- Cyanoramphus Bonaparte, C.L. 1854. Tableau des perroquets. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie (Paris) 2 6: 145-158 [153] [published without description but based by reference on six nominal species, including Psittacus pacificus J.R. Forster, 1844, and available under ICZN Art. 12(b)(5); the unjustified emendation Cyanorhamphus Reichenow, 1881 is not listed here, being a junior objective synonym based on non-Australian type species].
Type species:
Psittacus pacificus J.R. Forster, 1844 by subsequent designation, see Gray, G.R. 1855. Catalogue of the Genera and Subgenera of Birds contained in the British Museum. London : British Museum 192 pp. [86] (=Cyanoramphus zealandicus (Latham, 1790)). - Phippspsittacus McAllan, I.A.W. & Bruce, M.D. 1989. The Birds of New South Wales A Working List. Turramurra, New South Wales : Biocon Research Group vii 103 pp. [publication dated 1988, published May 1989] [45] [proposed without designation of type species but still available by indication under ICZN Art. 13(b); nomen sub-nudum, based essentially on 'a different bill morphology' in reference to Phipps, G. 1981. The Kakarikis. Australian Aviculture 35: 126–139, which specifies no comparative differences in bill].
Type species:
Platycercus cookii G.R. Gray, 1859 by monotypy.
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Schodde, R. in Schodde, R. & Mason, I.J. 1997. Aves (Columbidae to Coraciidae). In, Houston, W.W.K. & Wells, A. (eds). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing, Australia Vol. 37.2 xiii 440 pp. [145] (based on Peters, J.L. 1937. Check-list of Birds of the World. Cambridge : Harvard University Press Vol. 3 xiii 311 pp. [269])
Excluded Taxa
- Misidentifications
PSITTACIDAE: Psittacus auriceps (Kuhl, 1820) — Bonaparte, C.L. 1850. Conspectus Generum Avium. Tom. I. Lugduni, Batavorum : E.J. Brill 543 pp. [Date published 24 Jun 1850] [6] (=Geoffroyus g. geoffroyi (Bechstein, 1811))
PSITTACIDAE: Psittacus erythronotus (Kuhl, 1820)
Extra Distribution Information
New Zealand, and Kermadec, Chatham, Antipodes and Auckland Ils, New Caledonia, and Society Is.
Lord Howe Province (14), Norfolk Island Province (21), Macquarie Island Province (24)
Other Regions
Lord Howe Island terrestrial & freshwater, Norfolk Island terrestrial & freshwater
Original AFD Distribution Data
Antarctic Region
- Macquarie Island (Aust. Terr.)
Australian Region
- Australia
- Lord Howe Island
- Norfolk Island
Distribution References
- Forshaw, J.M. 1978. Parrots of the World. 2nd (revised) Edn. Illustrated by W.T. Cooper. Melbourne : Lansdowne Edns 616 pp. 158 pls.
- Peters, J.L. 1937. Check-list of Birds of the World. Cambridge : Harvard University Press Vol. 3 xiii 311 pp.
- Sibley, C.G. & Monroe, B.L., Jr 1990. Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World. New Haven : Yale University Press xxiv 1111 pp.
General References
Holyoak, D.T. 1973. Comments on taxonomy and relationships in the parrot subfamilies Nestorinae, Loriinae and Platycercinae. The Emu 73: 157-176 (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement)
McAllan, I.A.W. & Bruce, M.D. 1989. The Birds of New South Wales A Working List. Turramurra, New South Wales : Biocon Research Group vii 103 pp. [publication dated 1988, published May 1989] (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
10-Nov-2020 | AVES | 16-Mar-2025 | MODIFIED | |
29-Apr-2015 | Platycercini | 16-Mar-2025 | MODIFIED | |
10-Nov-2020 | 16-Mar-2025 | MODIFIED | ||
10-Nov-2020 | 16-Mar-2025 | MODIFIED | ||
16-Mar-2025 | MODIFIED |
- Platycercus cookii Gray, G.R. 1859. List of the Specimens of Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. London : British Museum 110 pp. Pt III Sect. II Psittacidae. [13] [as Cookii, and described as from New Zealand].
Type data:
Holotype BMNH ♂ adult (Old Vellum Cat. 22. 30a , ex W. Bullock Museum), Norfolk Is.(as New Zealand)
Comment: for identification of holotype and type locality, see Salvadori, T. 1891. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Psittaci, or Parrots. London : British Museum Vol. 20 xvii 658 pp. XVIII pls (585); Warren, R.L.M. 1966. Type-specimens of Birds in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 1 Non-Passerines. London : British Museum ix 320 pp. - Platycercus rayneri Gray, G.R. 1862. A list of the birds of New Zealand and the adjacent islands. Ibis 4(15): 214-252 [228].
Type data:
Holotype BMNH 1859. 1.10.5 unsexed adult, Norfolk Is.
Comment: for identification of holotype, see Salvadori, T. 1891. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Psittaci, or Parrots. London : British Museum Vol. 20 xvii 658 pp. XVIII pls (585); Warren, R.L.M. 1966. Type-specimens of Birds in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 1 Non-Passerines. London : British Museum ix 320 pp. - Cyanoramphus magnirostris Forbes, H.O. & Robinson, H.C. 1897. Catalogue of the parrots (Psittaci) in the Derby Museum. Bulletin of the Liverpool Museum 1: 5-22 [21] [as Cyanorhamphus magnirostris].
Type data:
Holotype LIVCM D.631a, Norfolk Is. (as Tahiti)
Comment: for identity, details and type locality of holotype, see Sims, R.W. 1953. On the status of Cyanoramphus magnirostris Forbes and Robinson, Bull. Liverpool Mus. 1, p. 21, 1897: Tahiti, Society Islands. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 73: 104-105; Wagstaffe, R. 1978. Type Specimens of Birds in the Merseyside County Museums. Liverpool : Merseyside County Museums, Merseyside County Council 33 pp.
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
Previously treated as a subspecies of C. novaezelandiae but raised to species by Boon et al. (2001). Although the genetic difference between C. cooki and C. novaezelandiae is significant, and equal to or greater than other interspecific differences in the genus, they are difficult to separate morphologically and treatment as a species not recognised by some authors, e.g. del Hoyo & Collar (2014). See Christidis & Boles (2008) for further discussion.
Extra Distribution Information
Norfolk Island, Tasman Sea
Other Regions
Norfolk Island terrestrial & freshwater
Ecological Descriptors
Arboreal, closed forest, diurnal, florivore, frugivorous, granivore, gregarious, sedentary, volant.
Extra Ecological Information
Seasonal breeder, sexually dimorphic in size of bill, feeds arboreally on a variety of seeds, fruit and flowers, groups in pairs or small parties, flies directly with wing beats punctuated by gliding on down-swept wings, nests in high tree hollows, incubation by female, both sexes rear grey-white-downed, yellowish-billed chicks.
General References
Boon, W.M., Daugherty, C.H. & Chambers, G.K. 2001. The Norfolk Island Green Parrot and New Caledonian Red-crowned Parakeet are distinct species. Emu 101: 113-121
Forshaw, J.M. 1981. Australian Parrots. 2nd (revised) Edn. Illustrated by W.T. Cooper. Melbourne : Lansdowne Edns 312 pp. 56 pls. (general biology)
Common Name References
Stanger, M., Clayton, M., Schodde, R., Wombey, J. & Mason, I. 1998. CSIRO List of Australian Verebrates: A Reference with Conservation Status. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing iii 124 pp. (Norfolk Island Parakeet)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
10-Nov-2020 | AVES | 04-Nov-2022 | MODIFIED | |
10-Nov-2020 | 20-Aug-2013 | MODIFIED | ||
10-Nov-2020 | 28-Feb-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
22-Mar-2011 | MODIFIED |
Species Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae (Sparrman, 1787)
Red-crowned Parakeet, Red-fronted Parakeet
Taxonomic Decision for Subspecies Arrangement
Extra Distribution Information
Extinct in Australia, small populations in NZ
Lord Howe Province (14)
Other Regions
Lord Howe Island terrestrial & freshwater
Details of nominate subspecies, not present in Australia
Psittacus novaezelandiae Sparrman, A. 1789. Museum Carlsonianum. In quo Novas et Selectas Aves, Coloribus ad vivum brevique descriptione illustratas, Suasu et Sumtibus Generosissimi Possessoris. Holmiae : Typographia Regia Fasc. 2 pls 26–50 pp. [publication dated as 1786–1789 Mathews, G.M. 1925. The Birds of Australia. Supplements 4 & 5. Bibliography of the Birds of Australia Pts 1 & 2. London : H.F. & G. Witherby viii 149 pp. Zimmer, J.T. 1926. Catalogue of the Edward E. Ayer Ornithological Library. Field Museum of Natural History Publications, Zoological Series 16: 1–364 (Pt 1, Publ. 239), 365–706 (Pt 2, Publ. 240)] [text to pl. 28] [as Novae Zelandiae; also as incorrect subsequent spellings, novaezeelandiae by Kuhl, H. 1820. Conspectus Psittacorum. Cum specierum definitionibus, novarum descriptionibus, synonymis et circa patriam singularum naturalem adversariis, adjecto indice museorum, ubi earum artificiosae exuviae servantur. Nova Acta Phys. Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol. 10: 1–104 pls I–III [For publication date Mathews, G.M. 1925. The Birds of Australia. Supplements 4 & 5. Bibliography of the Birds of Australia Pts 1 & 2. London : H.F. & G. Witherby viii 149 pp.] (44), novaesealandiae by Wagler, J.G. 1832. Monographia Psittacorum. Abhandlungen K. Bayer Akademie Wissenschaftlichen München 1: 463–750 [published Dec. 1832] (525), and novaezealandiae by Bonaparte, C.L. 1854. Tableau des perroquets. Rev. Mag. Zool. Paris 2 6: 145–158 (153)-the unjustified emendations novaeseelandiae Wagler, 1832, novaezeelandiae Finsch, 1868, and novaezealandiae Salvadori, 1891 are not treated here, being junior objective synonyms based on a non-Australian type; for identification of holotype and type locality, see Sundevall, C.J. 1857. Kritisk framställning af fogelarterna uti äldre Ornithologiska arbeten. I. Museum Carlsonianum. II. Le Vaillant, Oiseaux d'Afrique. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar ns 2(3): 16–60; holotype figured on pl. 28 of original description and on pl. 46 in the J.G. Forster drawings in BMNH, see Sharpe, R.B. 1906. Birds. pp. 79–515 in, The History of the Collections contained in the Natural History Departments of the British Museum. London : British Museum Vol. 2. (181)]
Type data: holotype NHRM*.
Type locality: Dusky Sound, South Island, New Zealand (as Nova Zelandia), see Sharpe, R.B. 1906. Birds. pp. 79–515 in, The History of the Collections contained in the Natural History Departments of the British Museum. London : British Museum Vol. 2. [181].
General References
Forshaw, J.M. 1978. Parrots of the World. 2nd (revised) Edn. Illustrated by W.T. Cooper. Melbourne : Lansdowne Edns 616 pp. 158 pls. (subspecific arrangement)
McAllan, I.A.W. & Bruce, M.D. 1989. The Birds of New South Wales A Working List. Turramurra, New South Wales : Biocon Research Group vii 103 pp. [publication dated 1988, published May 1989] (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement)
Phipps, G. 1981. The Kakarikis. Australian Aviculture 35: 126-139 (subspecific arrangement)
Salvadori, T. 1891. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Psittaci, or Parrots. London : British Museum Vol. 20 xvii 658 pp. XVIII pls. (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement)
Sibley, C.G. & Monroe, B.L., Jr 1990. Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World. New Haven : Yale University Press xxiv 1111 pp. (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement)
Wolters, H.E. 1975–1982. Die Vogelarten der Erde. Eine systematische Liste mit Verbreitungsangaben sowie deutschen und englischen Namen. Hamburg : Paul Parey xx 745 pp. (subspecific arrangement)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
10-Nov-2020 | AVES | 04-Nov-2022 | MODIFIED | |
10-Nov-2020 | 01-Mar-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
10-Nov-2020 | 28-Feb-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
22-Mar-2011 | MODIFIED |
Subspecies Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae erythrotis (Wagler, 1832) (extinct)
- Platycercus erythrotis Wagler, J.G. 1832. Monographia Psittacorum. Abhandlungen K. Bayer Akademie Wissenschaftlichen München 1: 463-750 [published Dec. 1832] [526] [based in part on Psittacus pacificus Gmelin, 1788 var. gamma in Latham, J. 1790. Index ornithologicus, sive Systema Ornithologiae; complectens avium divisionem in classes, ordines, genera, species, ipsarumque varietates: adjectis synonymis, locis, descriptionibus, &c. London : Leigh & Sotheby Vol. 1 & 2 xviii 920 pp. [published Dec. Mathews, G.M. 1927. Systema Avium Australasianarum. A systematic list of the birds of the Australasian region. London : British Ornithologists' Union Pt 1 iv 426 pp. Mathews, G.M. 1913. A List of the Birds of Australia containing the names and synonyms connected with each genus, species, and subspecies of birds found in Australia, at present known to the author. London : Witherby xxvii 453 pp.] (104), on Platycercus pacificus (Latham =Gmelin, 1788) in Vigors, N.A. 1825. Descriptions of some rare, interesting, or hitherto uncharacterized subjects of zoology. Zoological Journal 1: 526–542 [published Jan.] (529 and suppl. 1, f. 1-lectotype), and on specimens in BMNH, the Linnean Society of London, and N.A. Vigors' collection of live birds; because other subspecies may have been included in the protologue, a lectotype is selected here to tie erythrotis Wagler, 1832 to the Macquarie Island form, as is conventional; specimens which Vigors, N.A. 1825. Descriptions of some rare, interesting, or hitherto uncharacterized subjects of zoology. Zoological Journal 1: 526–542 [published Jan.] referred to were then in his own collection and in the collection of the British Museum—although none of this material was traced in BMNH with certainty by Salvadori, T. 1891. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Psittaci, or Parrots. London : British Museum Vol. 20 xvii 658 pp. XVIII pls (586), Sharpe, R.B. 1906. Birds. pp. 79–515 in, The History of the Collections contained in the Natural History Departments of the British Museum. London : British Museum Vol. 2. (414–416) and Warren, R.L.M. 1966. Type-specimens of Birds in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 1 Non-Passerines. London : British Museum ix 320 pp., it is nevertheless possible that the BMNH specimen cited by Salvadori, T. 1891. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Psittaci, or Parrots. London : British Museum Vol. 20 xvii 658 pp. XVIII pls from the Zoological Society (of London) is Vigors', and the lectotype chosen here, given that Vigors passed his collection to that Society, see Sharpe, R.B. 1906. Birds. pp. 79–515 in, The History of the Collections contained in the Natural History Departments of the British Museum. London : British Museum Vol. 2].
Type data:
Lectotype BNHM (figured as fig. 1 in Vigors, N.A. 1825. Descriptions of some rare, interesting, or hitherto uncharacterized subjects of zoology. Zoological Journal 1: 526–542 [published Jan.], institution uncertain, unsexed, ex Zoological Society of London coll.), Macquarie Is. (as insula Macquariana).
Paralectotype(s) ZSM unsexed (institution uncertain, ex Linnean Society of London coll.).Subsequent designation references:
Vigors, N.A. 1825. Descriptions of some rare, interesting, or hitherto uncharacterized subjects of zoology. Zoological Journal London 1: 526-542 [published Jan.]; Schodde, R. in Schodde, R. & Mason, I.J. 1997. Aves (Columbidae to Coraciidae). In, Houston, W.W.K. & Wells, A. (eds). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing, Australia Vol. 37.2 xiii 440 pp. [147].
Extra Distribution Information
Southern Ocean, extinct since c. 1880 .
Ecological Descriptors
Alpine, arthropod-feeder, diurnal, granivore, gregarious, low shrubland, sedentary, terrestrial, tussock grassland, volant.
Extra Ecological Information
Seasonal breeder, sexually dimorphic in size of bill, apparently fed on ground, shore and shrubbery on seeds and crustacea, and nested in burrows.
General References
Oliver, W.R.B. 1955. New Zealand Birds. Wellington : A.H. & A.W. Reed 661 pp. 12 pls. (history of occurrence and extinction; anecdotal biology)
Taylor, R.H. 1979. How the Macquarie Island Parakeet became extinct. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 2: 42-45 (history of extinction)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
10-Nov-2020 | AVES | 29-Mar-2021 | MODIFIED | |
10-Nov-2020 | 20-Aug-2013 | MODIFIED | ||
10-Nov-2020 | 28-Feb-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
Subspecies Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae subflavescens Salvadori, 1891 (extinct)
- Cyanoramphus subflavescens Salvadori, T. 1891. Descriptions of two new species of parrots of the genus Cyanorhamphus in the British Museum. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 6 7: 68 [published before Dec.] [68] [as Cyanorhamphus subflavescens; based on the only two known specimens, ex J. Gould collection, taken by J. MacGillivray in Sept. 1853 on the voyage of H.M.S. 'Harold', and figured on pl. XVII in Salvadori, T. 1891. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Psittaci, or Parrots. London : British Museum Vol. 20 xvii 658 pp. XVIII pls, and by Phipps, G. 1981. The Kakarikis. Australian Aviculture 35: 126–139; syntypes missexed by exchanged labels, see Salvadori, T. 1891. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. Catalogue of the Psittaci, or Parrots. London : British Museum Vol. 20 xvii 658 pp. XVIII pls (585); Warren, R.L.M. 1966. Type-specimens of Birds in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 1 Non-Passerines. London : British Museum ix 320 pp.].
Type data:
Syntype(s) BMNH 1881.5.1.4812 ♂ (=♀) adult, Lord Howe Is.; BMNH no. unspecified ♂ (=♀), Lord Howe Is.
Extra Distribution Information
Lord Howe Province (14)
Other Regions
Lord Howe Island terrestrial & freshwater
Ecological Descriptors
Arboreal, closed forest, diurnal, frugivorous, granivore, gregarious, sedentary, volant.
Extra Ecological Information
Seasonal breeder, sexually dimorphic in size of bill, apparently fed on seeds and fruits in shrubs, trees and crops, nesting unrecorded.
General References
Forshaw, J.M. 1981. Australian Parrots. 2nd (revised) Edn. Illustrated by W.T. Cooper. Melbourne : Lansdowne Edns 312 pp. 56 pls. (general biology, references)
Hindwood, K.A. 1940. The birds of Lord Howe Island. The Emu 40: 1-86 pl. 1 (history of occurrence and extinction)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
10-Nov-2020 | AVES | 04-Nov-2022 | MODIFIED | |
10-Nov-2020 | 20-Aug-2013 | MODIFIED | ||
10-Nov-2020 | 28-Feb-2012 | MODIFIED | ||
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |