
Compiler and date details

2 July 2012 - Danielle N. Stringer, John T. Jennings & Andrew D. Austin, Australian Centre for Evolutionary Biology and School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, The University of Adelaide SA 5005

30 April 2001 - N.B. Stevens, M. Iqbal & A.D. Austin, Australian Centre for Evolutionary Biology and School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, The University of Adelaide SA 5005


The limits to the Proctotrupoidea have changed substantially over recent years in that the Platygastroidea (Scelionidae and Platygastridae) and Ceraphronoidea (Megaspilidae and Ceraphronidae) have been removed from this group and are now treated as separate superfamilies (Masner 1993). What remains is a heterogeneous assemblage of morphologically distinct families, many with restricted distributions. Arguably, the Proctotrupoidea are currently recognised as polyphyletic, but as the relationships among families are not resolved, an alternative, stable classification is lacking.

Several families are extralimital to the Australian Region. These include the Vanhorniidae (Holarctic), Roproniidae (Holarctic and Oriental), Pelecinidae (Nearctic and Neotropical) and Maamingidae (New Zealand). Of the families that occur in Australia, Austroniidae and Peradeniidae are endemic to the region, Monomachidae is Gondwanan in distribution (Australia, New Guinea, South America), while the Diapriidae and Proctotrupidae are cosmopolitan and are the only speciose families (Naumann 1991).


The compilation of this checklist was part of an ongoing project to complete the databasing of the Australian Hymenoptera. It was a co-operative project involving J.T. Jennings, N.B. Stevens, M. Iqbal & A.D. Austin of the Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity and the Department of Applied and Molecular Ecology, Waite Campus, Adelaide University, and the Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS). Funding, editorial and Platypus technical support were provided by ABRS.

Database Notes

Taxa at each hierarchical level are listed in alphabetical order.

Limital Area

Distribution data in the Directory is by political and geographic region descriptors and serves as a guide to the distribution of a taxon. For details on a taxon's distribution, the reader should consult the cited references (if any) at genus and species levels.

Australia is defined as including Lord Howe Is., Norfolk Is., Cocos (Keeling) Ils, Christmas Is., Ashmore and Cartier Ils, Macquarie Is., Australian Antarctic Territory, Heard and McDonald Ils, and the waters associated with these land areas of Australian political responsibility. Political areas include the adjacent waters.

Terrestrial geographical terms are based on the drainage systems of continental Australia, while marine terms are self explanatory except as follows: the boundary between the coastal and oceanic zones is the 200 m contour; the Arafura Sea extends from Cape York to 124 DEG E; and the boundary between the Tasman and Coral Seas is considered to be the latitude of Fraser Island, also regarded as the southern terminus of the Great Barrier Reef.

Distribution records, if any, outside of these areas are listed as extralimital. The distribution descriptors for each species are collated to genus level. Users are advised that extralimital distribution for some taxa may not be complete.


General References

Masner, L. 1993. Superfamily Proctotrupoidea. pp. 537-557 in Goulet, H. & Huber, J.T. (eds). Hymenoptera of the World: An Identification Guide to Families. Ottawa : Research Branch, Agriculture Canada 668 pp.

Naumann, I.D. 1991. Hymenoptera (Wasps, bees, ants, sawflies). pp. 916-1000 in CSIRO (ed). The Insects of Australia. A textbook for students and research workers. Carlton : Melbourne University Press.


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)


Compiler and date details

2 July 2012 - Danielle N. Stringer, John T. Jennings & Andrew D. Austin, Australian Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity, and the School of Earth and Environmental Science, The University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

30 April 2001 - N.B. Stevens, M. Iqbal & A.D. Austin, Australian Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity, and the School of Earth and Environmental Science, The University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia


This endemic Australian family of small (4–6 mm), very rarely collected wasps is known from wet forest habitats of southern Australia and Tasmania. Only three species in the genus Austronia are recorded and their biology is unknown (Naumann & Masner 1985; Naumann 1991; Masner 1993).


General References

Masner, L. 1993. Superfamily Proctotrupoidea. pp. 537-557 in Goulet, H. & Huber, J.T. (eds). Hymenoptera of the World: An Identification Guide to Families. Ottawa : Research Branch, Agriculture Canada 668 pp.

Naumann, I.D. 1991. Hymenoptera (Wasps, bees, ants, sawflies). pp. 916-1000 in CSIRO (ed). The Insects of Australia. A textbook for students and research workers. Carlton : Melbourne University Press.

Naumann, I.D. & Masner, L. 1985. Parasitic wasps of the proctotrupoid complex: a new family from Australia and a key to world families (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea sensu lato). Australian Journal of Zoology 33: 761-783


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Genus Austronia Riek, 1955


General References

Muesebeck, C.F.W. & Walkley, L.M. 1956. Type species of the genera and subgenera of parasitic wasps comprising the superfamily Proctotrupoidea (order Hymenoptera). Proceedings of the United States National Museum 105: 319-419 [334] (cited type species)

Riek, E.F. 1955. Australian Heloridae, including Monomachidae (Hymenoptera). Australian Journal of Zoology 3: 258-265 [263] (placed as a genus in Heloridae)


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30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Austronia nigricula Riek, 1955


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30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Austronia nitida Riek, 1955


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30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Austronia rubrithorax Riek, 1955


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30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED


Compiler and date details

2 July 2012 - Danielle N. Stringer, John T. Jennings & Andrew D. Austin, Australian Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity, and the School of Earth and Environmental Science, The University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

30 April 2001 - N.B. Stevens, M. Iqbal & A.D. Austin, Australian Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity, and the School of Earth and Environmental Science, The University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia


The Diapriidae is the largest family of Proctotrupoidea, comprising more than 80% of species in the superfamily (Naumann 1991; Masner 1993). Diapriids vary from less than 1 mm to about 7 mm in length and are readily identified by the shelf into which the antennae are inserted, and their reduced wing venation.

Diapriids are most diverse in lower vegetation and leaf-litter, particularly in moist habitats where they parasitise various dipteran and, rarely, other hosts.

The family comprises four subfamilies, all of which are represented in Australia. Worldwide, diapriids are in urgent need of taxonomic revision, particularly at the generic level. The Australian fauna is highly endemic, mostly undescribed and probably consists of more than 500 species. Wing reduction is common in many litter species, while others associated with this habitat show adaptations such as elytraform wings (Naumann 1982). Wing reduction is also known in species that inhabit ant and termite nests.

Jennings & Austin (2015) list 17 unidentified species from Lord Howe Island in the Australian Museum.


General References

Jennings, J.T. & Austin, A.D. 2015. Synopsis of the hymenopteran fauna of Lord Howe Island with a preliminary checklist of species. Zootaxa 3931(3): 423–432

Masner, L. 1993. Superfamily Proctotrupoidea. pp. 537-557 in Goulet, H. & Huber, J.T. (eds). Hymenoptera of the World: An Identification Guide to Families. Ottawa : Research Branch, Agriculture Canada 668 pp.

Naumann, I.D. 1982. Systematics of the Australian Ambositrinae (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae), with a synopsis of the non-Australian genera of the subfamily. Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series 85: 1-239

Naumann, I.D. 1991. Hymenoptera (Wasps, bees, ants, sawflies). pp. 916-1000 in CSIRO (ed). The Insects of Australia. A textbook for students and research workers. Carlton : Melbourne University Press.


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Subfamily Ambositrinae

Compiler and date details

N.B. Stevens, M. Iqbal & A.D. Austin, Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity and the Department of Applied and Molecular Ecology, Waite Campus, Adelaide University, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia


The Ambositrinae is the only group of proctotrupoid wasps that has been revised for the Australian Region. The subfamily comprises about 50 species (Naumann 1982) and has a largely Gondwanan distribution, the vast majority of species being found in Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand and South America. Host records are limited, but they indicate that members of the group parasitise Mycetophilidae and other nematoceran Diptera (Masner 1993).


General References

Masner, L. 1993. Superfamily Proctotrupoidea. pp. 537-557 in Goulet, H. & Huber, J.T. (eds). Hymenoptera of the World: An Identification Guide to Families. Ottawa : Research Branch, Agriculture Canada 668 pp.

Naumann, I.D. 1982. Systematics of the Australian Ambositrinae (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae), with a synopsis of the non-Australian genera of the subfamily. Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series 85: 1-239


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12-Feb-2010 (import)

Genus Acanthobetyla Dodd, 1926


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Species Acanthobetyla bouloumbae Naumann, 1982


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Species Acanthobetyla brindabellae Naumann, 1982


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Species Acanthobetyla cerbera Naumann, 1982


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Species Acanthobetyla clitodes Naumann, 1982


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Species Acanthobetyla corystes Naumann, 1982


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Species Acanthobetyla drymodes Naumann, 1982


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Species Acanthobetyla mirabilis Dodd, 1926


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Species Acanthobetyla oradelpha Naumann, 1982


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Species Acanthobetyla stenocephale Naumann, 1982


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Species Acanthobetyla tasmanica Naumann, 1982


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Species Acanthobetyla tooloomensis Naumann, 1982


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Genus Allobetyla Naumann, 1982


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Species Allobetyla pindari Naumann, 1982


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Genus Austroxylabis Naumann, 1982


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30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Austroxylabis pictipennis (Dodd, 1920)


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30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Diphoropria Kieffer, 1905


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30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Diphoropria agenor Naumann, 1982


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Species Diphoropria clepsimorpha Naumann, 1982


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Species Diphoropria collesi Naumann, 1982


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Species Diphoropria compsodes Naumann, 1982


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Species Diphoropria donnae Naumann, 1982


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Species Diphoropria embolocosma Naumann, 1982


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Species Diphoropria eumitra Naumann, 1982


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30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Diphoropria eungellae Naumann, 1982


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Species Diphoropria gyroprora Naumann, 1982


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Species Diphoropria micranepsia Naumann, 1982


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Species Diphoropria occidentalis Naumann, 1982


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Species Diphoropria pecki Naumann, 1982


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Species Diphoropria phoenura Naumann, 1982


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Species Diphoropria pseudoclavata (Dodd, 1916)


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Species Diphoropria pteridonomas Naumann, 1982


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Species Diphoropria pulchricornis (Dodd, 1915)


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Species Diphoropria rieki Naumann, 1982


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Species Diphoropria rufinotum (Dodd, 1915)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


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Species Diphoropria rufipes Kieffer, 1905


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Species Diphoropria spinosa (Dodd, 1926)


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Species Diphoropria splendida (Dodd, 1915)


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Species Diphoropria tricarinata Naumann, 1982


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Genus Gwaihiria Naumann, 1982


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Species Gwaihiria allocerata Naumann, 1982


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED

Species Gwaihiria bifoveata (Dodd, 1916)


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Genus Pantolytomyia Dodd, 1915


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Species Pantolytomyia ferruginea Dodd, 1915


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Genus Perissodryas Naumann, 1982


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Species Perissodryas apotoma Naumann, 1982


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Species Perissodryas daedalma Naumann, 1982


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Species Perissodryas zophera Naumann, 1982


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Genus Riaworra Naumann, 1982


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Species Riaworra petibela Naumann, 1982


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Genus Scianomas Naumann, 1982


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Species Scianomas agamemnon Naumann, 1982


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Species Scianomas poseidon Naumann, 1982


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Species Scianomas titan Naumann, 1982


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Incertae Sedis


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30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Subfamily Belytinae

Compiler and date details

N.B. Stevens, M. Iqbal & A.D. Austin, Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity and the Department of Applied and Molecular Ecology, Waite Campus, Adelaide University, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia


The Belytinae are possibly the most primitive diapriids. They are worldwide in distribution, but are most numerous in the Southern Hemisphere. The 10 species presently recorded from Australia represent only a fraction of the true belytine fauna which is largely undescribed. Many Australian species cannot be accommodated easily in existing genera. Extralimital records indicate that belytines are parasitoids of Mycetophilidae and other Nematocera (Masner 1993).


General References

Masner, L. 1993. Superfamily Proctotrupoidea. pp. 537-557 in Goulet, H. & Huber, J.T. (eds). Hymenoptera of the World: An Identification Guide to Families. Ottawa : Research Branch, Agriculture Canada 668 pp.


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Genus Aclista Förster, 1856


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Species Aclista claripennis (Dodd, 1930)


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Species Aclista longispina (Dodd, 1930)


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Species Aclista tasmanica Dodd, 1915


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Species Aclista variipennis (Dodd, 1930)


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Genus Aclistoides Dodd, 1916


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Species Aclistoides retractus Dodd, 1916


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Genus Belyta Jurine, 1807


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Species Belyta antipoda (Dodd, 1920)


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Species Belyta aureipes (Dodd, 1915)


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Genus Eccinetus Muesebeck & Walkley, 1956


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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Eccinetus radiatus (Kieffer, 1905)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Psilommella Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Psilommella petiolata Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Stylaclista Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Stylaclista notabilis Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Subfamily Diapriinae

Compiler and date details

N.B. Stevens, M. Iqbal & A.D. Austin, Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity and the Department of Applied and Molecular Ecology, Waite Campus, Adelaide University, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia


The Diapriinae is the most diverse of the diapriid subfamilies, both morphologically and biologically. The group is urgently in need of a generic revision on a worldwide basis, and this lack of a taxonomic framework precludes any meaningful study of the group. The Australian fauna comprises probably in excess of 300 species, most of which are undescribed, and many of which cannot be placed in existing genera. Along with the Belytinae, members of this subfamily are often collected in large numbers from the floor of wet forests. Numerous families of infraorders in Brachycera, Cyclorrhapha and Muscomorpha (Diptera) have been recorded as hosts (Masner 1993).


General References

Masner, L. 1993. Superfamily Proctotrupoidea. pp. 537-557 in Goulet, H. & Huber, J.T. (eds). Hymenoptera of the World: An Identification Guide to Families. Ottawa : Research Branch, Agriculture Canada 668 pp.


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Genus Antarctopria Brues in Tillyard, 1920


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Antarctopria latigaster Brues in Tillyard, 1920


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Austropria Masner, 1969


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Austropria serraticeps Masner, 1969


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Basalys Westwood, 1833


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Basalys bicolor (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Basalys brevipennis (Kieffer, 1905)


General References

Austin, A.D., Jennings, J.T., Iqbal, M., & Stevens, N.S. The Australian Faunal Directory, (not confirmed from Australia)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Basalys fuscinotum (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Basalys graciliventris (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Basalys grandiceps (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Basalys loriai (Kieffer, 1905)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Basalys pubescens (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Basalys quadriceps (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Basalys unidentata (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Cardiopria Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Cardiopria ventralis Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Entomacis Föerster, 1856


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Entomacis australis Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Entomacis elegans Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Entomacis flavitarsis (Kieffer, 1905)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Entomacis gracilis (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Entomacis monilicornis Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Hemilexomyia Dodd, 1920


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Hemilexomyia abrupta Dodd, 1920


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Hoplopria Ashmead, 1893


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Hoplopria abnormipennis (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Hoplopria bicoloricornis (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Hoplopria concoloricornis (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Hoplopria fuscitegula (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Hoplopria longiventris (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Hoplopria maculosa (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Hoplopria parvipunctata (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Hoplopria punctaticeps (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Hoplopria rubrinotum (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Hoplopria simulans (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Hoplopria tasmanicus (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Hoplopria tricarinata (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Idiotypa Förster, 1856


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Idiotypa erythrothorax (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Idiotypa sordida (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Idiotypa trifoveata (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Idiotypa vestigialis (Dodd, 1926)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Leaiopria Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Leaiopria termitarii Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Leaiopria wildi Naumann & Masner, 1980


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Malvina Cameron, 1889


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Malvina punctata Cameron, 1889


General References

Austin, A.D., Jennings, J.T., Iqbal, M., & Stevens, N.S. The Australian Faunal Directory, (not confirmed from Australia)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Neurogalesus Kieffer, 1907


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Neurogalesus carinatifrons (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Neurogalesus carinatus Kieffer, 1907


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Neurogalesus dissimilis Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Neurogalesus emargipennis (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Neurogalesus faunus Girault, 1927


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Neurogalesus grandis Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Neurogalesus hackeri Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Neurogalesus lativentris (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Neurogalesus militis Osborn et al., 1973


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Neurogalesus rubripes Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Paramesius Westwood in Griffith, 1832


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Paramesius angusticornis Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Paramesius aureicorpus Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Paramesius grandipennis Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Paramesius leander Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Paramesius punctatus Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Paraspilomicrus Johnston & Tiegs, 1922


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Paraspilomicrus froggatti Johnston & Tiegs, 1922


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Polydiapria Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Polydiapria atriceps Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Psilus Panzer, 1801


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Psilus assimilis (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Psilus atricoxa (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Rostropria Early & Naumann, 1990


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Rostropria casta Early & Naumann, 1990


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Rostropria garbo Early & Naumann, 1990


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Rostropria gondola Early & Naumann, 1990


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Rostropria inopicida Early & Naumann, 1990


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Rostropria simplex Early & Naumann, 1990


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Rostropria spiniventris Early & Naumann, 1990


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Solenopsiella Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Solenopsiella distincta Dodd, 1915


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Spilomicrus Westwood in Griffith, 1832




New South Wales

Other Regions

Lord Howe Island terrestrial & freshwater

History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Spilomicrus ater (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Spilomicrus aureipes (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Spilomicrus connectens (Dodd, 1916)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Spilomicrus howensis Dodd, 1924




New South Wales

Extra Distribution Information

LHI endemic

Australian Endemic.

Other Regions

Lord Howe Island terrestrial & freshwater

Distribution References

History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Spilomicrus infuscipes (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Spilomicrus leai (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Spilomicrus nigerrimus (Dodd, 1916)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Spilomicrus nigriventris (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Spilomicrus paucisetis (Dodd, 1920)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Spilomicrus splendidus (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Spilomicrus unicolor (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Spilomicrus victoriae (Dodd, 1915)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Tetramopria Wasmann, 1899




New South Wales

Other Regions

Lord Howe Island terrestrial & freshwater, Norfolk Island terrestrial & freshwater

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Tetramopria longiciliata Dodd, 1915


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Tetramopria plana Dodd, 1924




New South Wales

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

Other Regions

Lord Howe Island terrestrial & freshwater, Norfolk Island terrestrial & freshwater

Distribution References

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Tetramopria pulchra Dodd, 1915


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Trichopria Ashmead, 1893


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Trichopria acuminata Dodd, 1915


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Trichopria acuta (Dodd, 1915)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Trichopria affinis Dodd, 1915


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Trichopria atricorpus Dodd, 1915


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Trichopria fimicola (Ferrière, 1933)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Trichopria giraulti Dodd, 1916


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Trichopria globiceps (Dodd, 1916)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Trichopria laeviventris (Dodd, 1915)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Trichopria longiclava Dodd, 1915


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Trichopria nigricorpus Dodd, 1915


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Trichopria norfolcensis (Dodd, 1924)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Trichopria pulchrithorax (Dodd, 1915)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Trichopria quadrata Dodd, 1916


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Trichopria rubrithorax (Dodd, 1915)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Trichopria semicastanea (Dodd, 1915)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Subfamily Ismarinae

Compiler and date details

N.B. Stevens, M. Iqbal & A.D. Austin, Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity and the Department of Applied and Molecular Ecology, Waite Campus, Adelaide University, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia


The Ismarinae is the smallest and biologically most specialised of the diapriid subfamilies. Extralimital records indicate that members of this group are hyperparasitic on Cicadellidae via larval dryinid wasps (Masner 1993). Few species are known from Australia, and only one of these is described.


General References

Masner, L. 1993. Superfamily Proctotrupoidea. pp. 537-557 in Goulet, H. & Huber, J.T. (eds). Hymenoptera of the World: An Identification Guide to Families. Ottawa : Research Branch, Agriculture Canada 668 pp.


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Genus Ismarus Haliday, 1835


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ismarus tibialis Dodd, 1926


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED



This very small family has one species in Australia, and less than 10 species world-wide. Helorids are solitary endoparasitoids in the larvae of green lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae).


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08-Aug-2012 ADDED


Compiler and date details

2 July 2012 - Danielle N. Stringer, John T. Jennings & Andrew D. Austin, Australian Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity, and the School of Earth and Environmental Science, The University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

30 April 2001 - N.B. Stevens, M. Iqbal & A.D. Austin, Australian Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity, and the School of Earth and Environmental Science, The University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia


This small family occurs in Australia, New Guinea and the Neotropical Region, including Chile, Peru, Argentina, and Mexico. Three species of Monomachus are described from Australia, from the moist regions of the east and south-west (Naumann 1985, 1991). The adults are active in the cooler months, and the females of one Australian species are known to oviposit in the eggs of Boreoides spp. (Diptera: Stratiomyidae).


General References

Johnson, N.F. & Musetti, L. 2012. Genera of the parasitoid wasp family Monomachidae (Hymenoptera: Diaprioidea). Zootaxa 3188: 31-41

Naumann, I.D. 1985. The Australian species of Monomachidae (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea), with a revised diagnosis of the family. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 24: 261-274

Naumann, I.D. 1991. Hymenoptera (Wasps, bees, ants, sawflies). pp. 916-1000 in CSIRO (ed). The Insects of Australia. A textbook for students and research workers. Carlton : Melbourne University Press.


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Genus Monomachus Klug, 1841


General References

Naumann, I.D. 1985. The Australian species of Monomachidae (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea), with a revised diagnosis of the family. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 24: 261-274 [263] (revision of Australian species and key to the genera)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Monomachus antipodalis Westwood, 1874


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Monomachus australicus Girault, 1925


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Monomachus hesperius Naumann, 1985


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED


Compiler and date details

2 July 2012 - Danielle N. Stringer, John T. Jennings & Andrew D. Austin, Australian Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity, and the School of Earth and Environmental Science, The University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

30 April 2001 - N.B. Stevens, M. Iqbal & A.D. Austin, Australian Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity, and the School of Earth and Environmental Science, The University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia



This endemic Australian family of moderately small wasps (4–8 mm) is known from one genus, Peradenia, with only two described species (Naumann & Masner 1985). They are known from forested habitats in south-eastern Australia and Tasmania, but are very rarely collected. Their biology is unknown.


General References

Naumann, I.D. & Masner, L. 1985. Parasitic wasps of the proctotrupoid complex: a new family from Australia and a key to world families (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea sensu lato). Australian Journal of Zoology 33: 761-783


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Genus Peradenia Naumann & Masner, 1985


General References

Naumann, I.D. & Masner, L. 1985. Parasitic wasps of the proctotrupoid complex: a new family from Australia and a key to world families (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea sensu lato). Australian Journal of Zoology 33: 761-783 [769]


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Peradenia clavipes Naumann & Masner, 1985


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Peradenia micranepsia Naumann & Masner, 1985


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED


Compiler and date details

2 July 2012 - Danielle N. Stringer, John T. Jennings & Andrew D. Austin, Australian Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity, and the School of Earth and Environmental Science, The University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

30 April 2001 - N.B. Stevens, M. Iqbal & A.D. Austin, Australian Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity, and the School of Earth and Environmental Science, The University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia


This is a moderately small family of some 30 described species in Australia, but this is probably less than a quarter of the true size of the fauna. Proctotrupids vary in size from 3–15 mm, and usually have reduced venation with a subtriangular pterostigma. Many species have the posterior metasoma narrow and down-curved.

In Australia, all known species are endoparasitic on beetle larvae, although some Northern Hemisphere species are reported to parasitise fungus gnats (Diptera) (Naumann 1991; Masner 1993). The family is divided into two subfamilies, the Austroserphinae and Proctotrupinae.

Jennings & Austin (2015) list one unidentified species from Lord Howe Island in the Australian Museum.


General References

Jennings, J.T. & Austin, A.D. 2015. Synopsis of the hymenopteran fauna of Lord Howe Island with a preliminary checklist of species. Zootaxa 3931(3): 423–432

Masner, L. 1993. Superfamily Proctotrupoidea. pp. 537-557 in Goulet, H. & Huber, J.T. (eds). Hymenoptera of the World: An Identification Guide to Families. Ottawa : Research Branch, Agriculture Canada 668 pp.

Naumann, I.D. 1991. Hymenoptera (Wasps, bees, ants, sawflies). pp. 916-1000 in CSIRO (ed). The Insects of Australia. A textbook for students and research workers. Carlton : Melbourne University Press.


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Subfamily Austroserphinae

Compiler and date details

N.B. Stevens, M. Iqbal & A.D. Austin, Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity and the Department of Applied and Molecular Ecology, Waite Campus, Adelaide University, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Genus Acanthoserphus Dodd, 1915


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Acanthoserphus albicoxa Dodd, 1915


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Austroserphus Dodd, 1933


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Austroserphus albofaciatus Dodd, 1933


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Subfamily Proctotrupinae

Compiler and date details

N.B. Stevens, M. Iqbal & A.D. Austin, Centre for Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity and the Department of Applied and Molecular Ecology, Waite Campus, Adelaide University, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

History of changes

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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Genus Apoglypha Townes in Townes & Townes, 1981


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Apoglypha janthinae (Dodd, 1915)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Apoglypha nitens (Dodd, 1920)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Apoglypha radiata Townes in Townes & Townes, 1981


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Exallonyx Kieffer, 1904


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Exallonyx trifoveatus Kieffer, 1908


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Mischoserphus Townes in Townes & Townes, 1981


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Mischoserphus australiae (Kieffer, 1907)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Mischoserphus pictus Townes in Townes & Townes, 1981


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Oxyserphus Masner, 1961


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Oxyserphus calcaratus Townes in Townes & Townes, 1981


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Oxyserphus capitatus Townes in Townes & Townes, 1981


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Oxyserphus caudatus Townes in Townes & Townes, 1981


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Oxyserphus corvinus Townes in Townes & Townes, 1981


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Oxyserphus doddi (Riek, 1955)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Oxyserphus hipponecrus Townes in Townes & Townes, 1981


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Oxyserphus nigriscutum (Dodd, 1915)


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17-Mar-2015 PROCTOTRUPOIDEA 02-Feb-2015 MODIFIED Dr John Jennings (Uni_of_Ade)
07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Oxyserphus nitidus (Dodd, 1915)


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17-Mar-2015 PROCTOTRUPOIDEA 26-Feb-2015 MODIFIED Dr John Jennings (Uni_of_Ade)
07-Aug-2012 26-Feb-2015 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Oxyserphus rugatus Townes in Townes & Townes, 1981


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Oxyserphus splendidus (Riek, 1955)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Oxyserphus sulcatus (Riek, 1955)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Oxyserphus syagrii (Riek, 1955)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Oxyserphus turneri (Dodd, 1920)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Oxyserphus xanthura Townes in Townes & Townes, 1981


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Serphonostus Townes in Townes & Townes, 1981


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED

Species Serphonostus nigerrimus (Dodd, 1915)


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07-Aug-2012 25-Jul-2012 MODIFIED
30-Jun-2010 MODIFIED