- Hermaeidae H. Adams & A. Adams, 1854.
- Caliphyllidae Tiberi, N. 1881. 1 molluschi nudibranchi del Mediterraneo. Bullettino della Società Malacologica Italiana, Pisa 6: 184-224.
Type genus:
Caliphylla A. Costa, 1867.
The cerata of hermaeids are usually fusiform and often almost transparent except for the digestive gland duct and its branches. A few species have paddle-shaped cerata, but these are smooth edged and thick. The rhinophores are laterally grooved, slightly wider at the tip, each with two apical lobes; some species have smooth simple rhinophores. Some species are brilliant, even fluorescent, red in colour in life, acquiring their pigmentation from the red algae they eat.
General References
Burn, R. 2006. A checklist and bibliography of the Opisthobranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of Victoria and the Bass Strait area, south-eastern Australia. Museum Victoria Science Report 10: 1-42
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
30-Nov-2011 | OPISTHOBRANCHIA | 30-Nov-2011 | MOVED | Dr Robin Wilson |
14-Nov-2011 | ADDED |
- Aplysiopsis Deshayes, G.P. 1853. Traité élémentaire de Conchyliologie, avec les applications de cette science à la Géologie. Paris : V. Masson pp. 1–80. [56].
Type species:
Aplysiopsis elegans Deshayes, 1853 by original designation.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
30-Nov-2011 | OPISTHOBRANCHIA | 30-Nov-2011 | MOVED | Dr Robin Wilson |
14-Nov-2011 | 14-Nov-2011 | MOVED | ||
24-Mar-2011 | (import) |
- Aplysiopsis formosa Pruvot-Fol, A. 1953. Étude de quelques Opisthobranches de la côte atlantique du Maroc et du Sénégal. Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique Chérifien 5: 3–95 [47,pl. ii, fig. 21].
Type data:
Status unknown, Temara, Morocco.
Extra Distribution Information
Mediterranean, Florida, temperate North Atlantic: 0–12 m.
Ecological Descriptors
General References
Burn, R. 2006. A checklist and bibliography of the Opisthobranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of Victoria and the Bass Strait area, south-eastern Australia. Museum Victoria Science Report 10: 1-42 [11]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
30-Nov-2011 | OPISTHOBRANCHIA | 30-Nov-2011 | MOVED | Dr Robin Wilson |
14-Nov-2011 | 14-Nov-2011 | MOVED | ||
15-Jun-2011 | MODIFIED |
Genus Cyerce Bergh, 1870
Marshall & Willan (1999) identified Cyerce cf. pavonina which may represent an undescribed species.
Queensland, Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Papua New Guinea
Northeast Shelf Province (40)
General References
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
04-Dec-2018 | HETEROBRANCHIA | 27-May-2022 | MODIFIED | |
30-Nov-2011 | OPISTHOBRANCHIA | 30-Nov-2011 | MOVED | Dr Robin Wilson |
24-Mar-2011 | (import) |
Species Cyerce elegans Bergh, 1871
Northeast Shelf Province (40)
Ecological Descriptors
General References
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
30-Nov-2011 | OPISTHOBRANCHIA | 30-Nov-2011 | MOVED | Dr Robin Wilson |
01-May-2014 | MODIFIED |
Ecological Descriptors
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
30-Nov-2011 | OPISTHOBRANCHIA | 30-Nov-2011 | MOVED | Dr Robin Wilson |
01-May-2014 | MODIFIED |
Species Cyerce nigra Bergh, 1871
- Cyerce nigra Bergh, 1871.
Northeast Shelf Province (40)
Ecological Descriptors
General References
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
30-Nov-2011 | OPISTHOBRANCHIA | 30-Nov-2011 | MOVED | Dr Robin Wilson |
01-May-2014 | MODIFIED |
Species Cyerce nigricans (Pease, 1866)
- Lobifera nigricans Pease, W.H. 1866. Remarks on Nudibranchiata inhabiting the Pacific Islands, with descriptions of two new genera. American Journal of Conchology 2: 204-208 [206].
Generic Combinations
- Branchophyllum nigricans (Pease, 1866).
- Cyerce nigricans (Pease, 1866).
Queensland, Western Australia
Northeast Shelf Province (40)
Ecological Descriptors
General References
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
30-Nov-2011 | OPISTHOBRANCHIA | 30-Nov-2011 | MOVED | Dr Robin Wilson |
11-Jan-2016 | 09-Nov-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
01-May-2014 | MODIFIED |
Genus Hermaea Lovén, 1844
- Hermaea Lovén, S.L 1844. Om nordiska hafs - mollusker. Öfversigt af Kongelige Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar, Stockholm 1(3): 48–53 [50].
Type species:
Doris bifida Montagu, 1815 by original designation. - Physopneumon Costa, A. 1864. Di un nuovo genere di Molluschi Gasteropodi rinvenuto nel golfo di Napoli. Annuario del Museo Zoologico della Reale Università de Napoli 2: 158-159 [158].
Type species:
Physopneumon carneum A. Costa, 1864 by monotypy.
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Thompson, T.E. 1973. Sacoglossan gastropod molluscs from eastern Australia. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 40: 239–251 [243]
New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
30-Nov-2011 | OPISTHOBRANCHIA | 30-Nov-2011 | MOVED | Dr Robin Wilson |
14-Nov-2011 | 14-Nov-2011 | MOVED | ||
24-Mar-2011 | (import) |
- Hermaea evelinemarcusae Jensen, K.R. 1993. Sacoglossa (Mollusca Opisthobranchia) from Rottnest Island and central Western Australia. pp. 207-253 in Wells, F.E., Walker, D.I., Kirkman, H. & Lethbridge, R. (eds). Proceedings of the Fifth International Marine Biological Workshop: The Marine Flora and Fauna of Albany, Western Australia. Perth : Western Australian Museum Vol. 1. [248-249].
Ecological Descriptors
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
30-Nov-2011 | OPISTHOBRANCHIA | 30-Nov-2011 | MOVED | Dr Robin Wilson |
14-Nov-2011 | 14-Nov-2011 | MOVED | ||
01-May-2014 | MODIFIED |
Genus Polybranchia Pease, 1860
- Polybranchia Pease, W.H. 1860. Descriptions of new species of Mollusca from the Sandwich Islands, Part II. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 28: 141–148 [141].
Type species:
Polybranchia pellucida Pease, 1860 by original designation.
Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia
Lord Howe Province (14), Northeast Shelf Province (40)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
30-Nov-2011 | OPISTHOBRANCHIA | 30-Nov-2011 | MOVED | Dr Robin Wilson |
24-Mar-2011 | (import) |
- Polybranchia burni Medrano, S., Krug, P.J., Gosliner, T.M. Kumar, A.B., Valdes, A. 2018. Systematics of Polybranchia Pease, 1860 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Sacoglossa) based on molecular and morphological data. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society online early: 1-40.
Type data:
Holotype AM C.469619, Neds Beach, Lord Howe Island, New South Wales.
Lord Howe Province (14)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
HETEROBRANCHIA | 20-Sep-2018 | ADDED | Ingo Burghardt (AM) Ms Anouk Mututantri |
- Proctonotus orientalis Kelaart, E.F. 1858. Descriptions of new and little known species of Ceylon nudibranchiate molluscs and zoophytes. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Ceylon Branch 3: 84-139 [118].
- Phyllobranchus rubicundus Bergh, 1905.
- Branchophyllum orientale varzsagamiense Baba, 1955.
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
Generic Combinations
- Branchophyllum orientale (Kelaart, 1858).
- Phyllobranchus orientalis (Kelaart, 1858).
- Phyllobranchillus orientalis (Kelaart, 1858).
- Polybranchia orientalis (Kelaart, 1858). —
Jensen K.R. 2007. Biogeography of the Sacoglossa (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia). Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 55: 255–281 - Phyllobranchillus prasinus (Bergh, 1905).
Northeast Shelf Province (40)
Ecological Descriptors
General References
Wägele, H., Burghardt, I., Anthes, N., Evertsen, J., Klussmann-Kolb, A. & Brodie, G. 2006. Species diversity of opisthobranch molluscs on Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 69. 33-59 [50]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
04-Dec-2018 | HETEROBRANCHIA | 31-Aug-2023 | MODIFIED | |
30-Nov-2011 | OPISTHOBRANCHIA | 30-Nov-2011 | MOVED | Dr Robin Wilson |
11-Jan-2016 | 09-Nov-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
01-May-2014 | MODIFIED |
- Cyerce nigra pallens Burn, R. 1957. On some Opisthobranchia from Victoria. Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia 1(1): 11–29 [14, pl. 3, figs 8–11].
Type data:
Status unknown, Queenscliff, VIC.
Generic Combinations
- Polybranchia pallens (Burn, 1957).
South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria
Extra Distribution Information
0–10 m.
Ecological Descriptors
General References
Burn, R. 1989. Opisthobranchs (Subclass Opisthobranchia). In, Shepherd, S.A. & Thomas, I.M (eds). Marine Invertebrates of Southern Australia. Part II. Adelaide : South Australian Government Printing Division. [pl. 47.3] (photo)
Burn, R. 2006. A checklist and bibliography of the Opisthobranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of Victoria and the Bass Strait area, south-eastern Australia. Museum Victoria Science Report 10: 1-42 [11]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
30-Nov-2011 | OPISTHOBRANCHIA | 30-Nov-2011 | MOVED | Dr Robin Wilson |
11-Jan-2016 | 09-Nov-2011 | MODIFIED | ||
15-Jun-2011 | MODIFIED |
- Polybranchis westralis Jensen, K.R. 1993. Sacoglossa (Mollusca Opisthobranchia) from Rottnest Island and central Western Australia. pp. 207-253 in Wells, F.E., Walker, D.I., Kirkman, H. & Lethbridge, R. (eds). Proceedings of the Fifth International Marine Biological Workshop: The Marine Flora and Fauna of Albany, Western Australia. Perth : Western Australian Museum Vol. 1. [227-231].
Western Australia
Ecological Descriptors
General References
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
30-Nov-2011 | OPISTHOBRANCHIA | 30-Nov-2011 | MOVED | Dr Robin Wilson |
01-May-2014 | MODIFIED |