendroceratida and Verongida (Class Demospongiae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 7: 443-503 figs 1-25 pls [456]
South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Phillip Is., Port Phillip Heads, Deal Is., Warrnambool, Investigator Is, Great Australian Bight, Fremantle and Houtman Abrolhos.
Central Western Shelf Transition (28), Central Western Shelf Province (29), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Northwest Province (4), Central Western Transition (5)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
Extra Ecological Information
Depth 10–52 m.
General References
Fromont, J. 1999. Demosponges of the Houtman Abrolhos. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 44: 175-184 [180] (Listed in this article)
Sorokin, S., Fromont, J. & Currie, D. 2007. Demosponge biodiversity in the Benthic Protection Zone of the Great Australian Bight. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 132(2): 192-204 [195]
Sorokin, S.J., Laperousaz, T.C.D. & Collings, G.J. 2008. Investigator Group Expedition 2006: Sponges (Porifera). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 132(2): 163-172 [167]
Wiedenmayer, F. 1989. Demospongiae (Porifera) from northern Bass Strait (Shelf of Southern Australia). Memoirs of Museum Victoria 50(1): 1-242 [128]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 02-May-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Hippospongia Schulze, F.E. 1879. Untersuchungen über den Bau und die Entwicklung der Spongien. Siebente Mittheilung. Die Familie der Spongidae. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Zoologie 32: 593-660 pls 34-38 [614].
Type species:
Spongia equina Schmidt, 1862 by monotypy. - Aphrodite Lendenfeld, R. von 1885. A monograph of the Australian sponges. Part 5. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 10: 282-325 pls 26-35 [306] [junior homonym of Aphrodite Leske, 1775 (Polychaeta), Aphrodite Link, 1907 (Mollusca), Aphrodite Hübner, 1819 (Lepidoptera) and Aphrodite Lea, 1834 (Mollusca)].
Type species:
Aphrodite nardorus Lendenfeld, 1885 by monotypy. - Hippiospongia Laubenfels, M.W. de 1936. A discussion of the sponge fauna of the Dry Tortugas in particular, and the West Indies in general, with material for a revision of the families and orders of the Porifera. (Tortugas Lab. Paper No. 467). Publication of the Carnegie Institution of Washington Washington 30: 1-225 22 pls 1 map [11] [unnecessary replacement name following the generally unaccepted merging of Hippospongia de Laubenfels, 1936 in Spongia Linnaeus, 1759 by Burton, M. 1934. Sponges. Science Reports of the Geat Barrier Reef Expedition 4: 513–621 pls 1–2].
Type species:
Hippiospongia lachne de Laubenfels, 1936 by original designation.Secondary source:
Burton, M. 1934. Sponges. Scientific Reports of the Great Barrier Reef Expedition 1928-1929 4: 513-621 pls 1-2 [574]; Topsent, E. 1937. Notes diverses sur des Eponges. Bulletin de l'Institut Océanographique Monaco 722: 1-15 [13].
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Bergquist, P.R. 1980. A revision of the supraspecific classification of the orders Dictyoceratida, Dendroceratida and Verongida (Class Demospongiae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 7: 443-503 figs 1-25 pls [452]
New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
West Indies, Mediterranean Sea, S Africa, Indian Ocean, Indo-Malayan region and W Pacific.
Timor Transition (1), Northern Shelf Province (25), Northwest Shelf Transition (26), Central Western Shelf Transition (28), Central Western Shelf Province (29), Southwest Shelf Province (31), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Tasmanian Shelf Province (36), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38), Central Eastern Shelf Transition (39), Northwest Province (4), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41), Central Western Transition (5)
Distribution References
Spongiidae with a highly-developed fibre network characterised by the almost complete absence of primary fibres, which occur only superficially, and may be lightly cored. The tangled network of uncored secondary fibres forms the skeleton, which is supple and elastic. Species of Hippospongia are characterised by cavernous construction throughout (Fig. 1H), formed by numerous surface lacunae covered by pinacoderm and large diameter oscules (Fig. 1G) which maintain their diameter into the body of the sponge. The surface is conulose, each conule formed by one to several emergent fibres, forming a tuft or brush. When the skeleton is macerated and dried, the sponges appear coarsely hirsute, in contrast to the finely conulose surface of Spongia species. These sponges are dark-pigmented, and are never armoured.
ID Keys
See Family Spongiidae Diagnosis
Diagnosis References
Cook, S.D.C. & Bergquist, P.R. 2002. Family Spongiidae Gray, 1867. pp. 1051-1060 in Hooper, J.N.A. & van Soest, R.W.M. (eds). Systema Porifera: A guide to the classification of sponges. New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Vol. 1. [1055]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Euspongia anfractuosa Carter, H.J. 1885. Description of sponges from the neighbourhood of Port Phillip Heads, South Australia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5 15: 301-321 [316] [type series composite].
Type data:
Syntype(s) BMNH 1886.12.15.226 dry (NMV photos 54/20,21, =AM G2838 slide - egaz), 33 m, Port Phillip Heads, VIC [38°07'S 144°48'E]; BMNH 1886.12.15.224 dry (NMV photo 54/18 - egaz), 33 m, Port Phillip Heads, VIC [38°07'S 144°48'E]; BMNH 1886.12.15.280 dry (NMV photos 54/16,17,22 - egaz), 33 m, Port Phillip Heads, VIC [38°07'S 144°48'E]; BMNH unregistered dry with Carter's No. 46 (NMV photo 54/19 - egaz), 33 m, Port Phillip Heads, VIC [38°07'S 144°48'E].
Extra Distribution Information
Known only from type locality.
Bass Strait Shelf Province (35)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Euspongia canaliculata Lendenfeld, R. von 1885. A monograph of the Australian sponges. Part 6. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 10: 481-553 pls 36-38.
- Euspongia canaliculata dura Lendenfeld, R. von 1885. A monograph of the Australian sponges. Part 6. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 10: 481-553 pls 36-38 [502].
Type data:
Lectotype BMNH 1886.8.27.311 dry –312, slide, WA [25°00'S 122°00'E].
Paralectotype(s) AM B5475 2 specimens, dry (NMV photo 2/31), Port Jackson [33°51'S 151°15'E]; BMNH 1886.8.27.309 wet, fragment, Port Denison, QLD [no coords available egaz]; AM G3707 slide, no locality; ZMB 6738 slide, no locality. - Euspongia canaliculata elastica Lendenfeld, R. von 1885. A monograph of the Australian sponges. Part 6. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 10: 481-553 pls 36-38 [502].
Type data:
Lectotype BMNH 1886.8.27.305 dry –306 slide (egaz), 10 m, Port Phillip Bay, VIC [38°07'S 144°48'E].
Paralectotype(s) AM B5467 dry (NMV photo 2/2,3 - egaz), Port Jackson [33°51'S 151°15'E]. - Euspongia canaliculata mollissima Lendenfeld, R. von 1885. A monograph of the Australian sponges. Part 6. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 10: 481-553 pls 36-38 [502].
Type data:
Lectotype BMNH 1886.8.27.307 dry –308, slide, 15 m, Port Jackson, NSW [33°51'S 151°15'E].
Paralectotype(s) AM G3965 dry (NMV photo 2/4); ZMB 6736 slide. - Hippospongia canaliculata flabellum Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [37] [in key; described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (325)].
Type data:
Holotype BMNH 1939.2.10.5 dry, locality unknown.
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Wiedenmayer, F. in Hooper, J.N.A. & Wiedenmayer, F. 1994. Porifera. pp. 1-620 in Wells, A. (ed.). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia Vol. 12 xiii 624 pp. [Date published 21/Nov/1994] [382]
New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Fremantle, Port Jackson, Maroubra Bay, Illawarra and Port Phillip Bay.
Central Western Shelf Transition (28), Central Western Shelf Province (29), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38), Northwest Province (4), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41), Central Western Transition (5)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
Extra Ecological Information
Depth 10–15 m.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | DEMOSPONGIAE Sollas, 1885 | 17-Sep-2014 | MODIFIED | ABRS |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 02-May-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Hippospongia cerebrum Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [35] [in key; described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (300, pl. 17 figs 1, 14)].
Type data:
Lectotype BMNH 1931.5.21.1 dry (NMV photos 55/11,12 - egaz), Fremantle, WA [32°03'S 115°46'E].
Paralectotype(s) BMNH unregistered dry; ZMB 6740 slide.
Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Known only from type locality.
Southwest Shelf Province (31)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 02-May-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
Species Hippospongia derasa Ridley, 1884
- Hippospongia derasa Ridley, S.O. 1884. Report on the Zoological Collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the voyage of H.M.S. Alert, 1881–1882. Spongiida. (Part 1, Australian sponges). London : British Museum (Natural History) 366-482, pls 39-43. [382].
Type data:
Holotype BMNH 1882.2.23.205 dry (NMV photos 55/13,14 - egaz), West Is., Torres Strait [10°22'S 142°02'E].
Extra Distribution Information
Known only from type locality.
Northeast Shelf Transition (41)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Hippospongia equina elastica Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [36] [in key; described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (307, pl. 16 fig. 1); unrecognisable except in
Spongiidae ]. Type data:
Syntype(s) BMNH 1841.3.16.7 dry (egaz), Pine Is., Torres Strait; Tasmania; Illawarra, NSW [41°51'S 146°47'Em, 10°25'S 142°10'E, 42°00'S 147°00'E, 37°04'S 142°42'E]; BMNH 1844.9.13.14 dry (egaz), Pine Is., Torres Strait; Tasmania; Illawarra, NSW [41°51'S 146°47'Em, 10°25'S 142°10'E, 42°00'S 147]; BMNH 1846.8.12.68 dry (egaz), Pine Is., Torres Strait; Tasmania; Illawarra, NSW [41°51'S 146°47'Em, 10°25'S 142°10'E, 42°00'S]; BMNH 1851.7.25.157 dry (egaz), Pine Is., Torres Strait; Tasmania; Illawarra, NSW [41°51'S 146°47'Em, 10°25'S 142°10'E, 42°00'S]; BMNH 1857.1.2.42 dry (egaz), Pine Is., Torres Strait; Tasmania; Illawarra, NSW [41°51'S 146°47'Em, 10°25'S 142°10'E, 42°00'S 147]; BMNH 1859.2.11.2 dry (egaz), Pine Is., Torres Strait; Tasmania; Illawarra, NSW [41°51'S 146°47'Em, 10°25'S 142°10'E, 42°00'S]; BMNH 1859.2.11.7 (egaz), Pine Is., Torres Strait; Tasmania; Illawarra, NSW [41°51'S 146°47'Em, 10°25'S 142°10'E, 42°00'S 147]; BMNH 1859.2.29.15 dry (egaz), Pine Is., Torres Strait; Tasmania; Illawarra, NSW [41°51'S 146°47'Em, 10°25'S 142°10'E, 42°00'S 147].
New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Euspongia officinalis cavernosa Ridley, S.O. 1884. Report on the Zoological Collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the voyage of H.M.S. Alert, 1881–1882. Spongiida. (Part 1, Australian sponges). London : British Museum (Natural History) 366-482, pls 39-43. [379] [junior homonym of Spongia cavernosa Pallas, 1766].
Type data:
Holotype BMNH 1882.2.20.210 dry (egaz), 18 m, Torres Strait [10°25'S 142°10'E]. - Hippospongia fistulosa Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [36] [nom. nov. (intended) for
Euspongia officinalis cavernosa Ridley, as redescription of holotype makes clear in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (313); in key].Type data:
Extra Distribution Information
Torres Strait, and also Indo-Malayan region.
Northeast Shelf Transition (41)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
Extra Ecological Information
Depth subtidal–18 m.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Euspongia galea Lendenfeld, R. von 1885. A monograph of the Australian sponges. Part 6. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 10: 481-553 pls 36-38 [543].
Type data:
Lectotype BMNH 1886.8.27.303 dry (egaz), WA [25°00'S 122°00'E].
Paralectotype(s) AM A5131 dry (NMV photos 3/32,33 - egaz), Darwin [12°28'S 130°50'E]; ZMB 6747 slide, no locality; BMNH unregistered 2 specimens (not conspecific with figured lectotype), Wollongong [no coords available].
New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, Tasmania, Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Also 'East coast of Australia'.
Timor Transition (1), Northern Shelf Province (25), Northwest Shelf Transition (26), Tasmanian Shelf Province (36)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 02-May-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Hippospongia equina massa Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [36] [in key; described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (305); type series appears to be composite and requires revision].
Type data:
Lectotype BMNH 1908.2.4.1 (no coords avail for Wollongong), Australian Seas (Wollongong, NSW; Shark Bay, WA) [33°00'S 146°00'E, 25°56'S 113°32'3''E].
Paralectotype(s) BMNH 1859.10.7.112 (2 specimens), no data; BMNH 1839.7.4.4, no data; BMNH 1859.3.7.2 (eg), Shark Bay [25°56'S 113°32'3''E]; BMNH unregistered (2 specimens), Australia, Wollongong; BMNH unregistered 2 specimens; BMNH unregistered 4 specimens, no data; ZMB 6746 slide, no data.
New South Wales, Western Australia
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
General References
Topsent, E. 1930. Eponges de Lamarck conservées au Muséum de Paris. Archives du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 6 5: 1-56 4 figs pls 1-4 [10] (alludes to conspecificity of Lendenfeld's species with both
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 02-May-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Hyattella mollissima Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [20] [in key; described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (111); type series composite].
Type data:
Lectotype BMNH 1872.5.21.45 dry (NMV photos 55/19,20 - egaz), Perth (as Swan River), WA [32°03'S 115°45'E].
Paralectotype(s) BMNH 1849.11.12.6 dry (egaz), Tasmania [42°00'S 147°00'E]; BMNH 1868.11.25.12 dry, N America [no coords available egaz]; BMNH unregistered dry (=Hyattella intestinalis), no locality; ZMB 10441 slide, no locality. - Hyattella micropora Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [20] [in key; described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (112, pl. 20 fig. 1)].
Type data:
Holotype BMNH 1845.5.12.4 dry (NMV photos 55/21,22), Indian Ocean [?].
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Bergquist, P.R. 1980. A revision of the supraspecific classification of the orders Dictyoceratida, Dendroceratida and Verongida (Class Demospongiae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 7: 443-503 figs 1-25 pls [452]
Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Perth, and also Indian Ocean.
Central Western Shelf Transition (28), Central Western Shelf Province (29), Northwest Province (4), Central Western Transition (5)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 02-May-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- [Hippospongia mollissima] Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [36] [in key; described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (310, pl. 17 fig. 13); junior secondary homonym of Hyattella mollissima Lendenfeld, 1889].
Type data:
Syntype(s) BMNH 1869.4.21.3 dry, Torres Strait [10°25'S 142°10'E egaz]; BMNH 1869.4.21.4 dry (egaz), Torres Strait [10°25'S 142°10'E]; BMNH 1869.4.21.5 dry, Torres Strait [egaz]; BMNH 1869.4.21.7 dry (egaz), Torres Strait [10°25'S 142°10'E]. - Hippospongia multicia Wiedenmayer, F. in Hooper, J.N.A. & Wiedenmayer, F. 1994. Porifera. pp. 1-620 in Wells, A. (ed.). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia Vol. 12 xiii 624 pp. [Date published 21/Nov/1994] [383] [nom. nov. for
Hippospongia mollissima Lendenfeld, 1889].
New South Wales, Queensland
Extra Distribution Information
Torres Strait and Illawarra.
Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Aulena nigra Lendenfeld, R. von 1885. A monograph of the Australian sponges. Part 5. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 10: 282-325 pls 26-35 [319].
Type data:
Holotype shallow water–20 m, Port Denison, QLD [no coords available egaz].
Paratype(s) BMNH 1886.8.27.101 wet; BMNH 1886.8.27.102 slide; ZMB 6749 slide, no locality.
Extra Distribution Information
Known only from type locality.
Northeast Shelf Province (40)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
Extra Ecological Information
Depth subtidal–20 m.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- [Spongia clathrus] Lamarck, J.B.P.A. de Monet 1814. Sur les polypiers empâtés. Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris 20: 294-312, 370-386, 432-458 [457] [junior homonym of Spongia clathrus Esper, 1794; Lamarck's specimens redescribed in Topsent, E. 1933. Eponges de Lamarck conservées au Muséum de Paris. Fin. Arch. Mus. Natl Hist. Nat. Paris 6 10: 1–60 5 figs pls 1–3 (10, fig. 1, pl. 2 fig. 9)].
Type data:
Syntype(s) MNHN Paris (egaz), Kangaroo Is., SA [35°50'S 137°06'E]; BMNH 1954.2.20.10 slide (egaz), Kangaroo Is., SA [35°50'S 137°06'E]. - Hippospongia seposita Wiedenmayer, F. in Hooper, J.N.A. & Wiedenmayer, F. 1994. Porifera. pp. 1-620 in Wells, A. (ed.). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia Vol. 12 xiii 624 pp. [Date published 21/Nov/1994] [nom. nov. for Spongia clathrus Lamarck, 1814].
Type data:
South Australia, Tasmania
Extra Distribution Information
Kangaroo Is.
Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Hyattella Lendenfeld, R. von 1888. Descriptive Catalogue of the Sponges in the Australian Museum, Sydney. London : Taylor & Francis 260 pp. 12 pls. [233].
Type species:
Hircinia clathrata Carter, 1881 by monotypy. - Trypespongia Laubenfels, M.W. de 1936. A discussion of the sponge fauna of the Dry Tortugas in particular, and the West Indies in general, with material for a revision of the families and orders of the Porifera. (Tortugas Lab. Paper No. 467). Publication of the Carnegie Institution of Washington Washington 30: 1-225 22 pls 1 map [13].
Type species:
Trypespongia columbia de Laubenfels, 1936 by original designation. - Luffariospongia Burton, M. 1937. The littoral fauna of Krusadai Island in the Gulf of Manaar. Bulletin of the Madras Government Museum, Natural History 1: 1-58 pls 1-9 [41] [junior objective synonym of Hyattella Lendenfeld, 1888].
Type species:
Hircinia clathrata Carter, 1881 by original designation.
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Bergquist, P.R. 1980. A revision of the supraspecific classification of the orders Dictyoceratida, Dendroceratida and Verongida (Class Demospongiae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 7: 443-503 figs 1-25 pls [452]
Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
West Indian region, Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Indo-Malayan region, Japan and W Pacific.
Central Western Shelf Transition (28), Central Western Shelf Province (29), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Northwest Province (4), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41), Central Western Transition (5)
Distribution References
These sponges produce upright, tubular or low, spreading forms. Some species are buried in the substratum, with oscule bearing fistules protruding from the sediment. The surface is unarmoured and conulose. The whole sponge is often very lacunose, both through the sponge body and across the surface (Fig. 2A–C). The fibre skeleton comprises regularly spaced, cored primary fibres and a dense, regular network of uncored secondary fibres (Fig. 2D). There is also a fine-meshed, tangential, dermal fibre reticulum. The consistency is firm and compressible, with a coarse texture. Typically pale yellow to orange-brown.
ID Keys
See Family Spongiidae Diagnosis
Diagnosis References
Cook, S.D.C. & Bergquist, P.R. 2002. Family Spongiidae Gray, 1867. pp. 1051-1060 in Hooper, J.N.A. & van Soest, R.W.M. (eds). Systema Porifera: A guide to the classification of sponges. New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Vol. 1. [1057]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Hyattella arborea Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [21] [in key; described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (114, pl. 15 fig. 2)].
Type data:
Lectotype BMNH unregistered K.40, dry (NMV photos 5.5/15,16), West Coast of Australia.
Paralectotype(s) BMNH unregistered K.40, dry; ZMB 10434 slide, no locality. - Hyattella lamarcki Topsent, E. 1933. Eponges de Lamarck conservées au Muséum de Paris. Fin. Archives du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 6 10: 1-60 5 figs pls 1-3 [38] [for
Alcyonium papillosum var. b, Lamarck, part].Type data:
Holotype MNHN Paris LBIM DT655, Ambon, Indonesia [3°50'39"S 137°40'49"E].
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Wiedenmayer, F. in Hooper, J.N.A. & Wiedenmayer, F. 1994. Porifera. pp. 1-620 in Wells, A. (ed.). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia Vol. 12 xiii 624 pp. [Date published 21/Nov/1994] [384]
Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Also Indian Ocean, Indo-Malayan region and W Pacific.
Central Western Shelf Transition (28), Central Western Shelf Province (29), Northwest Province (4), Central Western Transition (5)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
General References
Wiedenmayer, F. in Hooper, J.N.A. & Wiedenmayer, F. 1994. Porifera. pp. 1-620 in Wells, A. (ed.). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia Vol. 12 xiii 624 pp. [Date published 21/Nov/1994] (other possible synonymies include
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 02-May-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Hircinia clathrata Carter, H.J. 1881. Supplementary report on specimens dredged up from the Gulf of Manaar, together with others from the sea in the vicinity of the Basse Rocks and from Bass's Straits respectively, presented to the Liverpool Free Museum by Capt. H. Cawne Warren. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5 7: 361-385 pl. 18 [366].
Type data:
Syntype(s) ex LFM (Gulf of Mannar, Cawne Warren Collection), destroyed in air raid, 1941 (egaz), Gulf of Mannar, India; Red Sea [8°36'39"N 78°35'27"E]; BMNH (not found - egaz), Red Sea [22°32'56"N 37°06'43"E].
Ecological Descriptors
Aquatic, coral reef, filter-feeder.
General References
Nevalainen, T.J., Quinn, R.J. & Hooper, J.N.A. 2004. Phospholipase A2 in Porifera. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 137(B): 413-420 [415] (Listed in this article)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Spongia intestinalis Lamarck, J.B.P.A. de Monet 1814. Sur les polypiers empâtés. Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris 20: 294-312, 370-386, 432-458 [439].
Type data:
Holotype MNHN Paris LBIM DT584 (Indian Ocean), 'Mediterranean', erroneous, probably Indian Ocean; (Mauritius).
Paratype(s) MNHN Paris LBIM DT3366–7 (egaz), Mauritius [20°31'51"S 57°47'59"E]; MNHN Paris (=Fasciospongia cavernosa (Schmidt) from Mediterranean); BMNH 1954.2.20.26 slide.Type locality references:
Topsent, E. 1932. Eponges de Lamarck conservées au Muséum de Paris. Deuxième partie. Archives du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 6 8: 61-124 2 figs pls 1-6 [64]. - Spongia cariosa Lamarck, J.B.P.A. de Monet 1814. Sur les polypiers empâtés. Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris 20: 294-312, 370-386, 432-458 [371] [type material has deteriorated to extent that conspecificity with
Hyattella intestinalis is questionable].Type data:
Holotype MNHN Paris LBIM DT3409, Indian Ocean.Secondary source:
Topsent, E. 1930. Eponges de Lamarck conservées au Muséum de Paris. Archives du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 6 5: 1-56 4 figs pls 1-4 [14]. - Spongia tubulosa Lamarck, J.B.P.A. de Monet 1814. Sur les polypiers empâtés. Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris 20: 294-312, 370-386, 432-458 [371] [type material has deteriorated to extent that conspecificity with
Hyattella intestinalis is questionable].Type data:
Holotype MNHN Paris LBIM DT588, Indian Ocean [?].Secondary source:
Topsent, E. 1932. Eponges de Lamarck conservées au Muséum de Paris. Deuxième partie. Archives du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 6 8: 61-124 2 figs pls 1-6 [81]. - Spongelia velata Hyatt, A. 1877. A revision of the North American Poriferae, with remarks upon foreign species. Part 2. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History 2: 481-554 pls 15-17 [534].
Type data:
Status unknown, MCZ (egaz), Zanzibar [6°09'57"S 39°12'10"E]. - Hippospongia anomala Poléjaeff, N. 1884. Report on the Keratosa collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger 1873–1876, Zoology 11: 1-88 pls 1-10 [54].
Type data:
Holotype BMNH 1885.8.8.23 wet and macerated fragment (egaz), 13 m, Torres Strait [10°25'S 142°10'E]. - Hyattella tubaria Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [21] [in key; described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (117, pl. 15 fig. 3)].
Type data:
Syntype(s) BMNH 1933.8.2.1 dry (no locality, 4 other specimens not found - egaz coords for Red Sea and Bombay), West and North-West Coasts of Australia; Red Sea; Aden; Bombay [22°32'56"N 37°06'43"E, 16°03'57"N 112°22'55"E]; ZMB 10446 slide, no locality; AM (not found). - Hippospongia dura Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [35] [in key; described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (298, pl. 17 fig. 15)].
Type data:
Holotype BMNH (not found), American Coast of North Atlantic [?]. - Stelospongia kingi Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [52] [in key; described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (494)].
Type data:
Syntype(s) BMNH 1859.10.7.8 dry (as Cacospongia, no locality), Indian Ocean; BMNH 1859.10.7.42 dry (as Cacospongia), no locality; ZMB 7118 slide, no locality.
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Topsent, E. 1930. Eponges de Lamarck conservées au Muséum de Paris. Archives du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 6 5: 1-56 4 figs pls 1-4 [14]
- Topsent, E. 1932. Eponges de Lamarck conservées au Muséum de Paris. Deuxième partie. Archives du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 6 8: 61-124 2 figs pls 1-6 [81]
- van Soest, R.W.M. 1978. Marine sponges from Curaçao and other Caribbean localities. Part. I. Keratosa. Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands 56(179): 1-94 30 figs 15 pls [23]
- Bergquist, P.R. 1980. A revision of the supraspecific classification of the orders Dictyoceratida, Dendroceratida and Verongida (Class Demospongiae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 7: 443-503 figs 1-25 pls [454, 474]
Queensland, Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
NW Shelf, Houtman Abrolhos, Torres Strait, Fort Denison, Snake Reef, Turtle Is., also Indian Ocean, Indo-Malayan region and W Pacific.
Central Western Shelf Transition (28), Central Western Shelf Province (29), Northwest Province (4), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41), Central Western Transition (5)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
Extra Ecological Information
Depth subtidal–92 m.
General References
Cambie, R.C., Craw, P.A., Stone, M.J. & Bergquist, P.R. 1988. Chemistry of Sponges. 4. Spongian diterpenes from Hytella [sic.] intestinalis. Journal of Natural Products Lloydia 51(2): 293-297 [293]
Fromont, J. 1999. Demosponges of the Houtman Abrolhos. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 44: 175-184 [180] (Listed in this article)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Hyattella meander Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [21] [in key; described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (118, pl. 20 fig. 5)].
Type data:
Syntype(s) BMNH unregistered dry, K.41, Bowerbank Collection (NMV photos 55/23,24 - egaz - Gulf St Vincent), Aden, Indian Ocean (Gulf St Vincent, SA) [35°00'S 138°05'E]; ZMB 2266 4 slides (egaz), Gulf St Vincent [35°00'S 138°05'E]; ZMB 10440 slide, no locality.
South Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Gulf St Vincent, and also Indian Ocean.
Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Hyattella tenella Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [20] [in key; described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (113, pl. 12 fig. 18, pl. 20 fig. 2)].
Type data:
Lectotype BMNH 1886.8.27.350 dry (NMV photos 55/17,18 - egaz), Torres Strait, QLD [10°25'S 142°10'E].
Paralectotype(s) ZMB 1179 wet, 3 slides; ZMB 10445 slide, no locality.
Extra Distribution Information
Known only from type locality.
Northeast Shelf Transition (41)
Ecological Descriptors
Benthic, filter-feeder, sessile.
Extra Ecological Information
Shallow waters.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 02-May-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Leiosella Lendenfeld, R. von 1888. Descriptive Catalogue of the Sponges in the Australian Museum, Sydney. London : Taylor & Francis 260 pp. 12 pls. [120] [invalid subsequent designation of type species by Laubenfels, M.W. de 1936. A discussion of the sponge fauna of the Dry Tortugas in particular, and the West Indies in general, with material for a revision of the families and orders of the Porifera. (Tortugas Lab. Paper No. 467). Publications of the Carnegie Institute Washington 30: 1–225 22 pls 1 map (21), since Leiosella elegans Lendenfeld, 1889 was not included in 1888 and dates from 1889].
Type species:
Euspongia levis Lendenfeld, 1885 by subsequent designation, see Wiedenmayer, F. in Hooper, J.N.A. & Wiedenmayer, F. 1994. Porifera. pp. 1-620 in Wells, A. (ed.). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia Vol. 12 xiii 624 pp. [Date published 21/Nov/1994].
New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
S Africa, New Zealand and E Pacific.
Central Western Shelf Transition (28), Central Western Shelf Province (29), Southwest Shelf Province (31), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38), Northwest Province (4), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41), Central Western Transition (5)
Distribution References
Caliculate, lobed, flabellate or ramose sponges, with a thin, regular sand armour. Primary and secondary fibres make up the fibre skeleton. Primary fibres are usually lightly cored and may be fascicular where they form out of the secondary skeleton, or just below the sponge surface. The fibre skeleton is dominated by the characteristic dense secondary reticulum of thick fibres (Fig. 2G). The consistency of these sponges is firm and compressible.
ID Keys
See Family Spongiidae Diagnosis
Diagnosis References
Cook, S.D.C. & Bergquist, P.R. 2002. Family Spongiidae Gray, 1867. pp. 1051-1060 in Hooper, J.N.A. & van Soest, R.W.M. (eds). Systema Porifera: A guide to the classification of sponges. New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Vol. 1. [1057]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Phyllospongia (Spongionella) arbuscula Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [26] [current status uncertain, possibly a
Leiosella , see Bergquist, P.R. 1980. A revision of the supraspecific classification of the orders Dictyoceratida, Dendroceratida and Verongida (Class Demospongiae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 7: 443–503 figs 1–25 pls (454), but type material overlooked; initially described in key; subsequently described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (190, pl. 5 fig. 2, pl. 6 fig. 8, pl. 7 fig. 1)].Type data:
Lectotype BMNH 1886.8.27.44 dry (NMV photos 53/5,6, =AM G3718 slide - egaz), W Australia [25°00'S 122°00'E].
Paralectotype(s) BMNH unregistered dry, Bowerbank Collection, (a Hippospongia - egaz), Bahamas [24°33'58"N 78°03'47"W].
Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
General References
Hooper, J.N.A. in Hooper, J.N.A. & Wiedenmayer, F. 1994. Porifera. pp. 1-620 in Wells, A. (ed.). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO Australia Vol. 12 xiii 624 pp. [Date published 21/Nov/1994] (generic placement uncertain)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 02-May-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- [Euspongia compacta] Carter, H.J. 1882. New sponges, observations on old ones, and a proposed new group. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5 10: 106-125 [106] [junior homonym of Spongia compacta Sowerby, 1806].
Type data:
Lectotype BMNH 1877.5.21.1899 dry (NMV photos 52/30,31 - egaz), 'S. Australia' [Port Fairy, VIC] [38°24'S 142°14'E].
Paralectotype(s) BMNH 1877.5.21.1900 dry (NMV photo 52/29 - egaz), Port Fairy [38°24'S 142°14'E]; BMNH 1877.5.21.1901 dry, Wollongong [no coords available]; BMNH unregistered dry. - [Euspongia infundibuliformis] Carter, H.J. 1886. Supplement to the descriptions of Mr. J. Bracebridge Wilson's Australian sponges. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5 18: 369-379 [374] [junior homonym of Spongia infudibuliformis Linnaeus, 1759].
Type data:
Lectotype BMNH 1886.12.18.222 dry (NMV photos 52/26–28 - egaz), Westernport Bay, VIC [38°22'S 145°20'E].
Paralectotype(s) BMNH 1886.12.15.44 wet (NMV photos 35/1,2). - Leiosella caliculata Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [28] [in key as
Leiosella calyculata ; described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (221, pl. 21 fig. 1)].Type data:
Syntype(s) BMNH 1955.4.7.2 dry (=AM G2839 slide), 30–40 m, Port Phillip Heads [38°07'S 144°48'E]; BMNH 1955.4.7.1 dry (NMV photos 52/32–34); BMNH 1955.4.7.3 dry (NMV photos 52/35,36). - Coscinoderma concentricum Kirkpatrick, R. 1903. Descriptions of South African sponges. Part iii. Bollettino dei Musei e degli Instituti Biologici della Università di Genova 2: 233-264 pls 5-6 [254].
Type data:
Syntype(s) BMNH 1902.11.16.43 dry (only extant specimen - egaz), 56 m, off Port Elizabeth, South Africa [33°55'58"S 25°34'11"E]. - Spongia compactella Laubenfels, M.W. de 1948. The order Keratosa of the phylum Porifera. A monographic study. Occasional Papers of the Allan Hancock Foundation 3: 1-217 31 figs 30 pls [18] [unnecessary nom. nov. for Euspongia compacta Carter 1882, junior homonym of Spongia compacta Sowerby, 1806].
Type data:
Syntype(s). - Spongia infundibulis Laubenfels, M.W. de 1948. The order Keratosa of the phylum Porifera. A monographic study. Occasional Papers of the Allan Hancock Foundation 3: 1-217 31 figs 30 pls [20] [unnecessary nom. nov. for Euspongia infundibuliformis Carter 1886, junior homonym of Spongia infundibuliformis Linnaeus, 1759].
Type data:
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Wiedenmayer, F. 1989. Demospongiae (Porifera) from northern Bass Strait (Shelf of Southern Australia). Memoirs of Museum Victoria 50(1): 1-242 [130]
New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Torres Strait, Wollongong, Port Phillip Bay, Westernport Bay, Deal Is., Port Fairy, Fremantle, and also S Africa.
Central Western Shelf Transition (28), Central Western Shelf Province (29), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38), Northwest Province (4), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41), Central Western Transition (5)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
Extra Ecological Information
Depth 30–55 m.
General References
Ridley, S.O. 1884. Report on the Zoological Collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the voyage of H.M.S. Alert, 1881–1882. Spongiida. (Part 1, Australian sponges). London : British Museum (Natural History) 366-482, pls 39-43. [378] (misidentified as
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 02-May-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Leiosella elegans Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [27] [in key; described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (212)].
Type data:
Holotype BMNH Bowerbank Collection (not found), Fremantle, WA [32°03'S 115°46'E].
Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Known only from type locality.
Southwest Shelf Province (31)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Leiosella flabellum Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Hornschwämme. Zoologische Jahrbücher Syst. 4: 1-93 [28] [in key; described in Lendenfeld, R. von 1889. A Monograph of the Horny Sponges. London : Trübner & Co. 936 pp. 17 figs 50 pls. (218, pl. 21 fig. 2)].
Type data:
Syntype(s) BMNH dry (old collection, not found - egaz), Fremantle, WA (Bowerbank Collection); Kiama, Wollongong, NSW (BMNH old collection) [32°03'S 115°46'E]; ZMB 6813 slide, no locality.
New South Wales, Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Wollongong, Kiama, Lake Illawarra and Fremantle.
Central Western Shelf Transition (28), Central Western Shelf Province (29), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38), Northwest Province (4), Central Western Transition (5)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Euspongia levis Lendenfeld, R. von 1885. A monograph of the Australian sponges. Part 6. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 10: 481-553 pls 36-38 [536].
Type data:
Lectotype BMNH 1886.8.27.319 wet (=AM G3702 slide), 5–10 m, Port Jackson, NSW [33°51'S 151°15'E].
Paralectotype(s) AM G3967 wet (NMV photos 18/26–28); AM Z515 wet (NMV photos 17/32–35); BMNH 1882.15.15.4 dry; ZMB 6819 2 slides; ZMB 2287 wet, 4 slides (egaz), Encounter Bay, SA [35°35'S 138°44'E].
New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Port Jackson, Broughton Is., Lake Illawarra, Maroubra, Deal Is. and Perth.
Central Western Shelf Transition (28), Central Western Shelf Province (29), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38), Northwest Province (4), Central Western Transition (5)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
Extra Ecological Information
Depth 5–10 m.
General References
Wiedenmayer, F. 1989. Demospongiae (Porifera) from northern Bass Strait (Shelf of Southern Australia). Memoirs of Museum Victoria 50(1): 1-242 [132]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 02-May-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Euspongia silicata Lendenfeld, R. von 1885. A monograph of the Australian sponges. Part 6. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 10: 481-553 pls 36-38 [545].
Type data:
Lectotype BMNH 1886.8.27.342 wet (=AM G3701 slide), 40 m, Port Jackson, NSW [33°51'S 151°15'E].
Paralectotype(s) AM G3968 wet.
New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania
Extra Distribution Information
Torres Strait, Port Jackson, Lake Illawarra, Tuggerah Beach and Eddystone Point.
Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
Extra Ecological Information
Depth 40 m.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 02-May-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Rhopaloeides Thompson, J.E., Murphy, P.T., Bergquist, P.R. & Evans, E.A. 1987. Environmentally induced variation in diterpene composition of the marine sponge Rhopaloeides odorabile. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 15(5): 595-606 [596].
Type species:
Rhopaloeides odorabile Thompson, Murphy, Bergquist & Evans, 1987 by original designation.
Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41)
Massive, upright sponges, with thick tuberculate conules on an unarmoured surface. These sponges could easily be mistaken for Spongia species, but are distinguished by the presence of fasicular primary fibres, particular near the sponge surface.
ID Keys
See Family Spongiidae Diagnosis
Diagnosis References
Cook, S.D.C. & Bergquist, P.R. 2002. Family Spongiidae Gray, 1867. pp. 1051-1060 in Hooper, J.N.A. & van Soest, R.W.M. (eds). Systema Porifera: A guide to the classification of sponges. New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Vol. 1. [1059]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Rhopaloeides odorabile Thompson, J.E., Murphy, P.T., Bergquist, P.R. & Evans, E.A. 1987. Environmentally induced variation in diterpene composition of the marine sponge Rhopaloeides odorabile. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 15(5): 595-606 [596] [for
Spongia sp., Bergquist, P.R. & Wells, R.J. 1983. Chemotaxonomy of the Porifera: the development and current status of the field. pp. 1–56 in Scheuer, P. (ed). Marine Natural Products. New York : Academic Press . (24)].Type data:
Holotype AM Z4965 (egaz), Davies Reef, Great Barrier Reef, QLD [18°51'S 147°39'E].
Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41)
Ecological Descriptors
Filter-feeder, marine, sessile.
General References
Bannister, R.J., Brinkman, R., Battershill, C. & de Nys, R. 2007. The distribution and abundance of dictyoceratid sponges in relation to hydrodynamic features: identifying candidates and environmental conditions for sponge aquaculture. Marine and Freshwater Research 58(7): 624–633 [628]
Burja, A.M., Webster, N.S., Murphy, P.T. & Hill, R.T. 1998. Microbial symbionts of Great Barrier Reef sponges. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 44: 63-76 [63] (Mentioned in this article)
Gillan, F.T., Stoilov, I.L., Thompson, J.E., Hogg, R.W., Wilkinson, C.R. & Djerassi, C. 1988. Fatty acids as biological markers for bacterial symbionts in sponges. Lipids 23(12): 1139-1145 [1140]
Webster, N.S. 2007. Sponge disease: a global threat ? Environmental Microbiology 9(6): 1363-1375 [1366]
Webster, N.S., Wilson, K.J., Blackall, L.L. & Hill, R.T. 2001. Phylogenetic diversity of bacteria associated with the marine sponge Rhopaloeides odorabile. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67(1): 434-444 [434] (Listed in this article)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
29-Mar-2018 | 15-Dec-2011 | MOVED | ||
29-Mar-2018 | 13-Apr-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |