Species Pseudomys gouldii (Waterhouse, 1839)

CAVS: 1461

Gould's Mouse, Shark Bay Mouse (Djoongari)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


Generic Combinations



The species was resurrected from extinction following placement of the extant species Pseudomys fieldi (Waite, 1896) in synonymy of P. gouldii by Roycroft et al. (2021), who stated that the species survived via a single persistent population on a predator-free offshore island in Shark Bay, Western Australia. It is thought to now be extinct from mainland Australia.




Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Widespread on Australian mainland prior to European settlement, sole surviving population isolated to Bernier Island, WA; extinct from mainland

Australian Endemic.


WA: Yalgoo (YAL)

Ecological Descriptors

Arthropod-feeder, burrower, coastal, coastal dunes, folivore, montane, predator, terrestrial.


General References

Baverstock, P.R., Watts, C.H.S., Adams, M. & Cole, S.R. 1981. Genetical relationships among Australian rodents (Muridae). Australian Journal of Zoology 29: 289-303 (as junior synonym Pseudomys fieldi)

Baverstock, P.R., Watts, C.H.S. & Hogarth, J.T. 1977. Chromosome evolution in Australian rodents I. The Pseudomyinae, the Hydromyinae and the Uromys/Melomys Group. Chromosoma (Berlin) 61: 95-125 (as junior synonym Pseudomys fieldi)

Baynes, A. 1990. The mammals of Shark Bay, Western Australia. In, Berry, P.F., Bradshaw, S.D. & Wilson, B.R. (eds). Research in Shark Bay: Report of the France-Australe Bicentenary Expedition Committee. Perth : Western Australian Museum. (as junior synonym Pseudomys fieldi)

Dixon, J.M. 1995. Gould's Mouse Pseudomys gouldii. pp. 600-601 in Strahan, R. (ed.). The Mammals of Australia: The National Photographic Index of Australian Wildlife. Sydney : Reed New Holland 756 pp.

Gould, J. 1863. The Mammals of Australia. London : J. Gould.

Lee, A.K. 1995. The Action Plan for Australian Rodents. Canberra : Australian Nature Conservation Agency 62 pp. (as junior synonym Pseudomys fieldi)

Menkhorst, P. & Knight, F. 2004. A Field Guide to the Mammals of Australia. Melbourne : Oxford University Press.

Morris, K., Speldewinde, P. & Orell, P. 2000. Djoongari (Shark Bay Mouse) Recovery Plan. Wildlife Management Program No. 17. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia. (as junior synonym Pseudomys fieldi)

Morris, K.D. & Robinson, A.C. 1995. Shark Bay Mouse Pseudomys fieldi. pp. 596-597 in Strahan, R. (ed.). The Mammals of Australia: The National Photographic Index of Australian Wildlife. Sydney : Reed New Holland 756 pp. [756] (as now junior synonym Pseudomys fieldi)

Robinson, A.C., Robinson, J.F., Watts, C.H.S. & Baverstock, P.R. 1976. The Shark Bay mouse Pseudomys praeconis and other mammals on Bernier Island, Western Australia. Western Australian Naturalist 13: 149-155 (as junior synonym Pseudomys fieldi)

Roycroft, E., MacDonald, A.J., Moritz, C., Moussalli, A., Portela Miguez, R., & Rowe, K.C. 2021. Museum genomics reveals the rapid decline and extinction of Australian rodents since European settlement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118: 1-8 [4]

Waterhouse, G.R. 1839. The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, Under the Command of Captain Fitzroy, R.N., During the Years 1832 to 1836. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin, Esq. M.A. F.R.S. Sec. G.S. naturalist to the Expedition. Pt 10 Pt 2 Mammalia. London : Smith, Elder & Co. 60 pp. (including 49-100) 9 pls. [publication date established from Sherborn, C.D. 1897. Notes on the dates of 'The Zoology of the Beagle'. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 6 20: 483]

Watts, C. H. S. 1982. Australian hydromyine rodents: maintenance of captive colonies. pp. 180-184 in Evans, D.D. (ed.). The Management of Australian Mammals in Captivity. Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting of the Australian Mammal Society, Healesville, Victoria, February 1979. Melbourne : Zoological Board of Victoria 194 pp. (as junior synonym Pseudomys fieldi)

Watts, C.H.S. & Aslin, H.J. 1981. The Rodents of Australia. Sydney : Angus & Robertson xii 321 pp. 16 pls.


Common Name References

ABRS 2001. Census of Australian Vertebrates. Australian Biological Resources Study. (Gould's Mouse)

Roycroft, E., MacDonald, A.J., Moritz, C., Moussalli, A., Portela Miguez, R., & Rowe, K.C. 2021. Museum genomics reveals the rapid decline and extinction of Australian rodents since European settlement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118: 1-8 [4] (Shark Bay Mouse (Djoongari))


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
23-Aug-2024 MURIDAE 23-Jul-2024 MODIFIED
04-Feb-2023 MURIDAE 18-Nov-2022 MODIFIED
08-Jul-2015 Pseudomys Gray, 1832 21-Dec-2021 MODIFIED
04-Feb-2023 10-Dec-2010 MOVED
10-Dec-2010 09-Dec-2010 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)