History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Oct-2015 POLYPLACOPHORA 17-Oct-2023 MODIFIED Ms Anouk Mututantri (AM)
12-Feb-2010 (import)


Compiler and date details

31 December 1999 - K. Gowlett-Holmes, CSIRO Marine Research, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
POLYPLACOPHORA 19-Aug-2015 ADDED Ms Anouk Mututantri (AM)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)



The Hanleyidae is a small family, found mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, although one species, Hemiarthrum setulosum, is circumpolar sub-Antarctic in distribution. This species broods its young to an advanced stage in the pallial groove.

The family is characterised by small, unslit insertion plates on at least some valves, and the spiculose girdle.


General References

Kaas, P. & Van Belle, R.A. 1985. Monograph of Living Chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). Order Neoloricata: Lepidopleurina. Leiden : E.J. Brill/Dr W. Backhuys Vol. 1 240 pp.

Simpson, R.D. 1976. Physical and biotic factors limiting the distribution and abundance of littoral molluscs on Macquarie Island (sub-antarctic). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 21: 11-49

Simpson, R.D. 1977. The reproduction of some littoral molluscs from Macquarie Island (sub-antarctic). Marine Biology, Berlin 44: 125-142


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)



Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy



The Leptochitonidae is a family of small chitons, found worldwide from tropical to polar regions, and from intertidal pools to abyssal depths. Representatives of this family are usually found on, or under, stones in sediments.

The family is characterised by lack of insertion plates, granulose and usually uncoloured tegmentum, and presence of merobranchial gills. Girdle with variously shaped scales, spines and spicules.


General References

Gowlett-Holmes, K.L. 1990. On the taxonomic status of the Australian chiton Parachiton verconis Cotton & Weeding, 1939 (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Leptochitonidae). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 114: 95-97

Kaas, P. & Van Belle, R.A. 1985. Monograph of Living Chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). Order Neoloricata: Lepidopleurina. Leiden : E.J. Brill/Dr W. Backhuys Vol. 1 240 pp.

Schwabe, E. & Gofas, S. 2009. Leptochitonidae Dall, 1889. In: MolluscaBase (2015). World Register of Marine Species. (Accessed on 2015-08-17)


History of changes

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POLYPLACOPHORA 19-Aug-2015 ADDED Ms Anouk Mututantri (AM)

Genus Belknapchiton Sirenko, Saito & Schwabe, 2022




South Australia, Tasmania


Tasmania Province (10), Great Australian Bight Shelf Transition (32), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34)

History of changes

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Species Belknapchiton australis Sirenko, 2023






Tasmania Province (10)

History of changes

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Species Belknapchiton belknapi (Dall, 1878)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


Generic Combinations




South Australia

Extra Distribution Information

SA, Indo-Pacific Oceans.


Great Australian Bight Shelf Transition (32), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.


General References

Schwabe, E. 2009. Leptochiton belknapi Dall, 1878. In: MolluscaBase (2015). World Register of Marine Species. (Accessed on 2015-08-18)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Belknapchiton opiparus Iredale & Hull, 1925




South Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.


Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33)

General References

Sirenko, B. 2023. A small collection of rare and new chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. Zootaxa 5325(3): 359–392 [371] (Updated description)


History of changes

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Genus Leptochiton Gray, 1847


Taxonomic Decision for Subgeneric Arrangement




New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia


Tasmania Province (10), Southeast Transition (11), Central Eastern Province (12), Tasman Basin Province (13), Lord Howe Province (14), Norfolk Island Province (21), Macquarie Island Province (24), Central Western Shelf Province (29), Southwest Shelf Transition (30), Southwest Shelf Province (31), Great Australian Bight Shelf Transition (32), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Tasmanian Shelf Province (36), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38), Central Eastern Shelf Transition (39), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41), Southern Province (8), West Tasmania Transition (9)

Other Regions

Australian Antarctic Territory, Heard & McDonald Islands (Aust. Terr.)

History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Leptochiton badius (Hedley & Hull, 1909)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy




New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.


Central Western Shelf Province (29), Southwest Shelf Transition (30), Southwest Shelf Province (31), Great Australian Bight Shelf Transition (32), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38), Central Eastern Shelf Transition (39)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.


General References

Schwabe, E. 2009. Leptochiton badius (Hedley & Hull, 1909). In: MolluscaBase (2015). World Register of Marine Species. (Accessed on 2015-08-18)

Sirenko, B. 2020. New Zealand and Australian species of the genus Leptochiton (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). Zootaxa 4851(3): 401–449 (Comparison of Tasmanian specimens to Sydney specimens [topotype])


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Oct-2015 POLYPLACOPHORA 01-Oct-2015 MODIFIED Ms Anouk Mututantri (AM)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Leptochiton bednalli (Torr, 1912)




South Australia, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Southwest Shelf Province (31), Great Australian Bight Shelf Transition (32), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.


General References

Schwabe, E. 2009. Leptochiton bednalli (Torr, 1912). In: MolluscaBase (2015). World Register of Marine Species. (Accessed on 2015-08-18)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Leptochiton collusor (Iredale & Hull, 1925)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy




South Australia, Victoria

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Southeast Shelf Transition (37)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors

Interstitial, sublittoral.


General References

Schwabe, E. 2009. Leptochiton collusor (Iredale & Hull, 1925). In: MolluscaBase (2015). World Register of Marine Species. (Accessed on 2015-08-18)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Oct-2015 POLYPLACOPHORA 01-Oct-2015 MODIFIED Ms Anouk Mututantri (AM)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Leptochiton columnarius (Hedley & May, 1908)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy




South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Tasmania Province (10), Southeast Transition (11), Central Eastern Province (12), Tasman Basin Province (13), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Southern Province (8), West Tasmania Transition (9)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.


General References

Schwabe, E. 2009. Leptochiton columnarius (Hedley & May, 1908). In: MolluscaBase (2015). World Register of Marine Species. (Accessed on 2015-08-18)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Oct-2015 POLYPLACOPHORA 01-Oct-2015 MODIFIED Ms Anouk Mututantri (AM)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Leptochiton fairchildi (Iredale & Hull, 1929)



Extra Distribution Information

Known only from type locality.

Australian Endemic.


Macquarie Island Province (24)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.


General References

Schwabe, E. 2009. Leptochiton fairchildi (Iredale & Hull, 1929). In: MolluscaBase (2015). World Register of Marine Species. (Accessed on 2015-08-18)

Sirenko, B. 2020. New Zealand and Australian species of the genus Leptochiton (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). Zootaxa 4851(3): 401–449 (Additional specimens studied and compared to holotype)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Oct-2015 POLYPLACOPHORA 27-Sep-2023 MODIFIED Ms Anouk Mututantri (AM)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Leptochiton gowlettholmesae Sirenko, 2023





Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.


Tasmania Province (10)

History of changes

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Species Leptochiton kerguelensis Haddon, 1886


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy



Extra Distribution Information

Heard Is., Antarctica to Subantarctic, southern circumpolar.

Other Regions

Australian Antarctic Territory, Heard & McDonald Islands (Aust. Terr.)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Antarctic Region

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.


General References

Schwabe, E. 2009. Leptochiton kerguelensis Haddon, 1886. In: MolluscaBase (2015). World Register of Marine Species. (Accessed on 2015-08-18)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Leptochiton laurae Schwabe & Sellanes, 2010



Sirenko (2020) identified specimens from New Zealand only as Leptochiton cf. laurae due to some differences to the holotype and previously studied specimens from the South Shetland Islands by Sirenko (2015). Sirenko (2020) noted that the New Zealand specimens had only 1 or 2 longitudinal ribs on the dorsal scales whereas the Chilean holotype had 6-8 ribs on the dorsal scales. Notably, Sirenko (2020) suggested the the number of ribs on the dorsal scales is variable within the species. He also notes that the New Zealand specimens have 1-2 ribs on their scales, whereas those from Chile have 3 ribs, and those from South Shetland Island have smooth scales. Additionally, he notes that the New Zealand specimens have a longer antemucronal area and rounded valves as compared to previously studied specimens.

Sirenko (2023) reports the species from Australian waters for the first time. He notes that the Australian specimens differs slightly from the Chilean specimens in the possession of smooth dorsal scales, although he again attributes the difference to intraspecific variation. In this study, it also appears that he confirms the identity of the New Zealand specimens as Leptochiton laurae (previously Leptochiton cf. laurae).



Extra Distribution Information

Heard Island - HIMI-Aurora Bank, cruise SC 26, 52.5969°S, 71.9952°E, 310m depth, TMAG E26178

Other Regions

Heard & McDonald Islands (Aust. Terr.)

Distribution References

General References

Sirenko, B. 2015. Shallow and deep-sea chitons of the genus Leptochiton Gray, 1847 (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Lepidopleurida) from Peruvian and Chilean waters. Zootaxa 4033(2): 151–202

Sirenko, B. 2020. New Zealand and Australian species of the genus Leptochiton (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). Zootaxa 4851(3): 401–449


History of changes

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Species Leptochiton liratellus (Iredale & Hull, 1925)





Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Central Eastern Shelf Province (38), Central Eastern Shelf Transition (39), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.


General References

Schwabe, E. 2009. Leptochiton liratellus (Iredale & Hull, 1925). In: MolluscaBase (2015). World Register of Marine Species. (Accessed on 2015-08-18)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Leptochiton liratus (H. Adams & Angas, 1864)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy




South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.


Central Western Shelf Province (29), Southwest Shelf Transition (30), Southwest Shelf Province (31), Great Australian Bight Shelf Transition (32), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Tasmanian Shelf Province (36), Southeast Shelf Transition (37)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.

Extra Ecological Information

On rocks/stones in sand pockets on reef.


General References

Sirenko, B. 2020. New Zealand and Australian species of the genus Leptochiton (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). Zootaxa 4851(3): 401–449

Sirenko, B. 2023. A small collection of rare and new chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. Zootaxa 5325(3): 359–392 (Confirmation of identification of specimens held at the TMAG)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Oct-2015 POLYPLACOPHORA 01-Oct-2015 MODIFIED Ms Anouk Mututantri (AM)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Leptochiton matthewsianus (Bednall in Bednall & Matthews, 1906)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy




South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.


Central Western Shelf Province (29), Southwest Shelf Transition (30), Southwest Shelf Province (31), Great Australian Bight Shelf Transition (32), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Southeast Shelf Transition (37)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.

Extra Ecological Information

Under stones in sand.


General References

Sirenko, B. 2020. New Zealand and Australian species of the genus Leptochiton (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). Zootaxa 4851(3): 401–449 (Tasmanian specimens examined)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Oct-2015 POLYPLACOPHORA 01-Oct-2015 MODIFIED Ms Anouk Mututantri (AM)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Leptochiton sperandus (Iredale & Hull, 1925)




New South Wales

Extra Distribution Information

Known only from type locality.

Australian Endemic.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Genus Parachiton Thiele, 1909




New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia


Great Australian Bight Shelf Transition (32), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41)

Other Regions

Torres Strait Islands terrestrial, marine & freshwater

History of changes

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Species Parachiton capricornicus Iredale & Hull, 1925





Extra Distribution Information

QLD, Coral Sea.


Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Parachiton litoreus Iredale & Hull, 1925





Extra Distribution Information

Known only from type locality.

Australian Endemic.


Northeast Shelf Transition (41)

Other Regions

Torres Strait Islands terrestrial, marine & freshwater

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Parachiton puppis Hull, 1923


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy




New South Wales, South Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.


Great Australian Bight Shelf Transition (32), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38)

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.

Extra Ecological Information

In sand.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Genus Terenochiton Iredale, 1914




Lord Howe Province (14), Norfolk Island Province (21)

History of changes

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Species Terenochiton norfolcensis (Hedley & Hull, 1912)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


Generic Combinations



Extra Distribution Information

Kermadec Ils.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Lord Howe Province (14), Norfolk Island Province (21)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.

Extra Ecological Information

Under stones.


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)



The results in Okusu et al. (2003) are not conclusive enough to dismiss the clade Acanthochitonina as defended in Sirenko (1993) and from sperm morphology by Buckland-Nicks (1995: Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 166, 129-153). At the most, if the phylogeny of Okusu et al. is correct, this clade will need to be divided in two monophyletic units (then ranked as two distinct suborders), one around Acanthochitona and one around Mopalia (not Ischnochitonina because Ischnochiton belongs to the clade Chitonina). (WoRMS 2009)


General References

Schwabe, E. & Gofas, S. 2010. Chitonida. In: MolluscaBase (2015). World Register of Marine Species. (Accessed on 2015-08-19)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
POLYPLACOPHORA 19-Aug-2015 ADDED Ms Anouk Mututantri (AM)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)



The Acanthochitonidae is a large family of chitons found worldwide in tropical to polar seas. The majority of members of this family are poorly known, in part because few specimens are available for study, and the taxonomy of the group is in need of revision.

The family is characterised by insertion plates, usually with slits, on all valves, insertion plate teeth never pectinate; tegmentum often reduced, rarely absent; extra-pigmentary aesthetes absent, girdle spiculose, usually with sutural tufts.


General References

Cotton, B.C. 1964. South Australian Mollusca. Chitons. Adelaide : S.A. Govt. Printer 150 pp.

Gowlett-Holmes, K.L. 1990. A review of the endemic Australian chiton genus Bassethullia Pilsbry, 1928 (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Acanthochitonidae). Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia 11: 9-28

Gowlett-Holmes, K.L. 1991. Redefinition of the genus Notoplax H. Adams, 1861, and recognition of the monotypic New Zealand genus Pseudotonicia Ashby, 1928 (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Acanthochitonidae). Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia 12: 77-88

Iredale, T. & Hull, A.F.B. 1925. A monograph of Australian loricates (Phylum Mollusca – Order Loricata). V. Family Cryptoconchidae. The Australian Zoologist 4(2): 75-111 pls 9-12 [Date published 10 Nov. 1925]

Kaas, P. & Van Belle, R.A. 1998. Catalogue of Living Chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). Leiden : Backhuys 204 pp.


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Genus Acanthochitona Gray, 1821


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy




New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Worldwide, an unidentified species has been recorded from the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Lord Howe Province (14), Norfolk Island Province (21), Cocos (Keeling) Island Province (22), Central Western Shelf Transition (28), Central Western Shelf Province (29), Southwest Shelf Transition (30), Southwest Shelf Province (31), Great Australian Bight Shelf Transition (32), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Tasmanian Shelf Province (36), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38), Central Eastern Shelf Transition (39), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Distribution References

History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Acanthochitona approximans (Hedley & Hull, 1912)



Extra Distribution Information

Only known from Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island.

Australian Endemic.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Lord Howe Province (14), Norfolk Island Province (21)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.

Extra Ecological Information

On underside of stones, or in crevices of coral slabs, in pools at low tide.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Acanthochitona bednalli (Pilsbry, 1894)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy




South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Central Western Shelf Transition (28), Central Western Shelf Province (29), Southwest Shelf Transition (30), Southwest Shelf Province (31), Great Australian Bight Shelf Transition (32), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Tasmanian Shelf Province (36), Southeast Shelf Transition (37)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors


Extra Ecological Information

On rocks and mangrove pneumatophores, in muddy/silty conditions, can crawl on surface of muddy sand.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Oct-2015 POLYPLACOPHORA 29-Sep-2015 MODIFIED Ms Anouk Mututantri (AM)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Acanthochitona complanata (Hull, 1924)





Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Central Eastern Shelf Transition (39), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.

Extra Ecological Information

Under stones embedded in coral sand.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Acanthochitona coxi (Pilsbry, 1894)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy




New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania

Extra Distribution Information

NSW, VIC, TAS, SA, endemic.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Tasmanian Shelf Province (36), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.

Extra Ecological Information

Under stones in sand or mud.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Acanthochitona gatliffi (Ashby, 1919)




South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Tasmanian Shelf Province (36), Southeast Shelf Transition (37)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.

Extra Ecological Information

Under rocks.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Oct-2015 POLYPLACOPHORA 01-Oct-2015 MODIFIED Ms Anouk Mututantri (AM)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Acanthochitona granostriata (Pilsbry, 1894)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy




New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38), Central Eastern Shelf Transition (39)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors


Extra Ecological Information

Under stones.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Oct-2015 POLYPLACOPHORA 01-Oct-2015 MODIFIED Ms Anouk Mututantri (AM)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Acanthochitona kimberi (Torr, 1912)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy




New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Central Western Shelf Province (29), Southwest Shelf Transition (30), Southwest Shelf Province (31), Great Australian Bight Shelf Transition (32), Spencer Gulf Shelf Province (33), Western Bass Strait Shelf Transition (34), Bass Strait Shelf Province (35), Tasmanian Shelf Province (36), Southeast Shelf Transition (37), Central Eastern Shelf Province (38)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors


Extra Ecological Information

Under stones, amongst mussels.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
13-Oct-2015 POLYPLACOPHORA 30-Sep-2015 MODIFIED Ms Anouk Mututantri (AM)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Acanthochitona macrocystialis (Ashby, 1924)





Extra Distribution Information

Australian Endemic.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Tasmanian Shelf Province (36)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors

Benthic, sublittoral.

Extra Ecological Information

In Macrocystis kelp holdfasts.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Acanthochitona pelicanensis (Mackay, 1929)





Extra Distribution Information

Known only from Keppel Bay and Magnetic Is.

Australian Endemic.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Central Eastern Shelf Transition (39), Northeast Shelf Province (40), Northeast Shelf Transition (41)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors


Extra Ecological Information

Under stones in muddy pools.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Feb-2010 (import)
Note: the generation of this complete preview for NEOLORICATA was cancelled at Acanthochitona pelicanensis (Mackay, 1929) owing to the initation of another complete preview for Anotopterus pharao Zugmayer, 1911. Only one complete preview may be executed at a time. Previews were generated for 41 of 256 taxa.