Subfamily Elipsocinae Smithers, 1964
- Elipsocinae Smithers, C.N. 1964. Notes on the relationships of the genera of Elipsocidae. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London 116: 211-224 [220].
Type genus:
Elipsocus Hagen, 1866.
Diagnosis References
Schmidt, E.R. & New, T.R. 2004. A systematic and phylogenetic revision of the family Elipsocidae (Insecta : Psocoptera), with the erection of two new families: Lesneiidae and Sabulopsocidae. Invertebrate Taxonomy 18: 157-213 [182] (definition)
General References
Karny, H.H. 1930. Zur systematik der Orthopteroiden Insekten. II. Treubia 12: 431-461 [444] (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement subfamily of Lachesillidae)
Roesler, R. 1944. Die Gattungen der Copeognathen. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 105: 117-166 [150] (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement subfamily of Mesopsocidae)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Ausysium Schmidt, E.R. & New, T.R. 2004. A systematic and phylogenetic revision of the family Elipsocidae (Insecta : Psocoptera), with the erection of two new families: Lesneiidae and Sabulopsocidae. Invertebrate Taxonomy 18: 157-213 [161].
Type species:
Ausysium joyceorum Schmidt & New, 2004 by original designation.
Vic: Australian Alps (AA), Flinders (FLI), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- Victoria: SE coastal
Diagnosis References
Schmidt, E.R. & New, T.R. 2004. A systematic and phylogenetic revision of the family Elipsocidae (Insecta : Psocoptera), with the erection of two new families: Lesneiidae and Sabulopsocidae. Invertebrate Taxonomy 18: 157-213 [161]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Ausysium joyceorum Schmidt, E.R. & New, T.R. 2004. A systematic and phylogenetic revision of the family Elipsocidae (Insecta : Psocoptera), with the erection of two new families: Lesneiidae and Sabulopsocidae. Invertebrate Taxonomy 18: 157-213 [161].
Type data:
Holotype NMV ♀, Vic, Thomson River, 7 km NNW Walhalla (Narrows Gauging Stn).
Extra Distribution Information
Known only from type locality.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
01-May-2014 | MODIFIED |
Genus Clinopsocus New, 1972
- Clinopsocus New, T.R. 1972. A new genus and species of Elipsocidae (Psocoptera) from Australia. Journal of Entomology B 4(1): 31-34 6 figs [31].
Type species:
Clinopsocus smithersi New, 1972 by original designation.
Victoria, Western Australia
Vic: Australian Alps (AA), Flinders (FLI), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP) ; WA: Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Esperance Plains (ESP), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Jarrah Forest (JF), Mallee (MAL), Swan Coastal Plain (SWA), Warren (WAR), Yalgoo (YAL)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- Victoria: SE coastal
- Western Australia: SW coastal
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Nepiomorpha phragmitella Smithers, C.N. 1972. A collection of Psocoptera (Insecta) from Western Australia including four new species. The Australian Zoologist 17(1): 15-23 25 figs [17].
Type data:
Holotype AM K68998 ♀ adult, South Perth, WA.
Paratype(s) AM K68999 13♀ adults; WADA 17♀ adults.
Generic Combinations
- Clinopsocus phragmitellus (Smithers, 1972). —
Schmidt, E.R. & New, T.R. 2004. A systematic and phylogenetic revision of the family Elipsocidae (Insecta : Psocoptera), with the erection of two new families: Lesneiidae and Sabulopsocidae. Invertebrate Taxonomy 18: 157-213 [163]
Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Known only from type locality.
Australian Endemic.
WA: Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Esperance Plains (ESP), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Jarrah Forest (JF), Mallee (MAL), Swan Coastal Plain (SWA), Warren (WAR), Yalgoo (YAL)
Ecological Descriptors
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
18-Jun-2015 | ELIPSOCIDAE | 29-Aug-2023 | MODIFIED | Lyn Randall |
01-May-2014 | MODIFIED |
Species Clinopsocus smithersi New, 1972
- Clinopsocus smithersi New, T.R. 1972. A new genus and species of Elipsocidae (Psocoptera) from Australia. Journal of Entomology B 4(1): 31-34 6 figs [32].
Type data:
Holotype AM K70389 ♀ adult, Bundoora, VIC.
Paratype(s) AM K70390 ♂adult; PCNEW 3♀ adults.
Extra Distribution Information
Australian Endemic.
Vic: Australian Alps (AA), Flinders (FLI), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- Victoria: SE coastal
Ecological Descriptors
Extra Ecological Information
Under bark of Eucalyptus [Myrtaceae].
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Nepiomorpha Pearman, J.V. 1936. Two new Psocids from Ceylon. Spolia Zeylanica 20: 1-7 1 pl. [4].
Type species:
Nepiomorpha crucifera Pearman, 1936 by original designation.
Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
North America.
WA: Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Esperance Plains (ESP), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Jarrah Forest (JF), Mallee (MAL), Swan Coastal Plain (SWA), Warren (WAR), Yalgoo (YAL)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Afrotropical Region
- Angola
Australian Region
- Australia
- Western Australia: SW coastal
Nearctic Region
Neotropical Region
- Brazil
- Mexico
Oriental Region
- Sri Lanka
Distribution References
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Paedomorpha Smithers, C.N. 1963. Two new genera of Elipsocidae (Psocoptera) from Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 32: 32-37 12 figs [32].
Type species:
Paedomorpha gayi Smithers, 1963 by original designation.
Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia
ACT, NSW, Tas, Vic, WA: Australian Alps (AA), Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Ben Lomond (BEL), Broken Hill Complex (BHC), Cobar Peneplain (CP), Darling Riverine Plains (DRP), Esperance Plains (ESP), Flinders (FLI), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Jarrah Forest (JF), King (KIN), Mallee (MAL), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Mulga Lands (ML), Nandewar (NAN), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), New England Tablelands (NET), NSW North Coast (NNC), NSW South Western Slopes (NSS), Riverina (RIV), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Swan Coastal Plain (SWA), Tasmanian Central Highlands (TCH), Tasmanian Northern Midlands (TNM), Tasmanian Northern Slopes (TNS), Tasmanian South East (TSE), Tasmanian Southern Ranges (TSR), Tasmanian West (TWE), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP), Warren (WAR), Yalgoo (YAL)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- Australian Capital Territory
- New South Wales: Murray-Darling basin, SE coastal
- Tasmania
- Victoria
- Western Australia: SW coastal
- New Zealand
Distribution References
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
Species Paedomorpha gayi Smithers, 1963
- Paedomorpha gayi Smithers, C.N. 1963. Two new genera of Elipsocidae (Psocoptera) from Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 32: 32-37 12 figs [32].
Type data:
Holotype ANIC ♀ adult, Canberra, ACT.
Paratype(s) AM K68188 8♀ adults; ANIC 281♀ adults.
Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Also New Zealand
ACT, NSW, Tas, Vic, WA: Australian Alps (AA), Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Ben Lomond (BEL), Esperance Plains (ESP), Flinders (FLI), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Jarrah Forest (JF), King (KIN), Mallee (MAL), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Nandewar (NAN), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), New England Tablelands (NET), NSW North Coast (NNC), NSW South Western Slopes (NSS), Riverina (RIV), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), Swan Coastal Plain (SWA), Tasmanian Central Highlands (TCH), Tasmanian Northern Midlands (TNM), Tasmanian Northern Slopes (TNS), Tasmanian South East (TSE), Tasmanian Southern Ranges (TSR), Tasmanian West (TWE), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP), Warren (WAR), Yalgoo (YAL)
Ecological Descriptors
Arboreal, on bark.
Extra Ecological Information
On paling fences, gregarious.
General References
Schmidt, E.R. & New, T.R. 2008. The Psocoptera (Insecta) of Tasmania, Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65: 71–152 [132]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
30-Oct-2014 | PSOCOMORPHA | 28-Oct-2014 | MODIFIED | Dr Federica Turco |
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Psocophloea Schmidt, E.R. & New, T.R. 2004. A systematic and phylogenetic revision of the family Elipsocidae (Insecta : Psocoptera), with the erection of two new families: Lesneiidae and Sabulopsocidae. Invertebrate Taxonomy 18: 157-213 [171].
Type species:
Psocophloea sarahae Schmidt & New, 2004 by original designation.
Vic: Australian Alps (AA), Flinders (FLI), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- Victoria: SE coastal
Diagnosis References
Schmidt, E.R. & New, T.R. 2004. A systematic and phylogenetic revision of the family Elipsocidae (Insecta : Psocoptera), with the erection of two new families: Lesneiidae and Sabulopsocidae. Invertebrate Taxonomy 18: 157-213 [171] (diagnosis)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Psocophloea sarahae Schmidt, E.R. & New, T.R. 2004. A systematic and phylogenetic revision of the family Elipsocidae (Insecta : Psocoptera), with the erection of two new families: Lesneiidae and Sabulopsocidae. Invertebrate Taxonomy 18: 157-213 [172].
Type data:
Holotype AM ♀, Vic, Harrow, Pine Hills Road No.2.
Paratype(s) AM 16 ♀, Vic, Harrow, Pine Hills Road No.2.
Extra Distribution Information
Known only from type locality.
Vic: Australian Alps (AA), Flinders (FLI), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- Victoria: SE coastal
Ecological Descriptors
Decaying trunk (associated flora: Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. [MYRTACEAE] River Red Gum), microepiphytes.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
18-Jun-2015 | ELIPSOCIDAE | 18-Jun-2015 | MODIFIED | Lyn Randall |
05-May-2015 | PSOCOMORPHA | 11-May-2015 | MODIFIED | |
30-Oct-2014 | PSOCOMORPHA | 18-Jun-2015 | MODIFIED | Dr Federica Turco |
18-Jun-2015 | MODIFIED |
- Villopsocus Schmidt, E.R. & New, T.R. 2004. A systematic and phylogenetic revision of the family Elipsocidae (Insecta : Psocoptera), with the erection of two new families: Lesneiidae and Sabulopsocidae. Invertebrate Taxonomy 18: 157-213 [176].
Type species:
Villopsocus tasmaniensis Schmidt & New, 2004 by original designation.
Diagnosis References
Schmidt, E.R. & New, T.R. 2004. A systematic and phylogenetic revision of the family Elipsocidae (Insecta : Psocoptera), with the erection of two new families: Lesneiidae and Sabulopsocidae. Invertebrate Taxonomy 18: 157-213 [176] (diagnosis)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
- Villopsocus tasmaniensis Schmidt, E.R. & New, T.R. 2004. A systematic and phylogenetic revision of the family Elipsocidae (Insecta : Psocoptera), with the erection of two new families: Lesneiidae and Sabulopsocidae. Invertebrate Taxonomy 18: 157-213 [177].
Type data:
Holotype AM ♀, Tasmania, Hobart, Queens Domain.
Paratype(s) UT 9 ♀, 10 ♂ (11 nymphs), Tasmania, Hobart, Queens Domain.
Extra Distribution Information
Known only from type locality.
Ecological Descriptors
On ground, rolled eucalypt bark.
General References
Schmidt, E.R. & New, T.R. 2008. The Psocoptera (Insecta) of Tasmania, Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65: 71–152 [134]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
30-Oct-2014 | PSOCOMORPHA | 28-Oct-2014 | MODIFIED | Dr Federica Turco |
01-May-2014 | MODIFIED |