- Proteophylus Schuh, R.T. & Schwartz, M.D. 2016. Nineteen new genera and 82 new species of Cremnorrhinina from Australia, including analyses of host relationships and distributions (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylinae: Cremnorrhinini). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 401: 279pp., 172 figures, 5 tables [162].
Type species:
Proteophylus grevilleae Schuh & Schwartz, 2016 by original designation.
Northern Territory, South Australia, Western Australia
NT, SA, WA: Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Coolgardie (COO), Central Ranges (CR), Finke (FIN), Great Victoria Desert (GVD) ; SA: Murray Darling Depression (MDD) ; WA: Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Mallee (MAL)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
PHYLINAE | 27-Jun-2016 | ADDED | Lyn Randall |
- Proteophylus acaciae Schuh, R.T. & Schwartz, M.D. 2016. Nineteen new genera and 82 new species of Cremnorrhinina from Australia, including analyses of host relationships and distributions (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylinae: Cremnorrhinini). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 401: 279pp., 172 figures, 5 tables [165, figure 71, map 19, table 1, plates 24, 25].
Type data:
Holotype WAM AMNH_PBI 00131004 ♂, 13 km E of Southern Cross, WA [31.27367°S 119.4923°E].
Paratype(s) numerous specimens, 13 km E of Southern Cross, WA [31.27367°S 119.4923°E].Type host:
Acacia rossei [FABACEAE]
Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Known only from type locality.
WA: Coolgardie (COO)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
PHYLINAE | 11-Jul-2016 | ADDED | Lyn Randall |
- Proteophylus grevilleae Schuh, R.T. & Schwartz, M.D. 2016. Nineteen new genera and 82 new species of Cremnorrhinina from Australia, including analyses of host relationships and distributions (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylinae: Cremnorrhinini). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 401: 279pp., 172 figures, 5 tables [166, figures 70, 72, map 19, table 1, plates 24, 25, 52A, C, E, G, H].
Type data:
Holotype NTM AMNH_ PBI 00098743 ♂, jct of Namatjira Drive and Gosse Bluff track, NT [23.79361°S 132.35888°E].
Paratype(s) numerous specimens, Alice Springs area, SA and central coast, WA
Comment: Collected on Grevillea eriostachya, G. hookeriana, G. juncifolia and G. sp. (Proteaceae).
Northern Territory, South Australia, Western Australia
NT, SA, WA: Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Coolgardie (COO), Central Ranges (CR), Finke (FIN), Great Victoria Desert (GVD)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
PHYLINAE | 11-Jul-2016 | ADDED | Lyn Randall |
- Proteophylus occidentalis Schuh, R.T. & Schwartz, M.D. 2016. Nineteen new genera and 82 new species of Cremnorrhinina from Australia, including analyses of host relationships and distributions (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylinae: Cremnorrhinini). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 401: 279pp., 172 figures, 5 tables [169, figure 73, map 19, table 1, plates 24, 25].
Type data:
Holotype WAM AMNH_PBI 00128984 ♂, 123 kmWof Coolgardie on Great Eastern Highway, WA [31.23414°S 120.1562°E].
Paratype(s) numerous specimens, Coolgardie region, WA
Comment: Collected on Grevillea hookeriana, G. paradoxa, and G. wittweri (Proteaceae).
Western Australia
WA: Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Mallee (MAL)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
PHYLINAE | 11-Jul-2016 | ADDED | Lyn Randall |
- Proteophylus orientalis Schuh, R.T. & Schwartz, M.D. 2016. Nineteen new genera and 82 new species of Cremnorrhinina from Australia, including analyses of host relationships and distributions (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylinae: Cremnorrhinini). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 401: 279pp., 172 figures, 5 tables [170, figure 74, map 19, table 1, plates 24, 25].
Type data:
Holotype SAMA AMNH_PBI 00388753 ♂, Scorpion Springs Cons. Park, SA [35.4493°S 140.874°E].
Paratype(s) numerous specimens, Scorpion Springs Cons. Park, SA [35.4493°S 140.874°E].Type host:
Grevillea pterosperma [PROTEACEAE]
South Australia
SA: Murray Darling Depression (MDD)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
PHYLINAE | 11-Jul-2016 | ADDED | Lyn Randall |
- Proteophylus petrophile Schuh, R.T. & Schwartz, M.D. 2016. Nineteen new genera and 82 new species of Cremnorrhinina from Australia, including analyses of host relationships and distributions (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylinae: Cremnorrhinini). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 401: 279pp., 172 figures, 5 tables [171, figure 75, map 19, table 1, plates 24, 25, 52B, D, F].
Type data:
Holotype WAM AMNH_PBI 001358 15 ♂, 11 km S of Eneabba, Eneabba National Park, WA [29.9025°S 115.24321°E].
Paratype(s) numerous specimens, Eneabba, WA.Type host:
Petrophile drummondii [PROTEACEAE]
Western Australia
WA: Geraldton Sandplains (GS)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
PHYLINAE | 11-Jul-2016 | ADDED | Lyn Randall |